Alpha Carotene

Alpha Carotene

Aid Overall Health

Alpha Carotene, also known as alpha carotene, is a specific form of carotene with a b-ring and e-ring at opposite ends. It is part of the carotenoid family which gives carrots, tomatoes, and other colorful vegetables their vibrant hues.

Interestingly, there are hundreds of vegetables which contain carotenoids but whose colors are not vibrant because they are blocked by green colored chlorophyll. Of all the carotenes utilized by humans, alpha and beta carotene are the most common.

The most beneficial aspect of alpha carotene is the fact that it can be converted by the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A has long been associated with healthy skin, strong bones, excellent vision, and a properly functioning immune system.

This may be one of the reasons why individuals who eat large amounts of vegetables seem to be healthier and have better overall physical fitness. Alpha carotene has also been studied as an effective antioxidant supplement

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Alpha Carotene and Free Radicals Free radicals are rogue oxygen molecules that can cause a whole host of physical problems if not kept in check. Examples of those problems include heart disease, vascular system issues, and even some types of cancers. Antioxidants are very effective in ... more

Alpha Carotene and Free Radicals

Free radicals are rogue oxygen molecules that can cause a whole host of physical problems if not kept in check. Examples of those problems include heart disease, vascular system issues, and even some types of cancers.

Antioxidants are very effective in reducing free radicals in the body. Among all of the antioxidants, few work as effectively as alpha carotene. Beta carotene also works as an antioxidant but is seemingly not as effective as alpha carotene.

Controlling free radicals has been linked to overall good health in several major studies. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why alpha carotene is often advertised as a supplement to aid overall good health.

Such claims have been bolstered somewhat by a study that was released in 2010 and published by the Archives of Internal Medicine. The study was conducted by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who looked at more than 15,000 subjects and the levels of carotene in their bodies.

The 18-year study collected blood samples from subjects and included research into how those who passed away during the period died. The researchers concluded that those with consistently high levels of alpha carotene in their systems tended to live longer than those without. Researchers believe that alpha carotene's effectiveness as an antioxidant is the main reason why certain subjects live longer.

Alpha Carotene Supplements vs. Diet

There is an ongoing argument within the supplement community as to whether or not alpha carotene is better taken as a supplement or ingested as part of a balanced diet. Some supplement marketers have floated the idea that the body better absorbs alpha carotene when taken in supplement form.

However, medical studies beg to differ. It would appear as though supplements may have some beneficial effect, but the body best absorbs alpha carotene when it is sourced from a healthy diet rich in carotene containing vegetables.

As the debate rages some supplement companies make the case that supplements are a good idea in lieu of a balanced diet. This is a reasonable claim due to the fact that most Americans don't eat a well balanced diet.

If supplementation is the only way most people will get enough alpha carotene in their systems, it's probably a good idea according to supplement makers. However, whether or not to supplement is a decision that is ultimately left to the individual and his or her doctor.

Alpha Carotene Side Effects

Various studies involving alpha carotene, and carotenoids in general, did not show any serious side effects when taken in moderation by healthy individuals. In fact, no upper limit dosage has been recommended by the National Academy of Sciences which studied carotenes in 2000.

That being said, doctors still caution against taking alpha carotene in excess because of the general rule of toxicity associated with excess consumption of any supplement. Remember that these supplements are not regulated by the FDA.

There have been some studies suggesting a link between excess carotenes and premature death in smokers. No concrete reason has been given for this link, so it's possible that the role of excess carotenes is rather minimal. Nonetheless, the link suggests that smokers refrain from taking alpha carotene as a supplement and instead simply maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Alpha Carotene and Other Possible Benefits

Ongoing studies of carotenoids suggested they may be beneficial in treating a host of other diseases and chronic conditions. However, it must be noted that these studies don't separate alpha carotene out as being especially helpful.

Nonetheless, a daily intake of carotenoids may be helpful in the prevention of macular degeneration, cataracts, certain types of heart disease, infertility, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, certain types of cancers, and photosensitivity issues.

Despite all of the well known benefits of vitamin A and antioxidants, there is still quite a bit about alpha carotene that remains unknown. Therefore it is advised that individuals consult their doctors before beginning a supplement regimen that includes daily intake of alpha carotene.

Your doctor will most likely give you the green light, but it's always best to be sure anyway. To compare alpha carotene products, use the supplement finder now!


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Bone Strength
Fights Free Radicals
Immune Health
Skin Health