Whey Peptides

Whey Peptides

Aid Overall Health / Lose Weight

Whey peptides, also known as whey protein, are a supplement derived from the liquid in dairy products called milk plasma. Whey peptides contain strings of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.

These long strands of amino acids, provided by the whey peptides, are what build proteins in the human body. This is why people looking to gain muscle or have a faster recovery rate from strenuous workouts benefit from taking whey peptides.

Whey peptides come from the leftover milk plasma formed when any type of cheese is made from cow’s milk. The whey peptides are harvested from the milk plasma and are then turned into three typical forms:

  • Concentrate: This type of whey peptide is low in fat but higher in carbohydrates.
  • Isolate: This type of whey peptide contains no fat and no lactose (a type of sugar). These are, on average, 90% protein by weight.
  • Hydrolysate: This is a whey peptide that is predigested, making it more easily absorbed by the human body.

Using whey peptides to supplement your daily nutrition and fitness goals seems to be a common recommendation from fitness experts. However, through tests done by Consumer Reports, it was found that some whey peptide shakes can have a high amount of heavy metals.

Consumers should not exceed the recommended serving size suggestion on the supplement nutritional guidelines.  

Not all types of physical activity are suitable for everyone. Users take training advice at their own personal risk.


Whey Peptides Benefits As a supplement, whey protein is widely used to recover from exercise at a faster rate. Although, the human data to support the full benefits of whey peptides is somewhat lacking, the studies using rodents show potential for the supplement. Some of the nutritiona... more

Whey Peptides Benefits

As a supplement, whey protein is widely used to recover from exercise at a faster rate. Although, the human data to support the full benefits of whey peptides is somewhat lacking, the studies using rodents show potential for the supplement.

Some of the nutritional and health benefits discovered using whey peptides, when they were studied with rodents exposed to diets high in whey peptides, were anti-inflammatory or anti-cancer properties. In addition, it has been found that the high amount of branched-chain amino acids in whey peptides can act as fuel to working muscles and create greater protein synthesis in the human body.

Some people may argue that drinking regular cow’s milk would lead to the same results as taking whey peptides. However, the way that whey peptide shakes are created makes them of a higher concentrate of protein, more easily absorbed by the consumer, and they contain fewer calories and carbohydrates than regular milk.

Researchers also have a growing respect for milk, and in particular the whey peptides it contains.  Whey peptides can be an important supplement for people attempting to lose weight, gain fitness and promote muscle growth.

This is because there are components in whey peptides that not only will provide nutrition but also can prevent disease and inhibit allergies and carcinogens in humans.

On top of that, it has been show that whey proteins can inhibit or block the angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) to manage high blood pressure. This is a phenomenal benefit to those who are under high stress or intense workout regimes.

Side Effects of Whey Peptides

Because whey peptides are just a concentrated form of a food/energy source people eat everyday, there are no substantial side effects when it is consumed correctly according to the serving size.

However, it has been shown that large amounts of whey peptide or protein shakes can contain high levels of heavy metals.  This makes it unsafe and unhealthy to consume too much of these types of supplements.

This can be avoided, however, if the person consuming the product adheres to the specific directions, dosage recommendations and serving size requirements of the whey peptide product.

Whey Peptide Dosage Information

Whey peptides are found in dairy products and so over consumption could happen if people are consuming whey peptide shakes in addition to a diet heavy in dairy.

The most common dosage of whey peptides is to consume a shake three times a day. These shakes come in powder form and are flavored. The powder is then mixed with water or milk and ice to complete the shake.

A higher dosage is recommended for athletes or people who work out for more than 2 hours a day. In addition, a bigger serving size is suggested for males over females.

A whey peptide shake can be consumed pre or post workout. There are varying opinions in the fitness world as to the timing that has the greatest benefit to the consumer.

However, whey peptides do not only need to be consumed by athletes or gym rats. People who want to supplement their protein intake, such as vegetarians, could benefit from the high protein content in whey peptide shakes.

It is also important to read the serving size suggestion on the whey peptide supplement you are going to begin taking so you do not overdo the protein in your diet and could potentially end up having high levels of heavy metal in your system.

Whey peptides are a great source of protein that can help with various diseases and conditions and can supplement a healthy lifestyle. There are many different varieties of whey peptides available and you can find them using the provided supplement finder


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Bovine Whey Protein Concentrate, Concentré de Protéine de Petit-Lait Bovin, Fraction de Lactosérum, Fraction de Petit-Lait, Goat Milk Whey, Goat Whey, Isolat de Protéine de Lactosérum, Isolat de Protéine de Petit-Lait, Lactosérum de Lait de Chèvre, MBP, Milk Protein, Milk Protein Isolate, Mineral Whey Concentrate, Proteínas del Suero de la Leche, Protéine de Lactosérum, Protéine de Lait, Protéine de Petit-Lait, Whey, Whey Fraction, Whey Peptides, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Hydrolysate, Whey Protein Isolate
Blood Pressure Regulation
Muscle Growth
Recovery After A Workout
Weight Loss