Attendance KPI Report

Here’s how to generate an Attendance KPI Report within our Gym Management Software, starting from the “Account” tab of your Dashboard and follow the step-by-step instructions below.

attendance KPI

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Click on the “Reports” tab on the left side bar.

reports tab

Step 2: On the “Attendance” tab, click on Attendance KPI.


Step 3: Select the date range for your report.

date range

You can use the pre-set date range links or customize the date range using the calendar.

Step 4: Customize the filters.


You can filter the report by service, staff member, location and specific client. The date interval will group results by the specified time frames.

Step 5: Click on the “Generate New Report” or “Refresh Report” button.


The report will list the number of visits within the time frame selected. You can also export the report as a csv file.

Now you can generate an Attendance KPI Report!

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