Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Aid Overall Health

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential vitamin used in body repair, development and growth processes. Unlike many animals, humans can’t synthesize vitamin C. Because vitamin C is water-soluble, your body doesn’t store any excess of this vitamin. Instead, your body excretes what it doesn’t use. For that reason, consuming enough vitamin C in fruits and vegetables or in supplement form is important to maintaining good health.

Vitamin C protects soft tissues, like your bones, gums, and keeps blood vessels strong. Scurvy, a disease contracted by seamen without access to fresh fruits and vegetables containing enough vitamin C, causes gums and joints to swell. Consuming enough vitamin C protects your body from cellular oxidation and free radicals. It’s a powerful antioxidant

Vitamin C works synergistically with other nutrients. Having high plasma levels of the vitamin helps your body maintain vitamin E levels. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb necessary dietary iron.

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Vitamin C Benefits According to author Robert Melillo of “Disconnected Kids: The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program For Children” (2010), vitamin C helps increase the production of neurotransmitters. IQ scores of students in a recapped study increased by 5%. Additionally, vitamin C plays... more

Vitamin C Benefits

According to author Robert Melillo of “Disconnected Kids: The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program For Children” (2010), vitamin C helps increase the production of neurotransmitters. IQ scores of students in a recapped study increased by 5%. Additionally, vitamin C plays a role in managing attention deficit disorder.

As a part of collagen protein synthesis, Vitamin C helps the body maintain healthy skin. Vitamin C helps the body heal wounds. Your body may use more Vitamin C in healing injuries and traumas. Vitamin C helps your skin retain moisture.

Well-known Vitamin C researcher Linus Pauling recommended “mega-doses” of Vitamin C. He believed that consuming large amounts of the vitamin would ward off the common cold. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, Vitamin C won’t keep you from catching a cold. Once you’ve contracted the cold, your body may fight the virus and shorten its duration if you consume Vitamin C.

Vitamin C helps your body defeat C-reactive protein and inflammation. According to a study conducted by Harvard University, consuming adequate Vitamin C reduced the risk of women participants’ heart attack by 28 percent.

Vitamin C also supports immunity and may protect you from cancer or slow its progress, the U.S. Office of Dietary Supplements reports.

You’ll find vitamin C in most fruits and vegetables, including melon, berries, pineapple, tropical fruits, squash, potatoes and broccoli. Citrus fruits are also abundant sources of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids.

Vitamin C Side Effects

Vitamin C is considered safe for most people. Some potential side effects may occur in combination with the vitamin and prescription medicines. Ask your doctor about adding more vitamin C to your daily regimen.

Don’t take large amounts of vitamin C. Amounts above 2,000 mg are associated with a higher risk of kidney stones and stomach distress. If you’re prone to developing kidney stones, or if you have kidney stones now, taking more than 1,000 mg can make you feel worse, according to the National Institutes of Health.

If you use antacids containing aluminum, vitamin C can increase the availability of the metal in your body. Vitamin C also increases the absorption of estrogen. Don’t take additional vitamin C if your doctor prescribes fluphenazine (Prolixin), an antipsychotic drug. If you take statin drugs to regulate cholesterol, don’t add vitamin C to your regimen without receiving your doctor’s OK.

When you take microminerals recommended by your doctor, don’t take high doses of vitamin C. Doses of vitamin C of 1,500 mg or higher can reduce the amount of microminerals in your body. Copper and chromium respond in this way to vitamin C. Conversely, dietary iron becomes more available to the body.

Taking vitamin C along with some cancer drugs can potentially decrease how well they work. If you use over-the-counter pain relievers, including aspirin, tell your doctor. Vitamin C can slow down your body’s ability to break down the pain reliever.

Don’t take additional vitamin C if you use grape seed extract or polyphenol supplements. According to NIH, combining the vitamin with grape can increase blood pressure.

For safety, discuss taking vitamin C if you take any prescription medicine or supplement with your doctor.

Vitamin C Dosage

The Food and Nutrition Board of the NIH recommends an RDA of 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. During a short-term illness, such as a cold, the NIH suggests 1 to 3 grams of vitamin C per day to the treatment plan.

Pregnant and lactating women need slightly higher daily amounts of vitamin C. Most prenatal vitamins contain a slightly higher amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C doesn’t seem to have the potential for toxicity. If you take more vitamin C than your body needs, you’ll excrete what isn’t used.

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  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Kidney Stones
Increases The Absorption Of Estrogen
Acide Ascorbique, Acide Cévitamique, Acide Iso-Ascorbique, Acide L-Ascorbique, Acido Ascorbico, Antiscorbutic Vitamin, Ascorbate, Ascorbate de Calcium, Ascorbate de Sodium, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Calcium Ascorbate, Cevitamic Acid, Iso-Ascorbic Acid, L-Ascorbic Acid, Magnesium Ascorbate, Palmitate d'Ascorbyl, Selenium Ascorbate, Sodium Ascorbate, Vitamina C, Vitamine Antiscorbutique, Vitamine C
Cancer Prevention
Reduce Risk Of Heart Attack
Shorten Cold Duration
Skin Health
Wound Healing