How do I create a new workout plan?

This article will show you exactly how to create a workout plan from start to finish. Click here if you’re starting from the Trainer Dashboard.

From the Dashboard

From the “My Stuff” tab of your Dashboard, click “My Workout Plans,” located in the left side menu. Then you’ll see “Create a Plan” button.


From the Trainer Perspective

From the “Plans” tab of your Dashboard, click the blue button labeled “Create New Plan” on the right side of the page.


Configuring your Workout Plan

Next, you’ll see the “Plan Settings” modal, where you’ll set up your workout plan.

  • Type the name of your new workout plan into the first text box.
  • Choose a difficulty level.
  • Select plan objectives.
  • Upload an image for the workout plan (optional).
  • Select the days that you suggest the workout should be completed on.
  • Add a plan description.
  • Update additional settings as needed.
  • Click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page.

Now you can add exercises to your workout plan:

  • Click “Build Workout” on the first workout of the week.
  • On the left-hand side of the screen, search the database for exercises and add them as needed.
  • Enter the sets, reps, times, rest times, etc. for each exercise.
  • For weighted exercises, you can choose a weight to display by default in the workout logger view.
  • Click the Trash Can icon to delete an exercise from the workout

Adding Progression Percentages, Supersets, and Alternate Exercises

To add progression percentages, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the exercise box and check “Use Progressions”. Choose the rep-maximum you want, along with the progression percentages.

To add supersets, make sure block programming is enabled, then change the block type to “Superset”. All exercises added to this block will be included in the superset.

To add alternate exercises, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the exercise box and check “Alternate Exercises”. Enter the workout details and choose a label.


Copying, Rearranging, and Publishing

You can copy workout days and weeks from the week view.

  • Click the “+” in the bottom left of the workout card to copy it to the following day.
  • Cick the “+” in the top right corner of the “Week” box to copy the whole week of workouts onto the next week.


You can also Drag & Drop workouts to rearrange them.

Once your workout plan is completed you can save it by clicking the “Publish” button at the top right hand corner of the page. Trainers can assign workout plans to individuals or to groups and then save their settings.

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