Refersion Link Format

Within our Gym Management Software, you have the ability to create your own affiliate program through Refersion. Once you’re connected to Refersion, you can set up your links for affiliate tracking.

Please note that when setting up your referral links, you need to link directly to the sales link for the purchasable item – not to your website or platform home page. The sales link will end in “/join” or “/purchase”.

If you haven’t connected to Refersion yet, please click here for Refersion setup instructions.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Go to your Account -> Links page to find the sales link for what you are selling.

Copy the link ending in “/join” or “/purchase”. This will send anyone who clicks the link directly to the Checkout form and initiate the Refersion tracking process.

Workout Plan:

Group Membership:



Online Training:

PLEASE NOTE: If you use the home page or any page that is NOT a /purchase or /join link when setting up Refersion tracking, Refersion won’t be able to track the sale.

Step 4: Select the affiliate from the dropdown menu.

Step 5: Click the “Generate” button

The end result should look like one of our example links above when you click through the link:

If you need to make changes to your affiliate links, there are three main ways to do this from in the Refersion platform:

For the entire merchant account

Result: All affiliates, new and old, will have their referral links adjusted.
How: Contact Refersion and let them know the landing page you’d like to customize via a message to their support team ( or via the in-app support system. Refersion support has access to edit referral links for a merchant’s account so all new affiliates registered will land on a certain page or have a specific UTM tag.

For a specific affiliate

Result: Only a specific affiliate(s) will have their referral links adjusted.
How: You can navigate to a specific affiliate’s account (Manage > Affiliates) and add the parameters or landing page info there.

For a specific instance

Result: Affiliate will have a referral link created on-demand from within the dashboard.
How: Simple enter the dashboard and use the “link to a specific page” feature.

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