Add/Remove Tag Automation Based on Last visit Closed
This guide will walk you through creating an automation for adding and removing a client tag based on when they have last closed out a visit.
1. Navigate to Automations
Go to the “Automations” tab.

2. Create New Automation
Click on “Create New Automation” and select Add or Remove Tag from the drop down list.

3. Edit the Automation
Click the edit icon.

4. Select the Trigger
Select “Has not closed out a visit in” from the drop down.

5. Select the Time Frame
Select between days, weeks or months for the time frame.

6. Enter Duration
Enter a value for the duration.

7. Finish Editing
Click on “done editing”.

8. Customize Setting
Edit the settings for “What”.

9. Select Add or Remove Tags
Select Add or Remove Tag from the drop down.

10. Select Tag
Select the tag to add or remove once the automation has been triggered.

11. Finish Editing
Confirm that editing is finished.

12. Save the Automation
Save the changes made.

In this guide, you learned how to create an automation to add or remove client tags based on when they last closed out a visit.