Trial Ending Alert

Here’s how to use the Trial Ending Alert automation, starting from the “Automations” tab of your Dashboard. Step-by-step instructions are below:

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Select “Send A Message: One Time” from the drop-down.

send a message

Step 2: Click the “+ Add Send A Message: One Time” button.

add send a message

Use the edit icons to customize the automation.


Step 3: For “When?” select “a trial ending” and set the time for when the message will be sent.


Step 4: For “Who?” select all clients or specify which clients by tags. These will be the clients who have a trial ending.

select clients

Step 5: For “Send To?” you can select send to client or you can select a staff member.

send to

Step 6: For “How?” select the delivery method for your message.

delivery method

Step 7: For “Message” add a subject and custom message.

custom message

Step 8: Save the automation.

save automation

Now you can send Trial Ending Alerts!