20 Rep Squat Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 1 Day per Week / Intermediate

1 ratings
20 Rep Squat Workout Plan

20 Rep Squat Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 1 Day per Week / Intermediate

1 ratings

20 Rep Squat Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 1 Day per Week / Intermediate

1 ratings
  • Day 1

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

Do 2-3 warm up sets of squats to get your muscles and joints loose before starting.

The way this workout works is that you are going to put around 70% of your max on the squat bar. You are going to take a couple big mouthfuls of air before each squat and then hold your breath as you squat down and come back up. The only time you breathe is between reps. It should take 3-4 minutes to complete all 20 reps on the squats.

Immediately after you have finished the squats you are going to take a light weight around 25 lbs and you are going to do Pullovers. You are going to use the same technique and only breathe in between reps. Hold your breathe as you lower the weight over your head and feel your rib cage expand and stretch.

This workout is meant to be done 3 times a week and every workout you are going to add 5 lbs to your squat. You should not wear a weight lifting belt for this workout and you should squat all the way down so that your knees are past a 90 degree angle.

For the last 3 exercises you are going to do as many reps as you can, rest for a minute, and then go on to the next exercise. The repetitions listed are just good numbers to aim for when doing your max. Try to go up in repetitions every workout.

This workout, also known as the Squats and Milk program, is going to require you to eat a ton of food and protein if you really wanna see the gains. The goal is to drink at least one gallon of milk a day. It is important to follow a strict diet and make sure that you are taking in enough calories and good fuel for your muscles to recover, rebuild, and grow bigger.

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Intermediate
1 sets, 20 reps
1 20 -- --:--
Lats / Intermediate
1 sets, 20 reps, 01:00 rest
1 20 -- 01:00
Lats / Intermediate
3 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 15 01:00
3 sets, 20 reps, 01:00 rest
3 20 01:00
3 sets, 50 reps, 01:00 rest
3 50 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

If you are ready to get absolutely huge, gaining mass and strength at record pace, the 20 rep squat workout is for you. Also known as the squats and milk program, this workout is an age-old method for gaining rock solid muscle in minimal time. It will push you as hard as you have ever pushed y... more

If you are ready to get absolutely huge, gaining mass and strength at record pace, the 20 rep squat workout is for you. Also known as the squats and milk program, this workout is an age-old method for gaining rock solid muscle in minimal time.

It will push you as hard as you have ever pushed yourself before, with nothing but enormous gains to show.

Simplicity Yielding Supremacy

The 20 rep squat routine workout is amazingly basic in design. You will use the same 20 rep squat routine three days a week, with the ideal workout schedule days of Monday, Wednesday, Friday for those who like to take the weekends off.

The entire workout consists of just five exercises, focusing on the legs, core, chest, and back. These fundamental moves are all compound movements, requiring multiple muscle groups to work together, which will in turn build mass throughout the entire body, giving you a simple strength training program you can easily follow for optimal mass and strength.

Pillars of Power

Part of what makes the classic 20 rep squat program so constructive is the science behind leg training. Research has proven that a squat workout routine alone can build muscle throughout the entire body. Leg work is so vital to muscle gain that ignoring it will stall growth and keep even a long time lifter smaller and weaker than one who focuses their major energy on leg development.

The testosterone release generated from the 20 rep squat program is the key factor driving the muscle gains you will experience.

Breathing Squats

Another important element of the squats and milk routine is the way breathing is utilized. Gaining muscle with squats and milk workouts is very different from modern-day methods. You will actually be asked to hold your breath during your milk and squats routine, taking in air between repetitions.

As a result, this special breathing squat program will demand every ounce of effort and total concentration.

The Milk Squat Diet

In addition to making incremental increases in squatting weight every workout, the milk and squats routine demands a higher calorie diet to fuel workouts and increase growth during recovery periods. As you can probably guess, milk plays a vital role in this plan.

The squats and milk plan calls for you to drink an entire gallon of milk per day, on top of a high quality, protein-heavy diet, to realize the potential improvements you will attain. Stock the refrigerator and be prepared to follow this nutrition plan diligently. Neglecting this part of the plan can certainly impede your progress.

Proper Squatting Form

To perform a 20 rep squat routine, it is important to perform squats with intense focus on form. The knee joint is delicate. Performing the squat incorrectly, or trying to focus on speed, as opposed to perfect form, can not only keep you away from the benefit of the 20 squats and milk program, but indefinitely injure you to the point of being unable to perform any leg work whatsoever.

In addition to form, understand that you will not be wearing a weight belt to support the lower back during this routine. The 20 rep squats focus is on building muscle throughout the entire body, and, therefore, will demand you to do deep squats with no weight belt. A spotter, though, is highly recommended.

The 20 rep squat workout is one of the most advantageous and effective workouts ever designed to add unparalleled size and strength to any frame. If you have been searching for the routine that will bring you amazing results week after week, look no further.

Get started today with this squats and milk routine, and you will discover a classic, simple, and effective way to grow like never before.

300 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell
  • Squat Rack
  • Flat Bench
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Decline Bench

1 Review

  • HN_Doyle
    about 12 years ago

    great workout for leg strenght but not enought upper body exercises

20 Rep Squat Workout Plan

300 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell
  • Squat Rack
  • Flat Bench
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Decline Bench