How to Access Your Workout Plans

Here’s how to access your workout plans on Active Life RX! First, we’ll show you how it’s done on the web app.

If you want to learn how to access your workout plans in the apps, click here to jump to the app instructions.


Step-by-Step Guide:

How to Access Your Workout Plans on the Web App

Step 1: Click the “My Account” tab on your Dashboard.

Once you’re signed in, look for the “My Account” link here:


Step 2: Click the “My Plans” option on the left side menu.


Step 3: Hover your mouse over the plan you want to see, and click the “View Plan” button.


Step 4: Now you can click through each day and week available for in plan.

You can also print any workouts you want a hard copy of!


Step 5: To add this plan to your schedule, click the “Start This Plan” button.



How to Access Your Workout Plans in the Active Life RX Apps

[IF VIDEO]Watch the video below to see how to log your scheduled workouts!

If you need more help, check out the step-by-step directions below the video.



Step 1: From your Dashboard view, tap the top left menu icon to open the main menu.


Step 2: Tap “Plans” on the main menu.


Step 3: Tap the plan you want to view.


Step 4: You can expand each week and select a day to view each workout.


Step 5: Tap the “Start” button to add this plan to your schedule.


Enjoy those workouts!!

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