How many personal trainers are in the US?
There are nearly 375,000 personal trainers in the US, but what does that really mean? How does the future look for the personal training market? Believe it or not, now is a great time to be a personal trainer. Check out this guide to find out whether you should start a personal training career.
- There are almost 375,000 personal trainers in the US.
- The personal training industry is expected to experience higher than average growth in the coming years.
- Creativity and adaptability will help you stand out from other personal trainers.
Although it may not seem like it, there’s never been a better time to be a personal trainer. “But wait!” you’re saying. “How many personal trainers are in the US? What do the current personal trainer demographics look like? How about personal trainer market size?”
These are all important questions to ask, but ultimately, the answers will not determine your potential as a personal trainer. Your success will hinge upon your willingness to work hard, how well you adapt to challenges, and how you stand out from other personal trainers (hint: utilizing the best online personal training software). Keep reading to find out why now is a great time to be a personal trainer. can help your personal training business stand out from the competition. Book a demo to learn more!
How many personal trainers are there in the US?
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 373,700 people were working in fitness trainer and instructor jobs in the US in 2019. Nearly 60% of those were employed by fitness and recreational sports centers. Only 11% were self-employed, and the rest worked in educational settings, government, and civic and social organizations.
The BLS lists the average yearly salary for fitness trainers and instructors as $40,510 (as of May 2020). However, lists the average personal trainer salary in the US as $62,477 (as of May 2021). This discrepancy could be attributed to differences in methodology, but it also may be a sign of surging demand for personal training services.
What is the outlook for the personal training industry?
With 373,700 personal trainers already working in the US, it might sound like the industry is already very full. However, the US population currently sits at over 323 million people. Do a bit of math, and you’ll see that works out to one personal trainer for roughly every 860 people. There is still plenty of room for growth.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics supports this idea. It projects that the field of fitness trainers and instructors will experience 15 percent growth from 2019 through 2029, which is much higher than the 4 percent growth expected on average for all occupations.
Much of this expected growth in the personal training industry is credited to two specific needs. The first is the continuing struggle against obesity and the demand for experts to help people navigate this particular challenge. The second is an aging population, specifically the Baby Boomer generation, who will seek experts to help them stay fit during their retirement years.
How can I stand out from other personal trainers?
As we move forward into an unknown future, you will need creativity to overcome whatever challenges may present themselves. You’ll also need to be flexible and ready to adapt to new ways of doing things. Demonstrating these qualities while understanding how to be a good personal trainer is how you will thrive in this rapidly evolving job market.
It will also be important to learn how to gain personal training clients early on, to ensured success as a personal trainer.
The Bottom Line: How many personal trainers are in the US?
Yes, there are already a lot of personal trainers working in the US, but that doesn’t matter. The personal training industry is primed for growth, and smart personal trainers will be ready and willing to take advantage of the opportunity. There is no reason that can’t be you.

Stay one step ahead of your competitors with customized personal training software. Book a demo to get started!