How do I add conditional questions to an assessment?

f you want to add some follow-up questions to your assessments that will display or stay hidden based on your clients’ answers, you can use conditional questions!


Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Create a new assessment or edit an old one.


Step 2: Navigate to the Fields tab.



Step 4: Add the field and answers that will involve a conditional follow-up.


Step 5: Enter the “correct” answer that will trigger the conditional question.


Step 6: Add another field with the conditional question.

Note: Only the question immediately AFTER the conditional question will be hidden/displayed based on the answer provided. All fields after that will be shown as regular assessment fields.


Step 7: Click “Save Assessment” at the bottom to complete.


Now that you can add conditional questions to an assessment, you can better engage your clients.

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