Creatine Orotate

Creatine Orotate

Aid Overall Health / Build Muscle / Increase Energy

In your effort to get the most benefits from your weight lifting workouts, you may have looked into the various supplement choices and read about creatine orotate. This product is relatively new and contains a combination of creatine and orotic acid.

The packaging you see on store shelves will typically say tricreatine orotate. It is usually alongside other items in the creatine family of supplement products.

As you search for the tools that will help you get the maximum results for all your weight training exercises, creatine orotate may be one you want to add to your arsenal.

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The Creatine In Creatine Orotate Creatine is an amino acid which your body produces naturally in your kidneys and liver. You can also get it from certain foods such as red meat, fish and other animal products. Creatine is recommended by both bodybuilders and weekend athletes because it... more

The Creatine In Creatine Orotate

Creatine is an amino acid which your body produces naturally in your kidneys and liver. You can also get it from certain foods such as red meat, fish and other animal products.

Creatine is recommended by both bodybuilders and weekend athletes because it has been proven successful in helping to build muscle.

The protein that is so important for almost every area of your body is made up of amino acids. Your muscles, bones and organs all require a significant amount of protein.

One of the major advantages for using creatine supplements is that it helps your muscles retain more water. This results in the more bulked up appearance that has become synonymous with its use.

It is good for those who wish to see the effects of their workout plan sooner and works most for those who participate in events for which short bursts of energy are required. Studies have shown that athletes who need prolonged stamina do not experience the same benefits from the extra creatine taken from supplements.

By allowing your muscles to retain water, creatine assists in delivering more protein when they need it most, before and after a weight lifting session. When your muscles are full of nutrients, it also provides more energy so they perform at peak capacity for a longer period of time. Working out more can equal greater muscle growth.

Creatine Orotate Compared to Other Types of Creatine

You can find creatine in several varieties such as monohydrate, ethyl ester, hydrochloride and now creatine orotate forms. Additionally, you can purchase it as a standalone supplement, or mixed with other ingredients such as glutamine, nitric oxide and whey protein.

Creatine is most popular in powder form, but is also available as a liquid or pill. Creatine is a preferred supplement choice for bodybuilders because it is a natural product and works quickly.

Creatine is widely accepted in most professional sports and other competitions. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, creatine is among the most prevalent supplements, with more than 10 million dollars in sales every year.

All types of creatine still basically have the same outcomes, which is to provide you with extra energy and get you pumped up. Each also works to improve the speed at which your muscles soak in the creatine for fastest use and benefits.

The difference in the numerous forms consists of price, taste and concentration of creatine. More information about creatine can be found on the medical advice site MedicineNet.

The Orotic Acid in Creatine

Orotic acid helps your body produce adenosine triphosphate, commonly referred to among bodybuilders as ATP. ATP is a nucleotide that is responsible for your body's energy use. Without ATP, you could not perform even the smallest tasks, like waving or whistling.

Most abundant in cow's milk, orotic acid can also be obtained from vegetables that grow underground, such as beets and potatoes. You can also get it from milk byproducts like whey. Orotic acid is sometimes referred to as vitamin B13 although it is not technically a vitamin.

Bodybuilders Benefit From Creatine Orotate

Creatine orotate aids in the production of carnosine, which has been shown to boost cellular energy, for your muscles by enhancing the creation of the amino acid beta alanine. When you work out, your body is fighting a constant battle against weakness and exhaustion.

Creatine orotate is said to prevent the buildup of lactic acid in your muscles, which has the effect of making you less tired so you can lift weights longer.

For the best results from each training session, your muscles have to effectively use the protein you take in. Creatine orotate helps with this process by increasing your body's natural production of creatine.

Side Effects From Using Creatine Orotate

It is recommended that you do not take more than 10 milligrams of creatine orotate daily. In any form, using too much creatine has side effects.

For instance, taking too much creatine orotate may prevent your body from making its own creatine. Additionally, an excess of orotic acid has been linked to gout.

Looking for the right creatine supplement? To locate and compare creatine orotate products, use the supplement finder now!


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
None Known When Taken Properly
Amino Acid(s)
Build Muscle
Aids In ATP Production
Aids In Production Of Carnosine
Helps Muscles Retain Water
Prevents Build Up Of Lactic Acid
Provides Short Burst Of Energy