Thiamin Mononitrate

Thiamin Mononitrate

Aid Overall Health

Thiamine mononitrate may be better known to you as B1 or simply thiamine. One of many B-complex vitamins, thiamine mononitrate was the first to be identified.

Our bodies cannot produce thiamine mononitrate. It must come from a balanced diet or from supplements. It is widely available in pill form but can also be found as an injection.

This B vitamin helps to breakdown food for energy. It is essential for brain development and supports the immune system. Thiamine mononitrate can also help reduce cell damage from stress.

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Natural Sources of Thiamine Mononitrate Organ meats and pork are high in thiamine mononitrate. It can also be found in molasses, dairy products, eggs, pecans, legumes, and brewer’s yeast. Many breads and cereals are also fortified with it. Thiamine Mononitrate Deficiency Thiamine m... more

Natural Sources of Thiamine Mononitrate

Organ meats and pork are high in thiamine mononitrate. It can also be found in molasses, dairy products, eggs, pecans, legumes, and brewer’s yeast. Many breads and cereals are also fortified with it.

Thiamine Mononitrate Deficiency

Thiamine mononitrate deficiency is known as beriberi. You can become deficient from not consuming enough in your diet or having a medical condition that uses thiamine too fast.

These conditions can include pregnancy, lactation, hyperthyroidism, or fever. Prolonged diarrhea and advanced liver disease may also lead to a deficiency because your body cannot absorb the thiamine properly.

This lack of vitamin B is common in alcoholics and following obesity surgery. Obesity surgeries such as gastric bypass can cause malabsorption issues and you need to be monitored closely.

Symptoms of thiamine mononitrate deficiency can vary depending on the level of severity. Beriberi has two classifications. It can be wet or dry.

Wet beriberi has symptoms similar to congestive heart failure. This can include swelling in the legs and difficulty breathing.

Dry beriberi affects the nervous system. Symptoms will include weakness and possibly paralysis.

Thiamine mononitrate deficiency needs to be treated by a doctor and you may need to stay on supplements for a long period of time. You may also need to adjust your diet to prevent it from happening again.

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome And Thiamine Mononitrate

Wernicke’s and Korsakoff are really two different conditions. Both are a result of brain damage caused by low levels of thiamine mononitrate.

The reason these two conditions are linked is because most people will develop one and then the other. First is Wernicke’s which cause damage to the thalamus and hypothalamus. These are the lower portions of the brain.

As the symptoms of Wernicke's start subside Korsakoff will take over. Korsakoff syndrome affects the memory.

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, symptoms of Wernicke's are confusion, leg tremors, double vision, eyelid drooping, and abnormal eye movement. Symptoms of Korsakoff syndrome include loss of memory, hallucinations, inability to form new memories, and storytelling.

Both of these medical conditions may also have symptoms similar to alcohol withdrawal. If either of these conditions is suspected, doctors will perform blood tests and an examination.

They will check for muscle weakness, atrophy, coordination problems and decreased reflexes. Low body temperature and blood pressure may also indicate Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

If a physical examination and blood tests indicate a risk of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome you will need an MRI and may be admitted for observation.

Thiamine mononitrate injections will be given as treatment. The goal of treatment is to stop progression of the disease and control symptoms. If memory loss has occurred it will not be reversible.

If your condition is a result of alcoholism you will need to stop drinking. If you continue to drink, the damage can continue even with treatment.

Other Conditions Caused by Thiamine Mononitrate Deficiency

According to the University of Maryland, thiamine mononitrate deficiency may also be linked to cataracts, Alzheimer's, and heart failure.

There is evidence to suggest that proper thiamine mononitrate levels may lower your risk of developing cataracts. This is combined with the consumption of other nutrients and further studies need to be done to see if deficiency can also cause cataracts.

Because of vitamin B1 deficiency’s link to brain damage from Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, some researchers believe there may be a connection to Alzheimer’s as well. Study results on using thiamine mononitrate to treat Alzheimer's had uncertain results. Further studies are needed.

The overuse of diuretics has been linked to heart failure. Doctors believe this is because diuretics rid the body of thiamine too rapidly. The heart needs thiamine mononitrate to function properly.

Recommended Dosages And Side Effects of Thiamine Mononitrate

The RDA for thiamine mononitrate for healthy adults is between 1.1 mg and 1.2 mg. Doses for treating beriberi may be as much as 20 mg taken three times a day, depending the severity of deficiency.

Because thiamine mononitrate is fat-soluble your body cannot get rid of excess as easily. It may accumulate in the liver causing severe damage.

The nitrates may also accumulate in the kidneys and cause stones to form. If you have a history of liver or kidney disease you should not use thiamine mononitrate supplements without a doctor’s approval.

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  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Kidney Stones
Contraindicated For Certain Medical Conditions
Liver Failure
Vitamin B1, Thiamine, Aneurine Hydrochloride, Antiberiberi Factor, Antiberiberi Vitamin
Brain Development
Breaks Down Food For Energy
Prevents Alzheimer's
Prevents Cataracts
Prevents Heart Failure
Reduces Cell Damage From Stress
Supports The Immune System
Treatment For Wernicke's & Korsakoff Syndrome