personal training | Learn: Your Fitness Business Resource
How to Make Money as a Fitness Blogger in 2021

How to Make Money as a Fitness Blogger in 2021

Get the Basics... Fitness blogging can generate additional revenue You can make money by promoting your fitness blog, offering products and services, and promoting your expertise Fitness blogging can be especially beneficial for personal trainers with unique niches...
What is the PTDC?

What is the PTDC?

Get the Basics... The PTDC is an online resource for personal trainers and fitness professionals. The Online Trainers Academy (OTA) and Online Trainer Coaching (OTC) are other components of the PTDC. Online PTDC reviews list both strengths and weaknesses of the PTDC...
3 Personal Training Package Ideas

3 Personal Training Package Ideas

Get the Basics... Providing personal training packages to clients can increase your gym’s attendance rate and revenue, ultimately contributing to your gym’s success.  There are many types of packages you can offer to clients, but you need to ensure that...
Can Personal Trainers Give Nutrition Advice?

Can Personal Trainers Give Nutrition Advice?

Get the Basics... It’s important to understand the recommendations when it comes to personal trainers giving nutrition advice to clients. Some broad and general nutrition advice is acceptable, but specific medical nutrition advice should be avoided. There are...
Should You Be Using Touch and Consent Forms and Guidelines?

Should You Be Using Touch and Consent Forms and Guidelines?

Get the Basics... Fitness professionals may use appropriate touch with clients to improve form, technique, or understand body awareness. Guidelines for appropriate professional touch include getting permission first and explaining where and why, which helps to...