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27 Types of People at the Gym (and How to Market to Them)

27 Types of People at the Gym (and How to Market to Them)

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on July 14, 2023 ā€” Updated on August 12, 2023

There are many different types of people at the gym: newbies, seniors, competitive athletes, fit couples, social butterflies, and more. Learn how to identify and market to different groups of people at the gym so you can take your gym marketing to the next level, make your gym stand out, and increase your gym’s profitability.

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In order to successfully promote your gym and attract a wide range of individuals, it’s crucial to understand the different types of people you’ll encounter. Each person comes with unique needs, interests, and goals, and by tailoring your marketing strategies to cater to these specific personas, you’ll be able to create a thriving and diverse gym community. Discover the different types of people you’ll encounter at the gym and learn effective marketing strategies to target each group.

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Understanding your gym audience: A diverse mix of people

Gyms are like microcosms of society, housing a diverse mix of individuals with varying fitness levels, interests, and backgrounds. From fitness enthusiasts to newbies, from busy professionals to stay-at-home parents, and from weight-loss seekers to bodybuilders, your gym is likely to welcome people from various walks of life. As a gym marketer, your mission is to reach out to all these different groups and make them feel welcomed and catered to.

It is important to recognize that within this diverse mix of people, there may also be individuals with specific health considerations or physical limitations. Some gym-goers may have pre-existing medical conditions, such as heart disease or arthritis, that require modifications to their exercise routines. Others may be recovering from injuries or surgeries and need specialized guidance. As a gym marketer, it is crucial to ensure that your facility is equipped to accommodate these individuals by offering personalized training programs, accessible equipment, and knowledgeable staff who can provide appropriate support and guidance.

#1 The Fitness Enthusiast

Engage the dedicated gym-goers by creating specialized workout plans, tracking progress, and offering exclusive memberships with Exercise.com. Offer advanced classes, strength challenges, and a loyalty program to keep them coming back for more.

The fitness enthusiasts are the backbone of every gym community. They’re committed to their fitness journey, actively seeking ways to challenge themselves and achieve new goals. To market to these individuals, focus on highlighting your gym’s advanced equipment, specialized classes, and personalized training options. Showcase success stories of members who have achieved impressive fitness milestones, and emphasize the supportive and motivational atmosphere that your gym provides.

Additionally, consider offering exclusive perks and benefits to your fitness enthusiast members. This could include priority access to popular classes, discounts on personal training sessions, or special events and workshops tailored to their interests. By providing these extra incentives, you can further engage and retain this dedicated group of gym-goers.

Furthermore, leverage the power of social media to connect with fitness enthusiasts. Create engaging content that showcases workouts, nutrition tips, and inspirational stories. Encourage members to share their own fitness journey on social platforms using your gym’s branded hashtags. This not only helps to build a sense of community but also attracts potential new members who are inspired by the dedication and progress of your fitness enthusiasts.

#2 The Newbies

Attract beginners by offering tutorials, introductory classes, and beginner-friendly equipment through Exercise.com. Provide one-on-one consultations and a guided tour of your facilities to make newcomers feel at ease.

For the newcomers to the fitness world, the gym can feel overwhelming and intimidating. To attract and retain beginners, emphasize the welcoming and non-judgmental environment your gym offers. Offer introductory programs and classes specifically tailored for novices, providing them with the guidance and support they need to kickstart their fitness journey. Promote the benefits of joining a gym community, where individuals can find support, motivation, and accountability.

In addition to offering introductory programs and classes, consider providing beginner-friendly equipment and workout options. Having machines and exercises that are specifically designed for beginners can help them feel more comfortable and confident in the gym. Additionally, offer educational resources such as workshops or seminars that cover basic fitness principles and techniques. This will empower beginners with knowledge and help them build a solid foundation for their fitness journey.

#3 The Social Butterflies

Foster interaction with social media integrations, group events, and social spaces via Exercise.com. Collaborate with local businesses for co-hosting events, ensuring your gym becomes a hub of community connection.

Some gym-goers prioritize social connections and community engagement as much as their workouts. To reach out to these social butterflies, create opportunities for members to connect and interact with one another. Organize social events, like group hikes or fitness challenges, that enable them to build relationships while working towards their fitness goals. Utilize social media platforms to foster online communities where members can share their gym experiences, achievements, and challenges.

In addition to organizing social events and utilizing social media platforms, another effective way to engage with the gym community is to create designated spaces within the gym for members to gather and socialize. This could include a lounge area with comfortable seating, a cafe or juice bar where members can grab a post-workout refreshment and chat, or even a bulletin board where members can post messages or find workout buddies. By providing these spaces, you are encouraging social interaction and fostering a sense of community among your members.

#4 The Time-Crunched

Offer flexible hours, express workout options, and virtual training sessions using Exercise.com to accommodate busy professionals. Provide meal planning and quick workout tutorials that can be accessed from anywhere.

For many individuals, time is a precious commodity, and finding time for exercise can be a challenge. To attract time-crunched gym-goers, highlight the convenience and efficiency of your gym. Emphasize features such as early morning and late evening hours, express workout options, and time-saving workout programs. Offer corporate wellness programs to attract busy professionals, showcasing the benefits of exercise on productivity, stress management, and overall well-being.

In addition to these features, consider offering online workout classes or virtual training sessions for busy professionals who may not have the time to physically come to the gym. This allows them to fit in a workout at their convenience, whether it’s during a lunch break or late at night. Providing access to a mobile app or website where they can track their progress, schedule workouts, and receive personalized recommendations can also be a valuable tool for time-crunched individuals.

#5 The Weight-Loss Seekers

Tailor weight-loss programs, nutrition guidance, and supportive communities using Exercise.com. Include regular weigh-ins, support groups, and personalized nutrition plans to make your gym an all-in-one destination for weight loss.

Many people turn to the gym as part of their weight-loss journey. Create marketing strategies that emphasize the effectiveness of your gym in helping individuals achieve their weight-loss goals. Highlight success stories and testimonials from members who have shed pounds and transformed their lives. Offer personalized weight-loss programs, nutrition counseling, and group support to reinforce the idea that your gym is not just a place to exercise but a resource for holistic lifestyle changes.

Additionally, consider partnering with local health professionals, such as nutritionists or dieticians, to provide expert advice and guidance to your members. This collaboration can further enhance the credibility and effectiveness of your weight-loss programs.

Furthermore, leverage technology to enhance the weight-loss journey for your members. Develop a mobile app or online platform that allows users to track their progress, set goals, and access workout routines and meal plans. This digital tool can provide convenience and motivation for individuals seeking to lose weight, making your gym a go-to destination for their fitness needs.

#6 The Muscle Builders

Promote strength training programs, specialized areas, and expert trainers with Exercise.com. Include hypertrophy and powerlifting classes, providing a community of like-minded individuals focused on building muscle.

Bodybuilders and weightlifters have unique needs when it comes to their workouts. To attract and retain these gym-goers, focus on marketing the specific equipment, training programs, and expertise your gym provides. Highlight the availability of strength training equipment, specialized lifting areas, and knowledgeable trainers who can offer guidance on proper form and technique. Feature testimonials from successful bodybuilders who have achieved their competitive goals through your gym’s resources.

#7 The Cardio Enthusiasts

Showcase a variety of machines and group classes through Exercise.com to appeal to cardio lovers. Add running clubs, cycling teams, and periodic cardio challenges to keep the experience fresh and engaging.

Cardiovascular exercises are a popular choice for many gym-goers. To market to cardio enthusiasts, showcase the variety and quality of your gym’s cardio equipment, such as treadmills, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines. Promote the benefits of different cardio workouts for weight loss, cardiovascular health, and stress reduction. Offer engaging group exercise classes, like spinning or dance aerobics, to create a sense of camaraderie and motivation among the cardio-loving individuals.

#8 The Group Fitness Lovers

Exercise.com allows you to manage a wide range of group fitness classes. Offer themed classes, fun dance workouts, or bootcamps, emphasizing collaboration and group achievement.

Group exercise classes can be a major attraction for individuals who enjoy working out in a supportive and energetic environment. Develop marketing strategies that highlight the wide range of group fitness classes your gym offers, from yoga and Pilates to Zumba and HIIT. Emphasize the benefits of group exercise, such as increased motivation, accountability, and the opportunity to make new friends. Feature testimonials from members who have experienced significant physical and mental transformations through group fitness.

#9 The Tech-Savvy

Integrate modern technology like fitness apps, wearable integration, and smart equipment through Exercise.com. Highlight your gym’s use of AI-powered machines and virtual reality workouts to excite tech enthusiasts.

In this digital age, many gym-goers are tech-savvy and rely on technology to track their progress and stay motivated. Consider implementing high-tech features in your gym, such as fitness apps, wearable devices, or virtual workout platforms. Leverage digital marketing strategies to reach out to tech-oriented individuals, utilizing social media, email marketing, and online advertisements. Highlight the integration of technology in your gym experience, from smart equipment to personalized workout tracking.

#10 The Seniors

Use Exercise.com to create senior-specific programs and low-impact workouts. Arrange social meetups, educational seminars on healthy aging, and gentle classes like aqua aerobics and tai chi.

Gyms are not just for the younger generation; they can also cater to the needs of seniors who prioritize their health and fitness. Market your gym as a welcoming space for older adults, highlighting senior-specific programs, low-impact workout options, and knowledgeable trainers who understand the unique challenges of aging bodies. Emphasize the benefits of regular exercise in maintaining mobility, strength, and overall well-being in later years.

#11 The Moms and Dads

Exercise.com helps you cater to busy parents by providing child-friendly amenities. Offer parent-child classes, childcare services, and family membership discounts to attract this demographic.

Parents, especially moms and dads, often face unique challenges when it comes to finding time for themselves and staying fit. To attract and retain this demographic, offer child-friendly amenities such as onsite childcare, family workout classes, or dedicated parent hours. Market your gym as a place where busy parents can prioritize their own well-being while also providing a positive example of healthy living for their children.

#12 The Workout Buddies

Promote referral programs, partner workouts, and team challenges using Exercise.com. Host buddy challenges and social mixers to encourage members to bring friends.

Some individuals prefer working out with a partner or in a group setting. Develop marketing strategies that highlight the social benefits of working out together. Offer referral programs that incentivize members to invite their friends and promote the idea of working out as a social activity. Organize partner workouts, team challenges, or boot camps to encourage camaraderie and strengthen the sense of community within your gym.

#13 The Stress Relievers

Promote yoga, meditation, and mental health benefits through Exercise.com. Create specialized retreats, relaxation areas, and therapeutic massage services for stress relief.

Exercise is not just about physical fitness; it’s also a powerful tool for stress relief and mental well-being. To attract individuals seeking stress relief and improved mental health, position your gym as a sanctuary for self-care. Highlight the tranquility and ambiance of your workout spaces, promote yoga and meditation classes, and emphasize the mental health benefits of exercise. Incorporate holistic wellness offerings, such as massage therapy or mindfulness workshops, to provide a comprehensive approach to stress management.

#14 The Goal-Oriented Individuals

Exercise.com helps you provide personalized goal-setting, success tracking, and specialized programs. Offer milestone rewards and frequent progress updates to maintain motivation.

Many gym-goers are motivated by setting and achieving specific fitness goals. Develop marketing strategies that focus on goal-oriented programs and offerings. Highlight successful case studies of members who have achieved impressive results and showcase the progress tracking tools available at your gym. Encourage individuals to set personalized goals, whether it’s running a marathon, gaining strength, or improving flexibility, and position your gym as the place to reach those goals with support, guidance, and specialized programs.

#15 The Competitive Athletes

Partner with local sports teams and offer sports-specific programs through Exercise.com. Highlight athlete testimonials and provide elite training facilities for sports specialists.

Athletes and sports enthusiasts often have unique training needs and goals. To attract and retain competitive athletes, offer specialized training programs that cater to their specific sports, such as sports-specific conditioning or agility training. Partner with local sports teams or organizations to establish connections and build credibility within the athletic community. Showcase how your gym can provide an edge in performance enhancement and help athletes excel in their chosen sports.

#16 The Holistic Health Seekers

Exercise.com enables you to offer nutrition counseling, mindfulness programs, and alternative therapies. Organize wellness workshops and wellness retreats to emphasize a complete approach to health.

Some individuals prioritize not only physical fitness but also overall holistic well-being. Develop marketing strategies that focus on your gym’s holistic wellness offerings, such as nutrition counseling, mindfulness programs, or alternative therapies like acupuncture or aromatherapy. Emphasize the importance of mind-body connection and provide resources that support a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

#17 The Budget-Conscious Consumers

Offer flexible payment plans and value-driven memberships with Exercise.com. Provide free trials, referral discounts, and community partnership deals to emphasize affordability.

Affordability is a key consideration for many potential gym members. To attract budget-conscious consumers, develop marketing strategies that emphasize the value and affordability of your gym membership options. Offer flexible payment plans, discounted long-term contracts, or off-peak membership rates. Highlight any additional benefits or perks that come with a membership, such as free group classes, access to specialized equipment, or discounts on personal training sessions.

#18 The Yoga Practitioners

Cater to yoga enthusiasts with specialized classes, workshops, and peaceful spaces using Exercise.com. Offer various yoga styles, meditation sessions, and wellness products for a complete yoga experience.

#19 The Rehab Patients

Provide supportive tools, rehabilitation programs, and specialized trainers through Exercise.com. Collaborate with healthcare providers and offer educational materials for a supportive recovery environment.

#20 The Outdoor Lovers

Organize outdoor workouts, hikes, or nature-inspired classes with Exercise.com. Provide nature retreats, outdoor challenges, and partnerships with local outdoor clubs to attract nature enthusiasts.

#21 The Youthful Spirits

Foster a youthful and energetic environment by creating youth-oriented programs, classes, and spaces with Exercise.com. Offer scholarships, youth leagues, and interactive game-based workouts for younger members.

#22 The Night Owls

Exercise.com allows you to offer late-night workout options, safety measures, and 24-hour access for those who prefer to exercise after dark. Highlight night classes and overnight events to engage night owls.

#23 The Weekend Warriors

Utilize Exercise.com to create specialized weekend classes, challenges, and schedules. Offer weekend retreats, long-form workshops, and special weekend-only rates to fit their unique needs.

#24 The Corporate Clients

Partner with local businesses to provide fitness solutions tailored to employees’ needs using Exercise.com. Offer corporate wellness packages, on-site fitness seminars, and specialized team-building events.

#25 The Eco-Conscious Individuals

Promote eco-friendly initiatives and sustainable practices through Exercise.com. Provide eco-friendly products, recycling facilities, and green energy use to appeal to environmentally responsible members.

#26 The Adventure Seekers

Offer unique workouts like rock climbing or obstacle courses through Exercise.com. Organize adventure races, wilderness excursions, and team-building adventures to appeal to thrill-seekers.

#27 The Luxury Lovers

Provide premium services and luxury amenities with Exercise.com. Highlight personal trainers, spa facilities, and exclusive membership perks that cater to upscale preferences.

By understanding and targeting these 27 distinct gym-goer types, you can craft personalized experiences that resonate with your diverse clientele. Exercise.com is your key tool to offer services, classes, and marketing tailored to each gym-goer, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.

What types of people go to the gym?

People who go to the gym vary widely and include fitness enthusiasts, athletes, individuals focused on weight loss, those recovering from injuries, and people seeking social interaction and a sense of community. Age, lifestyle, fitness goals, and health needs all play a role in who attends the gym.

What is the target audience for a gym?

The target audience for a gym depends on the gym’s focus and offerings. It may include young professionals, families, seniors, weightlifters, wellness enthusiasts, or even specialized groups like athletes or those with specific health conditions.

Who are the customers of a gym?

Customers of a gym include individuals seeking to improve their fitness, lose weight, build strength, connect with others, or engage in specialized training. Customers may be local residents, working professionals, students, or members of specific communities.

Who goes to the gym the most?

Those who go to the gym most frequently are often fitness enthusiasts, athletes, bodybuilders, or individuals with specific fitness goals. Age, lifestyle, and motivation also influence the frequency of gym visits.

What attracts customers to a gym?

Customers are attracted to a gym by factors such as location, facilities, equipment, classes, trainers’ expertise, community vibe, cleanliness, pricing, and unique offerings that align with their fitness goals and preferences.

What inspires people to go to the gym?

People are inspired to go to the gym for reasons such as achieving fitness goals, social interaction, stress relief, health improvement, weight management, enjoyment of physical activity, and professional training and guidance.

What do different people go to the gym for?

Different people go to the gym for various reasons, such as building muscle, losing weight, improving cardiovascular health, rehabilitation, socializing, taking specialized classes, or achieving overall wellness.

What are people who go to the gym called?

People who go to the gym regularly are often referred to as gym-goers or fitness enthusiasts. Those who are particularly committed might be labeled as “gym rats.”

What are the characteristics of people who workout?

People who workout regularly often show characteristics such as discipline, determination, goal-oriented behavior, an interest in health and well-being, and a positive attitude towards physical activity.

What defines a gym rat?

A gym rat is a slang term for someone who spends a considerable amount of time at the gym, often seen as passionate or even obsessed with working out.

Who goes to the gym more?

It varies by demographic factors, but studies have shown differences in gym attendance based on gender, age, occupation, and lifestyle.

Why do people socialize at the gym?

People socialize at the gym for camaraderie, motivation, shared interests in fitness, networking, and the community aspect that many gyms foster.

What is the word for a gym lover?

A gym lover might be referred to as a fitness enthusiast or a gym rat, depending on their level of dedication.

What does it mean to be obsessed with the gym?

Being obsessed with the gym means having an intense focus on working out, often prioritizing it above other activities and possibly risking physical or mental health due to overtraining.

What do you go to the gym for?

Individual reasons for going to the gym vary but may include achieving fitness goals, enjoying the physical activity, seeking professional guidance, socializing, or pursuing health and well-being.

Do different workouts work for different people?

Yes, different workouts work for different people based on factors like age, fitness level, goals, preferences, and any underlying health conditions.

What do people look for most in a gym?

People often look for aspects like location, equipment, classes, community, cleanliness, pricing, and staff expertise when choosing a gym.

What of people use their gym membership?

It’s estimated that only around 20-40% of people who have gym memberships regularly use them, though this can vary widely.

How can Exercise.com help me grow my gym?

Exercise.com provides a comprehensive fitness business management platform that helps you streamline operations, engage with members, offer online workouts, and analyze business trends. Their custom-branded app enhances member experience and retention, while powerful marketing tools help you attract new clients. By leveraging Exercise.com’s professional features, you can focus on what you do best and grow your gym effectively.

Crafting a comprehensive marketing strategy for all gym personas

In order to successfully market your gym to a diverse audience, it’s crucial to understand and cater to the unique needs, interests, and goals of each persona. By crafting a comprehensive marketing strategy that encompasses all the different types of people at the gym, you’ll be able to create a thriving and inclusive community. Remember to use a combination of targeted advertising, personalized experiences, and testimonials to effectively connect with your target audience. With the right approach, your gym will become a go-to destination for people from all walks of life who are seeking to improve their health and fitness.

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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