

Lose Weight

Sesamin, a lignan, occurs naturally in sesame seeds and oils. It also contains small amounts of Vitamin E and lineolic acid. Trace amounts of iron, zinc, vitamin B6, magnesium and copper are found in sesamin. These compounds support bones, respiratory and vascular systems.

Sesame seeds contain sesamin, sesamol, sesamolinol, sesamolin and pinoresiol. According to author T. Yoshikawa in “Food Factors for Health Promotion,” (2009), sesamin and sesamolin work to protect the blood and liver. Sesamin’s demonstrated antioxidant properties slows down or prevents cellular damaged caused by exposure to oxygen.

Damaging free radicals cause many illnesses and diseases. Sesamin’s potency protects cells from the potential ravage of free radicals and helps to repair cellular damage.

Consuming sesamin improves the amount of circulating lipids in humans and animals tested in laboratory experiments. Elevated good cholesterol (HDL-C) and declining bad cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglyceride levels resulted in laboratory experiments. According to authors of “Functional Foods of the East,” (2010) sesamin prevents the accumulation of cholesterol. High levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides negatively affect the body.

According to FDA reports, sesamin also helps to lower blood pressure and fights bacteria and some insects. Recent research shows that sesamin supplements may fight certain kinds of cancer.

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Sesamin Benefits The National Institutes of Health reports that sesaminalso acts as an antihypertensive agent. High blood pressure, or hypertension, causes the heart and cardiopulmonary system to work harder to push blood through the arteries. The endothelial walls of the arterial system m... more

Sesamin Benefits

The National Institutes of Health reports that sesaminalso acts as an antihypertensive agent. High blood pressure, or hypertension, causes the heart and cardiopulmonary system to work harder to push blood through the arteries. The endothelial walls of the arterial system may become damaged. As plaque accumulates at the injury site, arterial damage continues.

Maintaining normal blood pressure of 120 mm Hg or less (systolic) and 80 mm Hg or less (diastolic) is important for good health. Taking sesamin supplements helps many people obtain the benefits of sesame seeds and oil without added calories.

Heart attack, kidney diseaseand renal failure, stroke and other serious illnesses occur as a result of elevated blood pressure. Sesamin increases nitric oxide and decreases vasoconstrictor endothelin 1 according to NIH reports.

In Yale University studies (2005 and 2006), hypertensive patients consuming sesamin (along with prescription medicine) saw improved blood plasma levels of Vitamins E and C as well as lower blood pressure readings.

Sesame oil and sesamin may help people lose weight. It contains a variety of phytoestrogens that may help to balance a woman’s hormones. Sesamin may also aid weight loss by increasing ketones. Amino acids increase and body fat is used for energy instead of muscle. That’s one of the reasons sesamin’s popularity continues with weight trainers and dieters.

Along with other healthful polyunsaturated fatty acids, sesame oil and sesamin help to quash the free radicals generated from an intense exercise regimen. Weight trainers and exercisers beneath from replacing potentially harmful trans fats with healthy oils.

According to Udo Erasmus, PhD, consuming healthy oils provides endurance and energy. Many modern diets don’t include enough healthy omega-3 and omega-6 oils . Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are required for many body processes.

If you’re losing weight, the abundance of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 oils in sesamin helps to increase thermogenesis. Thermogenesis, as a part of the human metabolic process, helps the body to use fat as energy.

Sesamin Side Effects

According to “Food Drug Synergy and Safety” authors Lilian U. Thompson and Wendy Ward, sesamin and sesame oil is safe for most people. Tell your doctor about any supplements you take. Ask your doctor about sesamin supplements before adding them to your daily nutrition course.

Author S. Watanabe notes that about 40% of consumed sesamin is excreted as waste in the “Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference On Food Factors” (2004). The body uses most of the ingested sesamin to remove harmful substances from the body.

Sesamin Dosage

Ask your doctor to calculate the right dosage of sesamin for you. According to authors Benny K-H. Tan, Boon-Huat Bay and Yi-Zhun Zhu in “Novel Compounds From Natural Products in the New Millenium,” studies cite dosage ranges of 32.4-64.8 mg/day of sesamin.

Author Robert Rister recommends (6) 500 mg capsules of sesamin per day for treatment of hypertension in “Healing Without Medication.” He recommends a complementary regimen of vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid and L-arginine.

Learn more about your vitamin and health options by visiting the nutrition page. Or use the free supplement finder to compare sesamin sources now!


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None Known
Bone Health
Cell Health
Cholesterol Regulation
High Blood Pressure
Hormonal Balance In Women
Lose Weight