Ionic Whey Protein

Ionic Whey Protein

Build Muscle / Burn Fat / Gain Weight

Whey protein comes from milk. More specifically, when milk is being changed into cheese, manufacturers remove the whey protein from the milk during the process. Whey protein is one of the two components of milk protein; casein is the other part. Ionic whey protein refers to the ionic exchange that occurs during the processing process. 

The ionic exchange is a little technical so, to keep things simple, this process separates protein by using hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. This results in a product that has less fat and lactose than products that don’t include the ionic process.

The problem with the ionic process, however, is that some molecules are altered in the process which causes the loss of some beneficial elements of the whey protein. While these components still remain they are no longer helpful when you use ionic whey protein supplements.

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Ionic Whey Protein Loss The elements lost during the iconic process includes: GMP (glycomacropeptides) Immunoglobulins Alpha lactalbumin Lactoferrin GMPs aid in the digestive process and improve the absorption of calcium in the body. This can equal a boost i... more

Ionic Whey Protein Loss

The elements lost during the iconic process includes:

  • GMP (glycomacropeptides)
  • Immunoglobulins
  • Alpha lactalbumin
  • Lactoferrin

GMPs aid in the digestive process and improve the absorption of calcium in the body. This can equal a boost in immunity. Immunoglobulins are antibodies that also boost the immunity. Alpha lactalbumin contains amino acids and lactoferrin has anti cancer and immune booting capabilities.

Despite what you might read on some body building websites, ionic whey protein or whey protein in general is not an essential or non essential nutrient. You cannot be deficient in whey protein because the body doesn’t need it to function.

This doesn’t mean, however, that there aren’t perceived benefits to using whey protein, only that they aren’t a necessity to life.

Ionic Whey Protein Uses

The first thing that you might want to know about ionic whey protein is that it is primarily used by body builders, weight trainers and athletes who focus on their protein. Protein supplements have long been the most heavily used of all of the supplements in the athletic world.

The reason for this is that protein synthesizes structural proteins such as muscle and hormones such as insulin and the growth hormone. This is directly related to the body’s ability to develop muscle while working out and exercising. In addition, these hormones and muscle aid in recovery after a workout, how your body absorbs nutrients, how strong you get and so on.

Although whey protein is not necessary for the human body, protein is. In fact, there are 22 amino acids that make up protein and they are the building blocks of life.

The benefits of whey protein are not documented in terms of human clinical trials. This is interesting considering how long it has been around; however, given the length of time it has been in use, there are some benefits that simply cannot be denied.

Ionic Whey Protein Benefits

Ionic whey protein benefits include providing the body with the amino acids required for it to function more efficiently. While a protein deficiency is rare, weight lifters need more protein to get the benefits that they need.

One of the biggest benefits to using ionic whey protein is that it is very easy for the body to digest. In addition, it is absorbed easily, something that many, many other supplements are not.

Ionic whey protein also acts as an immune system booster because it increases glutathione in the body. This anti-oxidant is reduces when you work out heavily, which is why a supplement is so beneficial.

It is also believed that ionic whey protein helps slow down the rate in which glucose is absorbed in the bloodstream. A slower absorption rate lowers insulin levels and can even decrease hunger.

Having the right levels of protein can help you heal faster when you are injured, reduce the amount of times you get ill, help you to have a healthy heart and more. Ionic whey protein can be an important part of all of that.

If you have an illness that causes you to lose weight, or the treatment for the illness causes you to lose weight, such as cancer or HIV/AIDS, then your doctor may recommend ionic whey protein to help you regain or maintain your weight.

One thing worth pointing out is that the body can only absorb three to seven grams of protein per hour. What this means is that if you ingest 100 grams of protein before you workout, you aren’t offering your body any additional benefit. Despite the high load of ionic whey protein often recommend by weightlifting pros, the truth is that you  might as well only take as much as your body can absorb.

Ionic Whey Protein and Excessive Use

One of the first warnings about ionic whey protein is that long term excessive use can cause kidney damage. While whey protein is easily digested, it still has to pass through the liver during the process and long term exposure can really cause serious problems.

Another warning to take heed of is the effect that long term use can have on the liver. Again, this is about excessive use. Remember our reference to how much protein the body can absorb? If you keep that in mind, then you won’t be using excessive amounts of ionic whey protein.

Another thing to consider is whether or not you have a protein intolerance. Yes, this does exist! If you have problems breathing through your nose or have frequent sinus issues, then you may be protein intolerant. Talk with your doctor if you have these symptoms before continuing to take ionic whey protein.

In addition, as mentioned above, ionic whey protein comes from milk. If you are lactose intolerant you may face upset stomachs if you use ionic whey protein products. You may want to consider an ionic whey protein isolate, which has less lactose than other whey protein products.

Ionic Whey Protein Side Effects

Using to much ionic whey protein has several side effects. They include:

  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Increased bowel movements
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Thirst

In addition, if you are taking Levodopa you cannot take ionic whey protein. Ionic whey protein reduces the efficacy of Levodopa by preventing its absorption.

This absorption interference also occurs if you are taking:

  • Fosamax
  • Quinolone based antibiotics
  • Tetracycline based antibiotics

Ionic Whey Protein Supplements

The primary way to get ionic whey protein is through protein powders. These powders come in a variety of flavors so that you can create shakes or combine them with juice, water or other liquids for a drink.

They can be used as meal replacements or as part of or in addition to your meals. It really depends on what your goals are as to how you supplement with ionic whey protein.

In recent years, more and more companies have come out with ionic whey protein bars. Some people find that having the whey protein in food form is more satisfying; however this does tend to be a more expensive way to get your ionic whey protein.

The cost of ionic whey protein ranges from $2.49 for a single servicing bottle to $250 for a large container of powder. There are plenty of options in between these two prices in flavors such as:

  • Watermelon
  • Chocolate
  • Vanilla
  • Cherry
  • Fruit

It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for their products. If you are nursing or pregnant or have any medical conditions, talk to your doctor before you start taking ionic whey protein products. Compare ionic why protein supplements by using the free supplement finder now!


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Increased Bowel Movements
Kidney Damage
Liver Damage
Appetite Suppression
Lower Insulin Levels
Muscle Growth
Muscle Mass
Muscle Recovery
Weight Gain