300 Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Expert

292 ratings
300 Workout Plan

300 Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Expert

292 ratings

300 Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Expert

292 ratings
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

*One-Arm Clean and Press: 25 reps each arm
*Floor Wipers: 1 rep = left side + right side

To complete the true 300 Workout Plan designed specifically for the movie actors, use 135 lbs for the deadlifts, a 24 inch box for the high box jump, and a 36 lb kettlebell for the one-arm clean and press.

Performing the clean and press with a dumbbell is okay, just be sure to let the dumbbell reset and touch the ground after each rep.

Record how long it takes you to complete the entire workout. One of the actors from the movie 300 (Andrew Pleavin) completed the entire 300 workout in 18 minutes and 11 seconds! Think you can top that?

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Lats / Intermediate
1 sets, 25 reps
1 25 --:--
Hamstrings / Intermediate
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 -- --:--
Chest / Beginner
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 -- --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 -- --:--
1 sets, 25 reps
1 25 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

This Gerard Butler-inspired 300 Spartan workout plan was used not only by Gerard Butler but also by other cast members of the popular 2006 movie "300" to prepare for their roles as King Leonidas and his mighty (and mightily ripped) Spartan warriors of the Battle of Thermopylae. Who Can Handle th... more

This Gerard Butler-inspired 300 Spartan workout plan was used not only by Gerard Butler but also by other cast members of the popular 2006 movie "300" to prepare for their roles as King Leonidas and his mighty (and mightily ripped) Spartan warriors of the Battle of Thermopylae.

Who Can Handle the 300 Workout

The 300 workout is a very difficult workout plan and for advanced users only! Beginners should start with something like the Men's Beginner Workout Plan. If you're not in great physical condition, you're probably not going to make it!

Since we know that by saying that you will only want to try the 300 workout routine even more, we just have to say - seriously, this is a hard workout! Give it a try and see how well you can do!

How the Movie 300 Workout was Designed

The technical way to complete the 300 Workout Plan is to not rest at all, and to time yourself from beginning to end. If you can complete all 300 reps (yes, that's right - 300 reps) of the 300 workout program in less than 20 minutes, you're practically a Spartan Warrior!

Until you have had some time to train for it , you're probably going to have to stop and rest. Just make sure you get back into it as soon as you can, in order to maximize your results!

The 300 Ab Workout

The floor wipers in the 300 workout are what target abs the most. However, you can get the most out of each exercise by keeping your core tight throughout each set.

As you start to get tired, it becomes even more important to keep your abs locked to help maintain proper form from start to finish.

Benefits of the 300 Workout Plan

While you may not have to face waves of thousands of enemies coming to invade your homeland anytime soon, that doesn't mean there's no reason not to get jacked, and this 300 rep workout is what the actors used to get ready for the big screen.

Whether you just want a good fitness test, or would like to complete this beast of a workout on a daily basis, try the 300 workout plan today, and post your time here to let us know how you did!

Notes for Week 1, Day 2

*One-Arm Clean and Press: 25 reps each arm
*Floor Wipers: 1 rep = left side + right side

To complete the true 300 Workout Plan designed specifically for the movie actors, use 135 lbs for the deadlifts, a 24 inch box for the high box jump, and a 36 lb kettlebell for the one-arm clean and press.

Performing the kettlebell clean and press with a dumbbell is okay, just be sure to let the dumbbell reset and touch the ground after each rep.

Record how long it takes you to complete the entire workout. One of the actors from the movie 300 (Andrew Pleavin) completed the entire 300 workout in 18 minutes and 11 seconds! Think you can top that?

Exercise.com PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Lats / Intermediate
1 sets, 25 reps
1 25 --:--
Hamstrings / Intermediate
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 -- --:--
Chest / Beginner
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 -- --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 -- --:--
1 sets, 25 reps
1 25 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

This Gerard Butler-inspired 300 Spartan workout plan was used not only by Gerard Butler but also by other cast members of the popular 2006 movie "300" to prepare for their roles as King Leonidas and his mighty (and mightily ripped) Spartan warriors of the Battle of Thermopylae. Who Can Handle th... more

This Gerard Butler-inspired 300 Spartan workout plan was used not only by Gerard Butler but also by other cast members of the popular 2006 movie "300" to prepare for their roles as King Leonidas and his mighty (and mightily ripped) Spartan warriors of the Battle of Thermopylae.

Who Can Handle the 300 Workout

The 300 workout is a very difficult workout plan and for advanced users only! Beginners should start with something like the Men's Beginner Workout Plan. If you're not in great physical condition, you're probably not going to make it!

Since we know that by saying that you will only want to try the 300 workout routine even more, we just have to say - seriously, this is a hard workout! Give it a try and see how well you can do!

How the Movie 300 Workout was Designed

The technical way to complete the 300 Workout Plan is to not rest at all, and to time yourself from beginning to end. If you can complete all 300 reps (yes, that's right - 300 reps) of the 300 workout program in less than 20 minutes, you're practically a Spartan Warrior!

Until you have had some time to train for it , you're probably going to have to stop and rest. Just make sure you get back into it as soon as you can, in order to maximize your results!

The 300 Ab Workout

The floor wipers in the 300 workout are what target abs the most. However, you can get the most out of each exercise by keeping your core tight throughout each set.

As you start to get tired, it becomes even more important to keep your abs locked to help maintain proper form from start to finish.

Benefits of the 300 Workout Plan

While you may not have to face waves of thousands of enemies coming to invade your homeland anytime soon, that doesn't mean there's no reason not to get jacked, and this 300 rep workout is what the actors used to get ready for the big screen.

Whether you just want a good fitness test, or would like to complete this beast of a workout on a daily basis, try the 300 workout plan today, and post your time here to let us know how you did!

Notes for Week 1, Day 3

*One-Arm Clean and Press: 25 reps each arm
*Floor Wipers: 1 rep = left side + right side

To complete the true 300 Workout Plan designed specifically for the movie actors, use 135 lbs for the deadlifts, a 24 inch box for the high box jump, and a 36 lb kettlebell for the one-arm clean and press.

Performing the clean and press with a dumbbell is okay, just be sure to let the dumbbell reset and touch the ground after each rep.

Record how long it takes you to complete the entire workout. One of the actors from the movie 300 (Andrew Pleavin) completed the entire 300 workout in 18 minutes and 11 seconds! Think you can top that?

Exercise.com PRO Membership Includes

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
Join Today!
Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Lats / Intermediate
1 sets, 25 reps
1 25 --:--
Hamstrings / Intermediate
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 -- --:--
Chest / Beginner
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 -- --:--
1 sets, 50 reps
1 50 -- --:--
1 sets, 25 reps
1 25 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

This Gerard Butler-inspired 300 Spartan workout plan was used not only by Gerard Butler but also by other cast members of the popular 2006 movie "300" to prepare for their roles as King Leonidas and his mighty (and mightily ripped) Spartan warriors of the Battle of Thermopylae. Who Can Handle th... more

This Gerard Butler-inspired 300 Spartan workout plan was used not only by Gerard Butler but also by other cast members of the popular 2006 movie "300" to prepare for their roles as King Leonidas and his mighty (and mightily ripped) Spartan warriors of the Battle of Thermopylae.

Who Can Handle the 300 Workout

The 300 workout is a very difficult workout plan and for advanced users only! Beginners should start with something like the Men's Beginner Workout Plan. If you're not in great physical condition, you're probably not going to make it!

Since we know that by saying that you will only want to try the 300 workout routine even more, we just have to say - seriously, this is a hard workout! Give it a try and see how well you can do!

How the Movie 300 Workout was Designed

The technical way to complete the 300 Workout Plan is to not rest at all, and to time yourself from beginning to end. If you can complete all 300 reps (yes, that's right - 300 reps) of the 300 workout program in less than 20 minutes, you're practically a Spartan Warrior!

Until you have had some time to train for it , you're probably going to have to stop and rest. Just make sure you get back into it as soon as you can, in order to maximize your results!

The 300 Ab Workout

The floor wipers in the 300 workout are what target abs the most. However, you can get the most out of each exercise by keeping your core tight throughout each set.

As you start to get tired, it becomes even more important to keep your abs locked to help maintain proper form from start to finish.

Benefits of the 300 Workout Plan

While you may not have to face waves of thousands of enemies coming to invade your homeland anytime soon, that doesn't mean there's no reason not to get jacked, and this 300 rep workout is what the actors used to get ready for the big screen.

Whether you just want a good fitness test, or would like to complete this beast of a workout on a daily basis, try the 300 workout plan today, and post your time here to let us know how you did!

1,294 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength
  • Lose Weight

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Exercise Mat
  • Box
  • Dumbbells
  • Kettlebells

11 Reviews

  • JoelJonathan
    about 14 years ago

    I did this workout plan for just one time about a year or so ago with my brother and I have to admit it was definitely a very hard workout. I know that I wasn't even close to completing the entire workout in the 18 minutes and 11 seconds that the actor Andrew Pleavin did it in but I am just finishing up a heavy powerlifting type workout plan with a lot of supersets so I am thinking about giving the 300 workout another go soon...

  • wombat
    over 13 years ago

    do this if you want to attract guys

  • JorgeA
    over 13 years ago

    I can't really do a pullup or chin-up. And I don't have a barbell for 135 lbs, so I made my own version of the 300 workout. It may not be the original but I found that it's just as challenging. More focused on cardio and explosiveness. If you can master the one I do, I feel your cardio will be through the roof and will be very explosive.
    It's 50 squat jumps, 50 squat thrusts, 50 burpees, 50 pushups (25 regular and 25 decline), 50 knee jumps, and 50 mountain climbers. I can only finish it in 33 minutes. But that's with breaks and everything because it's pretty damn tough haha. Well if you or anyone wants to give it a try. BY all means, go for it!

  • Ansh
    over 13 years ago

  • mann
    about 13 years ago

    took me about 45 minuntes first time around. plan to do this sat sun and wed every week. will be back closer to end of 30days for feedback. I give it a five right now because its exactly what I'm looking for to supplement my powerlifitng 4 days per week.

  • Phil_Rich
    over 12 years ago

    Well I hope I did it right ! I just asked a trainer... my only sure flaw is not having a kettle belt, so I used a DB. DId it in 25 min.

  • Terrydk
    about 12 years ago

    I have been doing this plan for 3 months now (with 30 min runs 2 days a week and a positive change in my diet). I have started with much lesser weights than described in plan, and used things like a pull-up assist machine for those exercises. I have since increased my weight poundage as I improved and have lost almost 30 lbs so far! (started at 215) I am now doing all of my pull-ups in two sets without the assist machine, but still not up to the weights used in a few other of the exercises. But losing thirty pounds is huge so far. Start small, and grow with this plan. Do it smart and it will work for you too!

  • NAC
    over 10 years ago

    The 300 workout is a really serious HIIT workout. By adding The 300 workout to my routine it's given me some much needed variety in my cardio and its very humbling workout to be sure. I finished it in 25 minutes. I would definitely recommend this workout to anyone that is trying to lean out or work on endurance! Watch out for those box jumps though It's pretty easy to smash your shins once you start to fatigue!

  • CSpyridon
    almost 9 years ago

    Lets try it!

  • CSpyridon
    almost 9 years ago

    How can i start the programm without being a pro-member?

  • ReillyVA
    over 7 years ago

    This workout is pointless. The Spartans (in the movie) didn't get their physiques from following this plan. It was CGI. This is widely known now. Seems like the author should have done some more research before posting this up

300 Workout Plan

1,294 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength
  • Lose Weight

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Exercise Mat
  • Box
  • Dumbbells
  • Kettlebells