Trainerize vs TrueCoach Comparison

Read this head-to-head Trainerize vs. TrueCoach software comparison, where we place TrueCoach up against Trainerize, and see for yourself why is still the best choice.

Trainerize vs TrueCoach Comparison

In this comparison, we will compare and contrast three top fitness business software platforms: vs. Trainerize vs. TrueCoach. Although TrueCoach and Trainerize seem like contending management software platforms, they do not provide the comprehensive gym management software seen with Let’s jump into a brief Trainerize software vs. TrueCoach software comparison and see how they stack up against Then be sure to compare Trainerize pricing vs TrueCoach pricing with our detailed cost breakdowns.


  • Overview: Trainerize is a comprehensive platform designed for personal trainers and fitness professionals. It specializes in creating personalized workout and nutrition plans, client engagement, and progress tracking.
  • Features: Trainerize offers robust features like custom workout creation, nutrition tracking, client progress monitoring, and in-app messaging. It excels in building a digital connection between trainers and their clients.
  • Target Audience: Ideal for personal trainers, online fitness coaches, and fitness professionals who aim to manage and grow their client base digitally.


  • Overview: TrueCoach focuses on providing tools for fitness coaching and client management. It is geared towards enabling personal trainers to deliver individualized coaching experiences.
  • Features: Key features include workout programming, video exercise demonstrations, client communication tools, and progress tracking. TrueCoach is known for its user-friendly interface and effective client-coach interaction.
  • Target Audience: Best suited for personal trainers and coaches looking for a streamlined platform to manage client workouts and communication effectively.

  • Overview: stands out as a versatile fitness business management software, serving a wide array of fitness professionals, including personal trainers, gym owners, and sports coaches.
  • Features: The platform includes workout plan creation, client and class scheduling, e-commerce capabilities, custom-branded apps, and performance health software. It is designed to cater to both individual client management and larger group or team management.
  • Target Audience: Perfect for fitness professionals who need a comprehensive platform to manage individual clients, teams, and run their fitness business efficiently.

Trainerize and TrueCoach both offer valuable tools for personal trainers, with a focus on client engagement and workout management. However, provides a more comprehensive suite of features that cater to a broader range of fitness business needs, including e-commerce and custom-branded app development. This makes a more versatile choice for fitness professionals looking to expand their services and manage their business more effectively. To see how can elevate your fitness business, booking a demo is a recommended next step.

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Workout Software: Trainerize vs. TrueCoach

One of the most important components of workout software is customization. This is because clients want personalized workout plans tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Both Trainerize and TrueCoach have sufficient workout creators/loggers but fall short with customization. Trainers must adhere to the provided exercise demonstration videos and metrics of the software instead of giving clients that perfectly-personalized workout they desire.

On the other hand, the workout software from has nearly unlimited customizations. We include an exercise video library with our software, but also enable you to add your custom-branded videos for a personalized touch.

Trainers use these videos to build a custom workout for their clients in our workout software built for fitness professionals; everything from metrics, weights, reps, modifications, and more, can be adjusted to meet a client’s needs. Clients view and log their workouts in your custom-branded fitness trainer app anytime, anywhere.

Gym Management Software: Trainerize vs. TrueCoach

While fitness-specific management features are essential to the running of a fitness business, you also need software that runs and tracks routine management and facility functions, such as sales, appointments, and payroll. TrueCoach doesn’t have any facility management capabilities, which means you must invest in another software to perform these tasks. Trainerize does not deliver business metrics unless you upgrade to the Enterprise Plan.

Far better, comes with everything you need to successfully run a business, no upgrading necessary. The Fitness Business Management (FBM) software platform tracks all reports — sales, business, appointments, class, payroll, and more — in your completely customized software.

Custom Fitness Software: Trainerize vs. TrueCoach

For an alternative to Trainerize, read our Trainerize Alternative article where we cover Trainerize pricing, Trainerize competitors, Trainerize support, Trainerize integrations, and more.

For an alternative to TrueCoach, read our TrueCoach Alternative article where we cover TrueCoach pricing, TrueCoach payments, TrueCoach features, TrueCoach support, TrueCoach integrations, and more.

Needless to say, when it comes down to vs. Trainerize vs. TrueCoach, the software platform is the clear winner. Request a demo with us today!

With, get a custom web and smartphone app designed for your brand with additional customization available throughout your custom-built software. Grow your business, turn leads into clients, and increase revenue. Choose the Fitness Business Management Software Platform.

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