bicycling is a cardiovascular and alternative exercise that primarily targets the quads and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, calves, glutes, groin, hamstrings, hip flexors and outer thighs ...more
bicycling is a cardiovascular and alternative exercise that primarily targets the quads and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, calves, glutes, groin, hamstrings, hip flexors and outer thighs.
The only bicycling equipment that you really need is the following: bicycle. There are however many different bicycling variations that you can try out that may require different types of bicycling equipment or may even require no equipment at all.
Learning proper bicycling form is easy with the step by step bicycling instructions, bicycling tips, and the instructional bicycling technique video on this page. bicycling is a exercise for those with a beginner level of physical fitness and exercise experience. Watch the bicycling video, learn how to do the bicycling, and then be sure and browse through the bicycling workouts on our workout plans page!
great exercise that does not pound feet and legs, covers large distance and with rolling terrain get a terrific leg workout. If you clip into pedals or use feet straps can work on pulling up and pushing down with legs and use calves by rolling feet as you go through the down stroke. On hills stand up to work other leg muscles. I love it.
Bicycling is awesome if you are overweight and don't want to stress your joints too much with more of your typical cardio moves. While your body is designed to jump, run and move it might not do so too efficiently with too much excess weight. Bicycling can be a great workout for anyone because the amount of intensity is easily controlled to meet your level of fitness! It's also awesome to be outside enjoying the fresh air! Or the smoldering heat, whatever you prefer :)
Not as good as running if you ask me. But still a great workout.