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Is the gym market growing?

Is the gym market growing?

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on July 14, 2023 ā€” Updated on August 12, 2023

According to research by IHRSA and IBIS World, the gym market is growing by about 5% annually, with rapid growth of 33% per year in the online/digital fitness segment. Read our full report on gym membership statistics to get more detail, and then read below for some ways fitness professionals can ride the wave of gym market growth to increase gym revenue and profitability as well as research the most profitable fitness business models, many of which require new gym marketing strategies.

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In today’s fast-paced and health-conscious world, the gym market has become a topic of great interest. People are increasingly aware of the importance of physical fitness and are embracing various forms of exercise to stay in shape. In this article, we will delve deep into the gym industry and explore the factors that contribute to its growth, analyze market trends, and examine the impact of health and wellness on the gym market. So sit back, relax, and join us as we take a comprehensive look at the growth of the gym industry. Discover the latest trends and insights on the growth of the gym market and then be sure to utilize the best gym software for growing your gym.

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Gym Membership Statistics

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of individuals signing up for gym memberships. This surge can be attributed to various factors, such as the growing trend of fitness and health consciousness, the availability of numerous gym chains, and the benefits associated with joining a gym. Here are 10 interesting gym membership statistics:

1. In 2019, over 64 million Americans had a gym membership.IHRSA 2020
2. Approximately 44% of gym members go to the gym at least twice a week.Statistic Brain 2020
3. The average gym member in the US goes to the gym 2 times a week.RunRepeat 2020
4. 30% of gym members use a personal trainer.Statista 2019
5. 67% of gym members never actually use their membership.RunRepeat 2020
6. The average monthly cost of a gym membership is $58.Statistic Brain 2020
7. 50% of all new gym members quit within the first 6 months.IHRSA 2020
8. The global gym industry is worth $96.7 billion.IHRSA 2020
9. 12% of gym members sign up in January, making it the busiest month for gyms.Finder 2020
10. In 2019, 36% of active members were millennials.Statista 2020

Read More: Gym Membership Statistics

The current state of the gym industry

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Source: Urban YVR

The gym industry, without a doubt, is experiencing a significant growth phase. With more and more individuals becoming health-conscious, the demand for fitness facilities has soared. Whether it’s traditional gyms, boutique studios, or specialty fitness centers, the options for fitness enthusiasts are expanding rapidly. This is true even for in-person traditional brick and mortar gym locations. People are no longer satisfied with just a basic workout space; they seek state-of-the-art equipment, innovative exercise classes, and personalized training programs. This shift in consumer expectations has created a dynamic and competitive gym market.

Gym membership rates have also witnessed a steady rise in recent years. The gym industry has successfully positioned itself as a vital part of modern-day living. It’s not just a place to sweat it out; it’s a community hub where like-minded individuals gather to achieve their fitness goals. The gym has evolved into a lifestyle, offering not only physical benefits but also a sense of belonging and motivation.

Read More: For Fitness Buffs and Landlords, Gyms Are Hot Again (NY Times)

Growth trends in the fitness market

One of the key growth trends in the fitness market is the increasing focus on holistic health and wellness. People are no longer solely concerned with physical fitness; they want to take care of their mental and emotional well-being as well. This shift in mindset has given rise to innovative fitness concepts that combine exercise with mindfulness, such as yoga and meditation classes. Gyms are adapting to this trend by incorporating these offerings into their schedules, catering to a more diverse audience and attracting individuals who may not have considered joining a gym before.

Furthermore, the digital age has transformed the way people approach fitness. With the advent of wearable technology and fitness apps, individuals have better access to information about their health and can track their progress more efficiently. This has created a demand for gyms to incorporate digital solutions into their services, providing personalized workout plans, virtual training sessions, and data-driven insights. These technological advancements have significantly contributed to the growth of the gym market.

Read More: Why the Fitness Industry is Growing

Factors contributing to the growth of the gym industry

Several factors have played a crucial role in driving the growth of the gym industry. Firstly, increased awareness about the importance of a healthy lifestyle has pushed people away from sedentary habits and towards fitness activities. Organizations and governments worldwide have actively promoted the benefits of exercise, leading to a cultural shift towards prioritizing physical well-being.

In addition, changing societal norms have made it more acceptable and even desirable to maintain a fit physique. The rise of social media platforms has created a culture of sharing fitness accomplishments, inspiring others and creating social pressure to keep up with fitness trends. This has fueled the demand for gym memberships, as people strive to achieve and maintain their ideal body image.

Furthermore, the growing trend of corporate wellness programs has had a significant impact on the gym industry. Employers are recognizing the benefits of a healthy workforce, including increased productivity and reduced healthcare costs. As a result, many companies are offering gym memberships as a part of their employee benefits package, driving more individuals to join fitness facilities.

Exploring the increasing popularity of fitness centers

Fitness centers have witnessed a surge in popularity over the past decade, and their growth shows no signs of slowing down. These facilities offer a range of fitness options, from cardio and strength training equipment to group exercise classes and personal training sessions. The variety of offerings appeals to individuals with different fitness goals and preferences, making fitness centers a one-stop destination for all their exercise needs.

Moreover, the sense of community and support that fitness centers provide is a major draw for many individuals. Group exercise classes foster camaraderie and create a social atmosphere, making workouts more enjoyable and motivating. Fitness centers also often offer additional amenities like saunas, pools, and relaxation areas, transforming the gym experience into a holistic wellness retreat.

Market analysis: Is the gym industry on an upward trajectory?

A comprehensive analysis of the gym industry reveals a positive growth trajectory. Industry reports indicate that the global fitness market is projected to continue expanding in the coming years. Factors such as increasing health consciousness, rising disposable incomes, and urbanization contribute to this upward trend.

The growing focus on preventive healthcare and the recognition of exercise as a means to prevent lifestyle-related diseases are driving more individuals to invest in their physical well-being. This, coupled with the rise in fitness infrastructures, is creating a positive environment for the gym industry to thrive.

The impact of health and wellness trends on gym market growth

The gym industry has been greatly influenced by health and wellness trends, especially in recent years. The increasing emphasis on self-care, mindfulness, and overall well-being has resulted in a surge of interest in gyms and fitness centers. People are recognizing that exercise is not just about physical fitness but also about mental and emotional wellness.

The rise of specialized fitness programs, such as HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and CrossFit, is a reflection of this trend. These workouts not only deliver effective results but also provide individuals with a sense of accomplishment and mental clarity. The gym market has capitalized on these trends by offering tailored fitness programs that target specific goals, providing a more personalized and holistic experience for their members.

Understanding the rising demand for fitness facilities

The demand for fitness facilities can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, a growing awareness of the importance of physical fitness in maintaining a healthy lifestyle has prompted individuals to seek out professional exercise environments. With gyms offering a wide range of equipment and expert guidance, people feel more motivated to work towards their fitness goals.

Secondly, an increase in disposable incomes has allowed for greater spending on self-improvement, including fitness. People are willing to invest in their physical and mental well-being, making gym memberships a popular choice. Furthermore, the rise of dual-income households means that more individuals have flexible schedules, making it easier to fit gym sessions into their daily routines.

Examining consumer behavior patterns in the fitness industry

Understanding consumer behavior is crucial for gym owners and operators seeking to attract and retain members. Consumer behavior in the fitness industry is driven by various factors, including personal goals, convenience, and social influence.

Individuals join fitness facilities with specific objectives in mind, such as weight loss, muscle gain, or overall health improvement. The gym market caters to these diverse goals by offering a range of equipment, classes, and training programs tailored to individual needs.

Convenience is another significant factor that influences consumer behavior. People are more likely to commit to a gym membership if the location and operating hours align with their daily routines. The accessibility of the gym plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining members.

Social influence also plays a role in consumer behavior in the fitness industry. Friends and family members who are already gym members often act as informal ambassadors, encouraging others to join. Additionally, the rise of social media has made it easier for individuals to share their fitness journeys, inspiring and motivating others to follow suit.

Key statistics and data on the growth of gyms globally

Let’s take a closer look at some key statistics and data that highlight the remarkable growth of gyms globally. According to market research, the global fitness industry was valued at $96.7 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach $131.7 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.4% during the forecast period.

In terms of gym memberships, the global market is estimated to have surpassed 190 million in 2019. North America dominates the market, accounting for almost 60 million gym memberships, followed by the Asia-Pacific region with over 50 million. These figures underscore the immense popularity and widespread adoption of gym memberships worldwide.

Furthermore, the growing trend of fitness franchises and multi-location gym chains is indicative of the success and scalability of the gym industry. Fitness franchises offer entrepreneurs an opportunity to tap into a proven business model and benefit from brand recognition, while consumers enjoy consistency and quality across multiple locations.

How technology is revolutionizing the gym market

Technology has played a transformative role in the gym market, revolutionizing the way people approach fitness. From wearable devices that track heart rate and calories burned to interactive exercise equipment and virtual training platforms, technology has enhanced the gym experience in numerous ways.

For instance, fitness apps and online platforms offer users a wide array of workout routines and training programs, accessible anytime, anywhere. These digital solutions help individuals stay motivated, track their progress, and receive personalized recommendations based on their goals and preferences.

Furthermore, gym equipment has become more advanced, incorporating smart features and connectivity. Users can now track their workouts, adjust resistance levels, and receive real-time feedback. These technological advancements not only make workouts more engaging but also provide valuable data that can be analyzed to optimize training methods and improve fitness outcomes.

The role of social media in driving gym memberships

Social media has had a profound impact on the gym industry, driving gym memberships and inspiring individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles. Platforms like Instagram and YouTube are flooded with fitness influencers who share their workout routines, diet tips, and progress photos, attracting a massive following.

These influencers create a sense of aspiration and motivation, enticing their followers to join gyms and emulate their fitness journeys. Social media has also made fitness more accessible and inclusive, as individuals can find like-minded communities and support networks online. By sharing their own fitness accomplishments, individuals not only inspire others but also hold themselves accountable to their goals.

Read More: Gym Social Media Marketing

Competitive landscape: Who are the major players in the gym industry?

The gym industry is characterized by intense competition, with various major players vying for market share. Some of the prominent names in the industry include global fitness chains like Anytime Fitness, Snap Fitness, and Planet Fitness, as well as boutique studios specializing in specific fitness disciplines.

These major players differentiate themselves through factors such as price, convenience, equipment offerings, and member experience. While some focus on affordability and accessibility, others emphasize premium amenities and specialized training programs. The competitive landscape ensures that gym operators constantly strive to improve their offerings and deliver exceptional value to their members.

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Opportunities and challenges in a growing gym market

While the gym market presents significant growth opportunities, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the primary challenges is attracting and retaining members in a highly competitive landscape. Gym operators must differentiate themselves by providing unique value propositions, such as innovative workout classes, personalized services, or tailored experiences.

Another challenge is adapting to evolving consumer expectations and preferences. As trends and technology continue to shape the fitness landscape, gyms must stay ahead of the curve and offer relevant and engaging experiences. This may involve incorporating digital solutions, leveraging social media, or diversifying offerings to cater to emerging fitness trends.

Additionally, the ever-changing regulatory environment poses challenges for gym operators. Compliance with health and safety regulations, data protection laws, and licensing requirements can be complex. Staying informed and ensuring strict adherence to these regulations is essential for long-term success in the gym market.

Future projections: Forecasting growth in the fitness sector

Looking ahead, the future of the gym market appears promising. The growing global focus on health and wellness, coupled with advancements in technology and evolving consumer preferences, will continue to fuel the growth of the fitness sector.

As the market matures, gym operators will need to stay innovative and responsive to changing trends. Whether it’s integrating wearable technology, offering personalized virtual training experiences, or creating hybrid fitness concepts, the gym industry will need to evolve to meet the needs and expectations of its members.

The gym market is indeed growing, driven by a combination of factors including increased health and wellness awareness, changing societal norms, and technological advancements. The future looks bright for the industry, with ample opportunities for growth and innovation. So, whether you’re a gym-goer or a gym operator, it’s an exciting time to be a part of the ever-expanding world of fitness.

Is the fitness industry expected to grow?

Yes, the fitness industry has been showing consistent growth over the past few years and is expected to continue to grow. This growth is driven by increased health consciousness, a focus on preventative healthcare, technological innovations, and the expansion of fitness services online.

What is the growth rate of the gym industry?

The growth rate of the gym industry varies by region and market segment, but globally, it’s been growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 4-5%. The rise of boutique fitness centers, increased accessibility, and awareness about physical fitness contribute to this growth.

Are gyms gaining popularity?

Yes, gyms are gaining popularity, particularly as people become more health-conscious and seek structured environments for exercise. The rise in popularity of specialized classes, personal training, and fitness technology are additional factors contributing to this trend.

What is the current demand for gyms?

The current demand for gyms is robust, driven by a renewed focus on wellness, a growing middle class in emerging markets, and a trend towards personalized fitness experiences. The COVID-19 pandemic initially reduced demand, but the industry is rebounding, especially with the rise of hybrid and online fitness options.

Is the fitness industry a good investment?

The fitness industry can be a good investment, considering its consistent growth and resilience to economic downturns. The diversification of services, the rise of technology-driven fitness solutions, and an increasing focus on health and wellness support the industry’s investment potential.

Why is gym culture growing?

Gym culture is growing due to increased awareness of the importance of physical fitness, the popularity of group workouts, a focus on holistic wellness, and the influence of social media and fitness influencers. Additionally, innovations in fitness technology and accessibility to various fitness regimes contribute to this growth.

Is the gym market competitive?

Yes, the gym market is highly competitive, with a mix of large chains, boutique studios, online fitness platforms, and individual trainers all vying for customers. Differentiation, customer experience, and unique offerings are essential to stand out in this competitive landscape.

What is the latest fitness craze?

The latest fitness craze includes high-intensity interval training (HIIT), virtual and augmented reality fitness classes, wearable fitness technology, wellness coaching, and a focus on mental well-being as part of overall fitness.

What is the future of fitness?

The future of fitness is expected to embrace more personalized, technology-driven experiences, hybrid online and offline classes, wellness integration, and a continued focus on holistic health.

Will recession affect fitness industry?

The fitness industry can be affected by a recession, as discretionary spending may decrease. However, the focus on health and affordable fitness options, like online subscriptions, may mitigate some of these impacts.

What is the projected employment future for a fitness trainer?

Employment for fitness trainers is projected to grow faster than the average for all occupations. As more people engage in fitness activities and demand personalized services, opportunities for trainers are expected to increase.

What is the projected growth of fitness trainers?

The projected growth of fitness trainers is around 15% over the next decade. This growth is spurred by an increased focus on health, a growing elderly population seeking fitness to stay active, and a rise in specialized fitness offerings.

What is the industry outlook for fitness products?

The industry outlook for fitness products is positive, with strong growth in areas like wearable technology, fitness apps, home fitness equipment, and personalized nutrition products.

How can Exercise.com help my gym or fitness business?

Exercise.com provides a comprehensive solution for gym and fitness business owners to manage and grow their business. A custom-branded fitness app allows for streamlined scheduling, client management, workout creation, and more. Exercise.com also supports online fitness offerings, enabling you to adapt to current market trends and expand your reach. This professional platform sets Exercise.com apart from other solutions, making Exercise.com a strong partner in your fitness business success.

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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