

Increase Energy

Despite its long name, chances are pretty high that you’ve probably heard of the dietary supplement glucuronolactone before. In fact, it’s been the object of quite a few debates over the past couple of decades relating to its proper use and true origin. There have many multiple studies done regarding the effect it has on the human body because of these disagreements.

The most widely recognized products that contain Glucuronolactone are the various popular energy drinks being marketed. So even if you haven’t actually heard the name you’ve probably at least used it once yourself! Glucuronolactone is a completely naturally occurring substance that is already found in small quantities within the human body and certain types of plant resources. The use of this product as a nutritional supplement is discussed below.

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Glucuronolactone and Dosage Please note that the supplementation of dietary aid glucuronolactone is only meant for the use of adults. It is not intended for children, nor has it even been tested. There is the possibility of serious harm if you allow children to take it. If you have any dou... more

Glucuronolactone and Dosage

Please note that the supplementation of dietary aid glucuronolactone is only meant for the use of adults. It is not intended for children, nor has it even been tested. There is the possibility of serious harm if you allow children to take it. If you have any doubts always consult with a physician before you or someone else you know uses it.

 That being said there really is no set dose for glucuronolactone. Naturally, it is found in very small amounts. When it’s used as a dietary supplement you should expect to see a wide rage of recommendations regarding the proper dosage. For example, many sources will give the broad range of anywhere from 500mg all the way up to 3000mg. That’s quite a difference!   

There are several different forms of Glucuronolactone. For instance, it is available in three primary forms: as a liquid, a pill and a powder supplement.

Glucuronolactone Benefits

The primary reason people use Glucuronolactone is because it is believed to counteract the effects of fatigue – hence the reason it is an ingredient included in almost all of the well known energy drinks. Similar to caffeine, it can help keep your body going even when your mind has already quit on you.

Glucuronolactone is also reported to support a sense of well being for the user. However, this is only a by-product of the studies out there regarding the use of this supplement. So far there have not been any official reports that were centered solely on proving or disproving this particular theory.

Because it is known to aid in increasing the energy levels in the body many professional and amateur body builders and weight trainers use glucuronolactone as a supplement. The reasons behind this are pretty self explanatory. Increased energy levels can of course lead to longer more intense work outs, which will eventually lead to the desired results.

The supplement itself is very quickly metabolized and absorbed by the body which in turn creates an advantage to taking it. The results are generally seen very quickly, which is why many drivers afraid of falling asleep on the road like to drink it in a beverage form.

Glucuronolactone Side Effects

As of right now, there are no studies that give any conclusive information about the potential toxicity of Glucuronolactone. Because it is a substance that is naturally found in the human body many sources say that it is not harmful at all. However, there are always cases that fall outside of the norm so you cannot rely on this advice to apply to your situation without consulting a qualified health professional.

However, there have been a few studies that showed results indicating that energy drinks have the potential to be harmful to your health. Because glucuronolactone is a primary ingredient in a lot of these drinks you should keep those results in mind before you decide to take it as a supplement.

So far, the most serious effect resulting from glucuronolactone is the inability to fall asleep. There is also the chance of gastrointestinal distress if you consume too much at one time. In order to avoid both of these side effects always remember to take the recommended dosage at a time you would not normally be attempting to fall asleep!

Glucuronolactone Conclusion

While there really have not been any major side effects reported when using Glucuronolactone as a supplement you should always proceed with caution. Never stray out of the normal dosage recommendations without being advised by a professional.

Please take the time to always consult with your doctor before you decide to try using any new supplements or over the counter remedies. There are a lot of factors that can influence the side effects that you may experience, which makes it very important that you discuss your current eating habits and allergies to both food and medicine. If you don’t have a doctor readily available to you consider asking a qualified pharmacist.

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Gastric Upset
Sense Of Well-Being