Which supplements should I take and when? | Exercise.com Learn: Your Fitness Business Resource

Which supplements should I take and when?

Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-certified strength and conditioning specialist. He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life. He has been featured in Shape, Healthline, HuffPost, Women's...

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UPDATED: Jun 30, 2021

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Get the Basics...
  • Supplements can help you get the most out of your workout, but only if they are used properly.
  • Protein supplements come in a multitude of options, so if you have dietary restrictions, you are sure to find one that works for you.
  • You can take control of your workout in a variety of ways with dietary supplements.

It’s often difficult to know which supplements you should take and when to take them.

When you’re working hard to build your body, it’s motivating to actually see the results. Using various enhancements or supplements may help you to see results sooner.

Overall, it’s your body you are building. Why not use supplements if they can help you? The following information can help you get started.

Of course, supplementation is only one part of an overall healthy lifestyle; exercise matters, too. Go PRO today for access to workout routines, goal trackers, and more.

What Are Supplements?

Simply put, a supplement is something extra that is added to make a thing complete, to compensate for an insufficiency, or an item designed to give a boost.

Supplements created for bodybuilding can be found in both powder and pill form as well as pre-made shakes.

Protein supplements can help if you are trying to gain weight in order to build more muscle.

What Are Some Popular Protein Supplements?

Protein supplements come in many forms, making them versatile to your tastes and dietary needs. For an easy rundown, here’s a quick video.

To detail out the main points of each protein supplement option:

  • Whey protein – One of the most popular and widely available products, it is helpful because it works quickly in your body and can be used anytime since it comes in both powder and bar form. A couple of examples are Muscle Milk and Supreme Protein Bars.
  • Egg protein – Great because it can give you the muscle-building benefits of eggs without the inconvenience of using actual eggs, it’s also beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have other lactose issues. One example you may have seen is MRM All Natural Egg White Protein.
  • Casein protein – This is a slower working protein that is good for those looking for more prolonged, constant performance. A few brands on the market are CytoSport Monster Milk and Optimum Gold Standard 100 Percent Casein.
  • Soy protein – Not mentioned in the video, soy protein is another variety and is sometimes preferred by women because it is low in cholesterol and fat. Additionally, soy is vegetable-based and has many other health benefits such as being high in fiber and vitamin B-6. A product you may have seen is 2:1 Protein Bars.

For other vegetarian or vegan options, you can try plant proteins, which are made from rice and vegetables. You can find products such as Garden of Life RAW Protein and Jarrow Formulas Brown Rice Proteins in many health food markets.

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How Do Protein Supplements Work?

Protein is made of amino acids and when the body takes in protein, it is then broken back down into amino acids. There are some products that tout the benefits of individual or grouped amino acids, more commonly referred to as BCAA or branched-chain amino acids.

They can help in bodybuilding because they are broken down quickly for use in the muscles, unlike merely eating certain foods, which take time to be processed by your body.

Some of these include products containing glutamine, carnitine, and cysteine. Examples currently on the shelves include Super Pump Max and BCAA 3300.

What Is Creatine?

Creatine, another popular supplement, is a substance that is produced naturally in your body and is most prevalent in muscles of the skeleton. One of its benefits is that it helps your muscles maintain water, which accounts for a more “bulked up” appearance.

On the shelves, you may see products that combine creatine with other substances, such as sugar or protein. A few common examples are Con-Cret and CellMass.

There are also hormone supplements for bodybuilding. These products are designed to increase the natural hormones already present in your body as well as raise the level of nitric oxide, which adds to the amount of oxygen and blood flow received by your muscles.

Such products may help if you often feel overly exhausted after a workout and want to improve your level of energy. Examples include N.O.-XPlode and Assault.

What Are the Benefits of Taking Supplements?

First, there is no supplement on the market that will get you on the cover of a bodybuilding magazine overnight. You have to put in the work. But the benefits of taking supplements can include:

  • An increase in muscle size and strength
  • Faster weight gain to help build more muscle
  • Added energy

However, some experts believe most people get all the nutrients and vitamins they need just by eating a normal, healthy diet.

When Should You Take Supplements?

For maximum advantage, protein and amino acid supplements should be taken as soon as possible before and/or after an exercise session. Some, such as those containing glutamine, will give you the maximum benefit if you take them before bedtime.

Each product is different. Once you decide which supplement is right for you, the information on the label will give you guidelines on how it should be taken for the greatest advantage.

And don’t forget that taking supplements is just one part of a fitness regimen. Check out our PRO Plan now and sign up to track and plan your workouts and stay focused on your long-term workout goals.

  1. https://www.musclemilk.com/
  2. https://www.supremeprotein.com/
  3. https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/digestive-diseases-lactose-intolerance#1
  4. https://mrm-usa.com/shop/protein/egg-white-protein/
  5. https://www.cytosportmonster.com/
  6. https://www.optimumnutrition.com/en_US/products/gold-standard-casein#8G6h88bdpQ4pbqVO.97
  7. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/146935.php
  8. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-vitamin-b6/art-20363468
  9. https://www.2to1proteinbars.com/
  10. https://www.gardenoflife.com/content/product/why-choose-raw-protein/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsMj888zJ2QIVRbnACh2DRQPEEAAYAiAAEgJggfD_BwE
  11. https://www.jarrow.com/product/264/Brown_Rice_Protein
  12. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/protein/
  13. https://www.aminoacid-studies.com/amino-acids/what-are-amino-acids.html
  14. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1005-branched-chain%20amino%20acids.aspx?activeingredientid=1005
  15. https://examine.com/supplements/glutamine/
  16. https://www.umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/carnitine-lcarnitine
  17. https://www.immunehealthscience.com/cysteine.html
  18. https://gasparinutrition.com/products/super-pump-max
  19. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=bcaa+3300&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=153670409416&hvpos=1t2&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8575589347861920978&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012449&hvtargid=kwd-23881386687&ref=pd_sl_8fps7oa8df_e
  20. https://examine.com/supplements/creatine/
  21. https://www.vireosystems.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40&zenid=ugjdcgsfve79068tk277mbpdt7&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImO2u8s7J2QIV17rACh1HQwrAEAAYAyAAEgKV-fD_BwE
  22. https://www.gobsn.com/product/cellmass2.html#aRFgGLTkEISK0md1.97
  23. https://www.nutritionexpress.com/showarticle.aspx?articleid=286
  24. https://www.gobsn.com/product/noxplode.html#itLT2FgCbD1e1SEk.97
  25. https://www.strongsupplementshop.com/nano-genin-by-assault-nano-series

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