Advance Health Nutrition

Year Founded: 2005


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Advance Health Nutrition Products

Advance Health Nutrition or AHN has an array of products in different categories. They have:

  • Supplements
  • Meal plans
  • Food and diet products
  • Nutrition books and web programs
  • Flex belt
  • Videos

They carry appetite suppressants, metabolism boosters, and products that decrease cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that contributes to belly fat under stressful conditions. There are several other products that concentrate on cortisol levels since scientists discovered it as a culprit of stress. The patented supplements also include muscle-building compounds that bodybuilders use to prepare for competitions.

Most of these products contain concentrated levels of protein. Other supplements include the acai berry, hoodia, and colon-cleansing formulas.

  • Avesil: One product that is receiving a lot of attention is Avesil. Avesil is a fat burner that also lowers stress levels while maintaining muscle mass. Now that researchers are confident about the relation of cortisol to stress levels and thermogenesis, the fat burning process, many manufacturers are concentrating on it.
  • Flex belt: The flex belt is a popular product that uses electric pulsating action to exercise the abdominal muscles. This concept has been used for over 30 years in patients with muscle atrophy. It is intended to prompt the abdominal muscles to contract and relax naturally at approximately 120 pulses per minute. Athletes have been known to use this product to keep their abdominal muscles toned.
  • Meal Plans: AHN also makes meal plans available to its customers to compete with outfits like Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig. Educational products are also available to customers who want to read or watch videos on advanced nutrition. They also have a website if you want to check them out on the web. Reviews are also available, and meant to give you an idea of what others think of the products.

Advance Health Nutrition Defined

Maximum health requires consciousness and balance of proper diet and exercise. Ideally, you need to eat organic vegetables, free roaming animal meat, and limit your intake of carbohydrates, while balancing the amount of healthy fats in order to ensure the amount of nutrients necessary for daily recommendations.

It is almost impossible for the average person to say they do, with confidence. In addition to a strict diet, one would have to maintain a lean body mass index, meaning the ratio between your fat content and muscle tone for your height and weight. It is more commonly known as your BMI.

Most people are unable to get the most nutrient vegetables because we buy them from a grocer. You would have to grow your own vegetables without pesticides to get the most nutrient vegetable possible. Animals in their natural habitat produce the best proteins, while carbohydrates are often processed.

Supplements are scientifically made to offer nutrition in a concentrated form. A doctor is more qualified to advise you on which supplements work best for you base on your current state of health and history.

Poor nutrition is the culprit for many ailments. If you are lacking energy or sleep, it may be because of diet. Prolonged or chronic poor nutrition can result in a more serious condition. The opposite is also true. Too much of a good thing may also be bad for you. This is why it is important to seek medical advice. The latest trend my be appealing, but prove to be detrimental in the end. Natural supplements with natural ingredients may be a better choice than those with synthetic compounds.

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Advance Health Nutrition