100 Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 1 Day per Week / Intermediate

100 Workout Plan

100 Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 1 Day per Week / Intermediate

100 Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 1 Day per Week / Intermediate

  • Day 1

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

This is a great workout designed specifically with women in mind, and it can be done almost anywhere. It is a great way to tone your entire body in a short period of time. Because you are continually moving during this workout, you will burn calories and tone your body.

If you are not able to do the whole workout the first time then just do your best and try to work up to the full workout. With this workout you no longer have the excuse of not enough time or not enough money for a gym membership. Fitness has never been easier to achieve!

Along with this workout, it is important to eat healthy and get enough rest in order to way you will see maximum results. If you're looking for ways to make the workout more difficult, you may even want to add dumbbells to the squats.

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Beginner
1 sets, 100 reps
1 100 --:--
Abs / Beginner
1 sets, 90 reps
1 90 --:--
Quads / Beginner
1 sets, 80 reps
1 80 --:--
1 sets, 70 reps
1 70 --:--
1 sets, 60 reps
1 60 --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 --:--
1 sets, 40 reps
1 40 --:--
1 sets, 30 reps
1 30 --:--
1 sets, 20 reps
1 20 --:--
1 sets, 00:10:00
1 -- 00:10:00 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Ladies, listen up! Looked in the mirror lately and not been satisfied with what you see? If you're looking for a workout plan to burn fat and firm up those flabby areas, without having to take the trip to the gym, we've got you covered! The 100 workout plan is a workout plan for women that can... more

Ladies, listen up! Looked in the mirror lately and not been satisfied with what you see? If you're looking for a workout plan to burn fat and firm up those flabby areas, without having to take the trip to the gym, we've got you covered!

The 100 workout plan is a workout plan for women that can be done anywhere - work, home, or in the dorm! This 100 workout plan is simple, requires no weights, and will make you sweat!

Fits Any Schedule

Sorry, no more excuses! This is a workout that you can do just about anywhere, and it won't take up a lot of your time. A warm-up is even incorporated, with 100 jumping jacks to get your heart rate up.

This is a great way to make fitness a regular part of your life again. It's going to help you look and feel better, and give you the energy and confidence you lack when you've gone on a recent lazy streak.

100 Workout Plan Design

This is a quick circuit workout that will build up muscular endurance throughout your body and pave the way to fitness success. It's not something that's hard to keep track of either. Simply repeat the four exercises starting at 100 reps and taking off ten reps each time you move on to the next exercise. A ten minute run rounds out the 100 workout plan to put your cardio to the test.

These exercises are building blocks that will improve core strength, improve your cardio level, and prepare you to conquer higher fitness goals.

Intensity Matters

You may have trouble completing the entire workout without resting for the first few weeks, but do not lose heart! If you work hard, you will see improvements, and always be able to improve your time.

The key is to really challenge yourself every time you're going to work out. Before you start, make it a goal to improve on your previous best time. The more work you're willing to put in, the better your results will be!

If you're going to have the energy to complete the 100 workout plan without resting , you will need to get your diet in order! A healthy diet will go a long way in helping you reach your fitness goals. Start the 100 workout plan today, and see how fast you can complete it after 30 days of training!

1,363 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Lose Weight
  • Get Toned
100 Workout Plan

1,363 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Lose Weight
  • Get Toned