Chromium Polynicotinate

Chromium Polynicotinate

Aid Overall Health

Chromium polynicotinate is a niacin bound form of chromium. This means that chromium polynicotinate compound has been modified to force the chromium molecule to attach itself to niacin in order to help it be better absorbed by the body.

Chromium itself is a natural element known under the symbol Cr which has been used for military and industrial purposes for over 2,000 years. There are several forms chromium can take including solid metal pieces and fine dust.

Using any form of chromium as a daily dietary supplement has been a matter of controversy ever since such supplements were introduced to the market.

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Chromium Polynicotinate and Controversy At the core of this controversy are two facts. The first is the fact that some forms of chromium have been proven to be carcinogenic in lab tests, and other forms have been proven to cause DNA damage. The second fact is that while chromium polynicoti... more

Chromium Polynicotinate and Controversy

At the core of this controversy are two facts. The first is the fact that some forms of chromium have been proven to be carcinogenic in lab tests, and other forms have been proven to cause DNA damage. The second fact is that while chromium polynicotinate does not contain a destructive form of chromium, there is no clinical evidence to suggest that taking it has any real benefits.

As for chromium polynicotinate itself, it is often promoted as the most "bioavailable" form of chromium on the market. Since the definition of "bioavailable" isn't really clear, it's not possible to say whether or not this claim is true. However, those who promote the substance do so by mentioning that it's far better and safer than its cousin, chromium picolinate, because it doesn't do the DNA damage the latter one does.

Chromium Polynicotinate and its Alleged Benefits

The most common claims for this supplement is that it helps your body regulate blood glucose levels, cholesterol, and protein metabolism. Chromium is said to play an important role involving the Glucose Tolerance Factor which is responsible in determining how well insulin binds to cell membranes. A chromium deficiency may be responsible, in part, for type II diabetes and high cholesterol.

Proponents also claim that while it is possible to get sufficient amounts of chromium through a normal, healthy diet, the average American needs to get chromium through supplements anyway. Yet there have only been three documented cases of chromium deficiency throughout the world!

Individuals who are chromium deficient will allegedly develop a variety of symptoms. These include cold hands, abnormal hunger and thirst, daytime drowsiness, frequent urination, neuropathy, cold sweats, unexplained weight loss, and an craving for sweets.

It must be noted that chromium supplements are used in the medical community on a limited basis. According to WebMD, chromium is sometimes used to help treat type II diabetes, some forms of depression, and high cholesterol levels.   

Despite these medical uses, clinical studies are inconclusive about its efficacy. Perhaps the effect varies so widely between individuals who use chromium polynicotinate that its effects can’t be standardized. Most likely, taking chromium polynicotinate probably won't hurt you if you stick to the proper dosage.

Chromium Polynicotinate Supplements

As a supplement, chromium polynicotinate is marketed in several different ways. Most often it is sold as part of a multivitamin package or a supplement designed to promote overall good health.

Chromium polynicotinate products are is aimed at those who are looking to shed a few extra pounds and maintain proper cholesterol levels. Product labeling will advise users as to how much chromium polynicotinate is included.

The second most common form of this supplement is aimed at those trying to lose weight and control their diabetes. Using the diabetes angle for marketing is understandable given the fact that some in the medical community use chromium supplements for this purpose.

The weight loss claims for chromium polynicotinate have never been scientifically proven or even studied extensively. Yet it is often an ingredient in weight loss products.

Finally, chromium polynicotinate is also used as ingredient in some bodybuilding supplements. The alleged benefit here is that chromium polynicotinate seems to help metabolic function. A properly regulated metabolism helps the body builder better use nutrients as he does his daily workout. Again, there is no clinical evidence to back up this claim.

Chromium Polynicotinate Side Effects

According to Vanderbilt University, the FDA not only considers chromium polynicotinate supplements to be generally safe but also recommends daily supplementation for those being treated for type II diabetes.  The university warns against chromium polynicotinate as an ingredient in weight loss or bodybuilding supplements due to the fact that interaction with other ingredients can be potentially hazardous.

Adverse side effects have been reported in some people who have taken this supplement over long periods of time. Most of these side effects are minor and include headache, dizziness, nausea, skin rashes, impaired coordination and judgment, mood swings, and reduced thinking skills.

Side effects from overdose can be more serious and include kidney and liver damage, blood disorders, depression, unexplained anxiety, and even schizophrenia. Ironically, taking too much chromium polynicotinate as a diabetes treatment can actually work against the patient, causing glucose to drop to dangerous levels. Diabetics using chromium supplements should do so with caution.

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  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Skin Rash
Mood Swings
Impaired Coordination And Judgment
Reduced Thinking Skills
Overdose May Cause More Serious Side Effects
Chromium Polynicotinate, Chromium
Lowering Cholesterol
Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
Protein Metabolism
Treats Type II Diabetes