How To Update a Package and Publish All Changes To Existing Users

When you update a package using the Gym Management Software platform, you can publish the changes to all existing package users.

Here’s how to update packages and publish all changes to existing users, starting from the “Schedule” tab of your Dashboard. The step-by-step instructions are below.

update packages

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Select “Manage Packages” from the drop-down list.

manage packages

Step 2: Click on the edit icon next to the package.

edit package

Step 3: Make changes and scroll down to check the “Publish all settings to users that already have this package” box.

check option

Click on the “Save Package” button to continue.

Step 4: Click yes to confirm publishing all changes.


This will not affect any active subscriptions or payment plans.

Now, you can update packages and publish all changes to existing users!

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