How do I sort workout plans on the Trainer Dashboard?

From the Trainer Dashboard, click on the “Plans” tab to view the workout plans you’ve created.

Click the “list view” to view your plans as a list format.


Step 1: To sort through these workout plans, you can enter text into the search bar or sort by category type using the drop-down menu.

Srep 2: To find Workout Plan categories, click on the drop-down list that defaults to “All Plans.”

You can use this drop-down sort feature to display Workout Plans by an individual category.

Step 3: To search Workout Plans, type in text associated with the name of a Workout Plan.

When creating Workout Plans, be sure to use appropriate category tags and names to ensure easy sorting and searching in the future.


Step 4: To clear the filter click the “x” next to the drop down arrow. 

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