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- Step 1: Perform different stretches where you hold a stretch for a desired time.
- Step 2: Static stretching is different from dynamic stretching in that you are holding a stretch in one place, rather than briskly moving the muscles being stretched as you would for dynamic stretching.
- Step 3: Hold the stretch for the desired time and repeat if necessary.
static stretching is a stretching
that primarily targets the quads
and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, biceps, calves, chest, forearms, glutes, groin, hamstrings, hip flexors, lats, lower back, middle back, neck, obliques, outer thighs, shoulders, traps and triceps
static stretching is a stretching
that primarily targets the quads
and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, biceps, calves, chest, forearms, glutes, groin, hamstrings, hip flexors, lats, lower back, middle back, neck, obliques, outer thighs, shoulders, traps and triceps.
Learning proper static stretching form is easy with the step by step
static stretching instructions, static stretching tips,
and the instructional static stretching technique video on this page.
static stretching is a exercise for
those with a very easy level of physical fitness and exercise experience.
Watch the static stretching video, learn how to do the static stretching,
and then be sure and browse through the static stretching workouts on our
workout plans page!
- Perform static stretching at the end of your workout.
- Dynamic stretching should be performed before your workout as a warm up to loosen up your muscles and avoid injury.
- Be sure to not overstretch and possible pull your muscles. Stretch until you feel a tight feeling in your muscles and hold for the desired time. Over time you will become more flexible, take it easy and listen to your body.
- Perform dynamic stretching
- Perform foam rolling
- Use a stationary bike, walk or jog for a cool down or warm up.
- Force Type: N/A
- Mechanics Type: Isolation