Mindbody vs PaySimple Comparison

Read this head-to-head Mindbody vs. PaySimple software comparison, where we place PaySimple up against Mindbody, and see for yourself why Exercise.com is still the best choice.

Mindbody vs PaySimple Comparison

In this comparison, we will compare and contrast three of the top fitness business software platforms ā€“ Exercise.com vs. Mindbody vs. PaySimple. These are three fitness business software platforms with differing features and options.

Mindbody and PaySimple are missing a handful of features (mentioned below) that can help grow your client base, increase revenue, and manage your business operations. Exercise.com gym management software, however, includes these essential features.

Letā€™s dive into a quick PaySimple software vs. Mindbody software comparison and see how these two software companies compare to Exercise.com:


  • Overview: Mindbody is a well-known software in the health and wellness industry, primarily catering to fitness studios, gyms, and wellness centers.
  • Key Features: It offers a range of features including online booking, client management, marketing tools, and payment processing. Mindbody is particularly strong in client engagement and retention strategies.


  • Overview: PaySimple is a payment management solution that focuses on service-based businesses, including those in the fitness industry.
  • Key Features: Its main offerings are in payment processing, billing, and invoicing, with a user-friendly interface for managing customer payments and recurring billing.


  • Overview: Exercise.com stands out as a comprehensive fitness business management software that combines the strengths of Mindbody and PaySimple.
  • Features: It offers robust scheduling, client management, workout creation, and a custom-branded app, along with efficient payment processing capabilities.
  • Advantage: Exercise.com not only provides the extensive client engagement and management features of Mindbody but also includes streamlined payment processing similar to PaySimple. This makes it an all-in-one solution for fitness professionals seeking to manage their business effectively.

While Mindbody offers a broad range of features for client engagement and PaySimple excels in payment processing, Exercise.com brings the best of both worlds. It provides a unified platform for managing all aspects of a fitness business, from client management to seamless payment processing. This comprehensive approach makes Exercise.com an ideal choice for fitness professionals looking for a complete software solution. To explore how Exercise.com can elevate your fitness business, consider booking a demo to experience its full range of features.

Exercise.com is simply the best. We were using three or four different apps or softwares to do what we can now do all in one with the Exercise.com platform.
Brandon Stroupe
Founder and President, APEC Sports Performance

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Online Training Software: Mindbody vs. PaySimple

If you are trying to decide if you should choose Mindbody software or if you should choose PaySimple software for your fitness business, it is important to consider that PaySimple does not include all of the available options that will help expand your fitness and personal training options online ā€“ like online memberships, online workout plans, and online training. Online memberships give fitness professionals and clients the flexibility to plan workouts and train without a need to meet face-to-face.

Online memberships give fitness professionals and clients the flexibility to plan workouts and train without a need to meet face-to-face. Workout software built for personal trainersĀ lets fitness professionals deliver workouts for any training scenario whether your clients are in your gym, on the other side of the world, pro athletes on the road, or in-between sessions.Ā Offer online workouts in your appĀ to train clients one-on-one, in groups, online, or hybrid. All of these options give you a ton of flexibility to maximize your time and revenue.

Ecommerce Software: Mindbody vs. PaySimple

Mindbody allows fitness businesses and fitness professionals to sell online workout plans and now offers online training and online memberships. PaySimple does not offer online training, online memberships, or online workout plans.Ā TheĀ Exercise.com gym ecommerce software platform includes all of these important features to help grow and expand your reputation near and far; plus, it adds a new revenue stream to grow your business.

PaySimple software does not have a workout creator/logger or an exercise library. Mindbody does have a workout creator/logger but lacks an extensive exercise library. Exercise.com includes both of these options, plus the ability to create custom exercises that can give your workouts a unique twist. This is all available in yourĀ branded app built for personal trainers, which keeps your trainers productive and organized.

Fitness Assessment Software: Mindbody vs. PaySimple

Motivation is a key barrier for exercisers who are trying to start or maintain fitness or physical activity programs. Workout challenges,Ā assessments, and nutrition tracking are three features that can help improve motivation in your clients.Ā Exercise.com offers all three options with our fitness assessment software, whereas Mindbody offers workout challenges and assessments but no nutrition, and PaySimpleĀ does not include any of these three essential features.

For an alternative to Mindbody, read our Mindbody Alternative article where we cover the Mindbody business app, Mindbody pros and cons, Mindbody pricing, the Mindbody branded app, and more.

For an alternative to PaySimple, read our PaySimple Alternative article where we cover PaySimple pricing, PaySimple competitors, PaySimple reviews, PaySimple pros and cons, and more.

Needless to say, when it comes down to Exercise.com vs. Mindbody vs. PaySimple, the Exercise.com software platform is the clear winner. Request a demo with us today!

With Exercise.com, get a custom web and smartphone app designed for your brand with additional customization available throughout your custom-built software. Grow your business, turn leads into clients, and increase revenue. Choose the Exercise.com Fitness Business Management Software Platform.

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