Armor Nutrition

Year Founded: N/A


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Armor Nutrition Reviews

An Internet search of the company name will yield a long list of results related to postings on various forums and review websites. A common theme among many posts is the question of whether or not the company is legitimate. Many other posters also ask if anyone has used the products and what success they may or may not have seen. Reading through these posts yields very little useful information as it seems that very few people have used Armor Nutrition supplements.

One such post suggests that Armor Nutrition ran into trouble with its Havoc supplement, thereby doing damage to the company's overall reputation. A few posters responded to say they heard something similar, but this information cannot be independently verified. To be fair, there are a small number of posts from athletes who have used Armor Nutrition supplements and have claimed good success. There is even one post in which a bodybuilder offers a complete guide to using supplements from this company safely.

Armor Nutrition Pricing

It doesn't appear that Armor Nutrition products are still available on the market, but at one time its ephedra capsules sold for $8.99 per bottle. The company's other four supplements sold at prices ranging from $25-$35. It's unknown how many doses were included for the prices given, or how long these products were supposed last.

However, where the ephedra is concerned, if the standard package contained the same number of units as other weight loss supplements, the price seems reasonable. As for the other supplements, price comparisons can only be made side-by-side with other similar products.

Armor Nutrition Controversy

One of the company's body supplements known as Halo-E has been the subject of much controversy among weight trainers and bodybuilders. Some contend that this product can cause liver damage while others claim it is completely safe. The fact that there is a disagreement at all over the issue simply provides further proof that using hormones and anabolic steroids is a risky venture for bodybuilders. Those who choose to go down this road are assuming a risk upon themselves that probably is not worthwhile. Armor Nutrition supplements have been advertised as being extremely potent, so users should be aware before using them.

Another matter of controversy regarding this company is the fact that information is so difficult to find. In several forum postings it is recognized by posters that it's difficult for bodybuilders to put their faith in a company about which so little is known. Again, the company does have its supporters who claim the products are safe and effective. It's important to note that one poster who introduced Halo-E via a forum post in 2007 has since been banned.

As with any bodybuilding supplements athletes should be very cautious before ingesting or injecting anything into their bodies. It is always a wise idea to consult your physician and personal trainer before taking any supplements.

Whether you're talking about Armor Nutrition, or any other supplement maker, you may be better off sticking with natural supplements and bodybuilding methods like creatine that are naturally suited to the body's muscle building mechanisms. Introducing artificial substances as a means of building muscle mass might not be such a good idea. Compare the options for enhancing any workout by using the free supplement finder now! 

Armor Nutrition