Zinc Oxide

Zinc Oxide

Aid Overall Health

Zinc oxide is a combination of zinc and oxygen and it is an essential trace element. In the medical community, zinc oxide is used to treat things such as diaper rash as well as regular rashes. You will also find zinc oxide in sunscreen.

Zinc oxide can be found in a number of other products as well. Products such as plastic, paint, pigments and even food can contain zinc oxide. In its basic form zinc oxide is a white powder. Because it is insoluble, zinc oxide will not dissolve in water.

You will most often find zinc oxide in multivitamin supplements. The reason for this is that in some studies is has shown a benefit for treating macular degeneration. Zinc oxide is simply a versatile compound that has many uses.

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The Role of Zinc Oxide in the Body The amount of zinc that the body needs is dependent upon how old you are. The dosage for an infant is 2 mg. For an adult male, a zinc dosage is 11 mg a day. Pregnant and breastfeeding women require more zinc at about 13 mg per day. You will find that ... more

The Role of Zinc Oxide in the Body

The amount of zinc that the body needs is dependent upon how old you are. The dosage for an infant is 2 mg. For an adult male, a zinc dosage is 11 mg a day. Pregnant and breastfeeding women require more zinc at about 13 mg per day.

You will find that zinc is present in numerous cells in the human body. It works to boost the immune system, which can prevent illness, such as colds, the flu and so on. Zinc can also help prevent the growth of bad bacteria in the body.

The Office of Dietary Supplements offers guidelines for using zinc to prevent colds. Zinc does everything from helping your DNA develop to aiding in the production of protein in the body. In fact, zinc is tied up in 300 different biochemical reactions in the human body! It is crucial for the development and prolonging of life.

Zinc is largely responsible for healthy nails, bone, skin, liver, prostate and eyes. Without zinc, the human body simply could not function correctly.

Despite its major influence in the body, you only require minute amounts of zinc to be healthy. Most people get all of the zinc that they need in their diet. The largest amounts of zinc are found in meat and fish.

Zinc Oxide and Deficiency Concerns

One of the first things that you need to know is that it is very uncommon for someone to be deficient in zinc. This doesn’t mean that it’s impossible! Studies show that the elderly should supplement with zinc because their bodies don’t distribute the normal intake of zinc correctly.

The most common group of people who have a zinc deficiency is those who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS prevents any nutrients from being absorbed or distributed through the body. A supplement containing zinc oxide should remedy this problem, however.

According to WebMD, a deficiency in zinc can lead to stunted growth in children. Other symptoms of a deficiency include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Frequent colds
  • Respiratory infections
  • Slow wound healing
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Lack of taste

In third world countries, a lack of zinc has been linked to death. Without zinc, the body cannot recover from certain health problems.

The Benefits of Taking Zinc Oxide

As mentioned above, zinc oxide is most commonly found in rash creams. However, zinc oxide can help speed up the healing of minor burns, including sunburns. Zinc oxide is also soothing on the skin and is used to give some relief from burns, cuts and scrapes.

In supplements, zinc oxide is recommended for treatment of macular degeneration. When taken in liquid or lozenge form, zinc oxide has shown is studies that it can help reduce the amount of time that a cold will last.

Some studies have shown that zinc oxide in supplements may help boost the effectiveness of ADD medication. Further studies need to be conducted to determine this.

Concerns About Taking Zinc Oxide

In some cases, you will find that some supplement companies claim that zinc oxide will help prevent prostate cancer. However, there are no studies to back up this claim. In fact, some studies suggest that taking extra zinc oxide can increase the risk of men developing prostate cancer.

In addition, zinc oxide reduces the efficacy of antibiotics. If you are on any antibiotics, especially those which are penicillin-based, you should avoid taking zinc oxide or zinc supplements until you have completed your treatment.

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  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Contraindicated For Certain Drugs Or Medication
Atomic Number 30
Bone Health
Boosts Immune System
Eye Health
Liver Health
Macular Degeneration
Nail Health
Prevent Cold And Flu
Prevent Illness
Prostate Health
Skin Health
Supplement Additive
Aids In Production Of Protein
DNA Developement
Prevents Bacterial Growth
Irritable Bowel Syndrome