

Aid Overall Health / Cleanse/Digestion

Schizandra could be classified in favor of women. Its properties are pro-estrogen like, and relieve conditions common to women. This herb grows in bunches of red berries, and is commonly identified as schisandra berries spelled with an “s”. It is also known in its native home of Northern China, as the northern five flavor berry or wu wei zi. This nickname describes a taste that encompasses all five flavors: spicy, sweet, salty, sour, and bitter.

The proper name of this climbing vine is schisandra chinensis. Schizandra is sometimes known as the “magnolia vine”. It also grows in Russia’s Far East region, as well as Korea and Japan. It is related to the schisandraceae and magnoliaceae family, which has 19 genuses in the population. Although it is a compound helpful to women, men benefit from this herb and the related supplements as well.

Emperors and other people of influence in Asia consumed Schizandra. Russians are said to have used it as a tonic for strength and night vision. They also used the berries to make wine, tea, and sweets. The Chinese made wine and used schisandra chenensis in their own medicines. Wu wei zi, as the Chinese call it, was administered as a diuretic to detox the kidneys, an aphrodisiac, and antidepressant. Japanese found the tea helpful for cold symptoms and Koreans added pine nuts to their schizandra tea.

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Schizandra Benefits Schizandra has qualities that are soothing and sedative in addition to its antioxidant properties. As an antioxidant, the filtering abilities make the claims plausible. Some of those claims are: Liver health Flushes the kidneys Respiratory and asthma... more

Schizandra Benefits

Schizandra has qualities that are soothing and sedative in addition to its antioxidant properties. As an antioxidant, the filtering abilities make the claims plausible. Some of those claims are:

  • Liver health
  • Flushes the kidneys
  • Respiratory and asthma aid
  • Immune system health
  • Mental clarity booster

Chinese women considered schizandra a beauty aid that helped them stay young. That is in addition to stimulating the libido. It also helps other menopausal symptoms such as night sweats.

Anyone who suffers from cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis may benefit from this herb as well. Since schizandra detoxifies the liver it may even reverse the condition and generate a healthy liver. Respiratory ailments such as asthma, hay fever, colds and sore throat pain are also relieved according to users.

Anyone who uses this herb can experience increased energy and stamina. This stamina extends to the bedroom for men who suffer with premature ejaculation. Testing of the above-mentioned claims has been performed in the lab by researchers. Animal testing validated the results. Be aware that animal studies do not always correspond to results in human studies.

Schizandra Doses

Unless it is in extract form, most people consume between one and six grams per day. When taken in capsule form, the recommended dosage is two to three capsules per day at mealtime. One-ounce bottles of schizandra in liquid form are also available. Directions suggest 28 to 56 drops, which is one to two milliliters three times per day in a glass of water. Tablets and gel caps are also sold.

Extracts are usually added to juices and other drinks. That is in addition to supplement combinations. Other compounds are made in combination with schizandra such as ginkgo biloba, ginseng, vitamin B, and peppermint for different ailments and symptom relief. It has also been used in conjunction with valium and other antidepressants. 

Schizandra Reviews

Anecdotal reviews on this product are mostly positive. Those who take the product express a sense of calm and renewed energy level. A few reported the clarity they experienced as a result. One reviewer combined schizandra with SAMe with positive results. Women who used it for menopausal symptoms experienced results once the herb was in their system.

A female reviewer stated she started taking schizandra to balance her hormones and for adrenal support. She noticed her hormones are more balanced and she sleeps better. Several people wrote how schizandra gets them through long work hours and stress. Those that had a negative experience may have consumed too much too soon.

Schizandra Side Effects

People with high blood pressure are advised against consuming this herb. It can cause palpitations and induce labor in pregnant women. This herb is not recommended for those suffering with gallstones or other gastrointestinal obstruction. Higher doses could cause nausea, diarrhea. Some people claim they experienced nervousness and jitters after schizandra collected in the blood stream, while others have reported skin rashes due to consumption.

Many herbs and nutritional supplements have a tendency to interact with prescribed medications. Although there are no reported side effects, you should be conscious of any changes in your body. Since these sun-dried berries are not FDA approved it is advisable to make your doctor aware of your intent to consume schizandra. Use the free supplement finder to compare sources and forms of schizandra now!


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Labor Induction
Palpitations During Pregnancy
Contraindicated For Certain Medical Conditions
Bac Ngu Vi Tu, Beiwuweizi, Bei Wu Wei Zi, Chinese Mongolavine, Chinese Schizandra, Chinesischer Limonenbaum, Chosen-Gomischi, Five-Flavor-Fruit, Five-Flavor-Seed, Fructus Schisandrae, Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis, Gomishi, Hoku-Gomishi, Kita-Gomishi, Limonnik Kitajskij, Mei Gee, Magnolia Vine, Matsbouza, Nanwuweizi, Ngu Mei Gee, Northern Schisandra, Omicha, Schisandrae, Schisandra Berry, Schisandra Sinensis, Schisandra sphaerandra, Schizandra, Schizandra Chinensis, Schizandre Fructus, Schzandra, Southern Schisandra, Wuhzi, Wuweizi, Wu-Wei-Zi, Western Schisandra, Xiwuweizi
Flushes The Kidneys
Liver Disease
Liver Health
Mental Lucidity
Premature Ejaculation
Respiratory Aid
Respiratory Ailments