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How to Run a Fitness Competition in 2024 (Step-by-Step Guide)

How to Run a Fitness Competition in 2024 (Step-by-Step Guide)

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on July 14, 2023 ā€” Updated on December 22, 2023

Learn how to run a fitness competition with our step-by-step guide. And with the Exercise.com platform, we have everyone from fitness influencers to large international gym chain’s using our software to run fitness competitions online and in-person. With leaderboards, fitness assessments, workout logging apps, gym TV workouts and leaderboards, and much more, we make learning how to create your own fitness competition a snap. From CrossFit style competitions to creative fitness challenge ideas, finding the best fitness challenge software for gyms, and how to run a fitness challenge for the first time, read on to learn how to set up a fitness competition that is fun for your members and profitable for your fitness business.

Fitness Challenge Checklist

Running a fitness competition can be a rewarding endeavor. It provides an opportunity to bring together fitness enthusiasts, showcase their skills, and foster a sense of community within the fitness industry. However, organizing a successful fitness competition requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a comprehensive understanding of the key components involved. In this article, we will guide you through the process of running a fitness competition, covering everything from the benefits of hosting such an event to evaluating its success. Learn the essential steps and strategies to successfully organize and run a fitness competition. Then be sure to see why Exercise.com is the best gym software for managing your entire gym, whether that’s running a fitness competition, selling personal training sessions, booking, or more.

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Creating a Fitness Competition: A Step-by-Step Guide for Gym Owners and Fitness Professionals


Organizing a fitness competition can be a great way to engage your gym members, boost camaraderie, and promote a healthy and active lifestyle. With proper planning, execution, and the right tools, such as the all-in-one gym management software offered by Exercise.com, the process can be seamless and rewarding. This guide outlines the key steps in creating and managing a successful fitness competition.

Step 1: Define the Purpose of the Competition

The first step in creating a fitness competition is to establish a clear purpose. This could be anything from promoting a new fitness program, boosting member engagement, fundraising for a cause, or simply encouraging healthier habits among your members. Your purpose will guide many of your decisions throughout the planning process.

Step 2: Decide on the Type of Competition

Next, decide on the format of your fitness competition. This could be a weight loss challenge, a strength competition, a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) showdown, or even a step or distance tracking contest. The type of competition you choose should align with the interests and fitness levels of your members.

Step 3: Set the Rules and Structure

Clearly define the rules, scoring system, and structure of the competition. This includes the start and end dates, the criteria for winning, and how progress will be tracked and validated. Ensure that the rules are fair, achievable, and promote safe and healthy practices.

Step 4: Create a Registration Process

Establish a straightforward registration process. This could be done online or in person at your gym. Make sure to collect all the necessary information, including participants’ contact details and any relevant fitness data. Using Exercise.com, you can easily manage sign-ups, participant information, and payment processing all in one place.

Step 5: Promote the Competition

Use various channels to promote your fitness competition. This could include social media, email newsletters, flyers at your gym, or word of mouth. Make sure to highlight the benefits of participating and any prizes or rewards that are up for grabs.

Step 6: Manage the Competition

Throughout the competition, ensure that everything runs smoothly. This includes tracking participants’ progress, handling any disputes or issues, and regularly updating participants on the competition standings. Exercise.com’s robust tracking and reporting capabilities can greatly simplify this process.

Step 7: Announce the Winners and Reward Prizes

At the end of the competition, announce the winners in a fun and exciting way. You could host a special event at your gym, or announce the winners through social media or an email newsletter. Make sure to reward the winners with their prizes promptly.

Step 8: Evaluate the Competition

Finally, take the time to evaluate the competition. Gather feedback from participants, assess what went well and what could be improved, and use these insights to make future competitions even more successful.

In each of these steps, a comprehensive gym management platform like Exercise.com can prove invaluable. From managing registration and tracking progress, to communicating with participants and analyzing results, Exercise.com simplifies the process, making it easy for you to focus on creating a competition that your gym members will love. You can even make your own fitness app that is custom branded to your gym!

Fitness Income Ideas

Types of Fitness Competitions

Here’s a list of over 30 types of fitness competitions that you could consider for your gym or fitness community:

  1. Weight Loss Challenge
  2. Strength Competition
  3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Showdown
  4. Step Count Challenge
  5. Distance Tracking Contest (e.g., Running, Cycling)
  6. CrossFit Games
  7. Bodybuilding Competition
  8. Powerlifting Meet
  9. Olympic Lifting Competition
  10. Triathlon
  11. Duathlon
  12. Marathon
  13. Half-Marathon
  14. Ultra-Marathon
  15. Ironman Triathlon
  16. Spartan Race
  17. Tough Mudder
  18. Parkour Competition
  19. Obstacle Course Race (OCR)
  20. Bootcamp Challenge
  21. Kettlebell Competition
  22. Rowing Challenge
  23. Aerobics Marathon
  24. Pilates Challenge
  25. Yoga Challenge
  26. Zumba Dance-Off
  27. Battle Ropes Challenge
  28. Indoor Rock Climbing Race
  29. Swim Meet
  30. Boxing or Kickboxing Tournament
  31. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Tournament
  32. Jiu-Jitsu Tournament
  33. Indoor Cycling Challenge
  34. Handstand Contest
  35. Plank Challenge
  36. Calisthenics Competition
  37. Flexibility Challenge
  38. Functional Fitness Competition
  39. Vertical Jump Challenge
  40. Pull-up Competition
  41. Push-up Competition
  42. Sit-up Challenge
  43. Fitness Photo Contest
  44. Transformation Challenge.

Each competition type caters to different fitness interests and levels, offering an inclusive way to foster community, motivation, and a love for fitness. Choose the ones that best align with your gym’s culture and members’ interests. Remember, with a comprehensive management tool like Exercise.com, organizing and managing any of these fitness competitions becomes much easier.

Fitness Competitions for Beginners

Fitness competitions are a fantastic way for beginners to boost their motivation, develop a sense of community, and achieve their health and fitness goals. When starting, it’s important to choose competitions that are fun, manageable, and promote a sense of achievement. Here’s a list of fitness competitions that are suitable for beginners:

  1. Step Count Challenge: Encourage participants to track their daily steps and set a weekly or monthly goal. This competition is easy to start and doesn’t require any special fitness equipment.
  2. Weight Loss Challenge: These competitions are great for beginners, focusing on healthy and sustainable weight loss over a specific period.
  3. Distance Tracking Contest: Whether it’s walking, running, or cycling, participants track their distance covered over a certain period.
  4. 30-Day Plank Challenge: An excellent way to build core strength, start with short planks and gradually increase the duration over 30 days.
  5. Group Class Attendance Contest: Reward members who attend the most group fitness classes in a month.
  6. Healthy Eating Challenge: Participants strive to eat balanced, nutritious meals for a set period, promoting healthy lifestyle habits alongside physical fitness.
  7. Home Workout Challenge: Great for beginners, this challenge involves completing a set of exercises at home every day.
  8. Yoga Pose Challenge: Each day or week, participants aim to achieve a new yoga pose, promoting flexibility and mindfulness.
  9. Hydration Challenge: Encourage participants to meet their daily water intake goals.
  10. Sleep Challenge: Participants track their sleep patterns and aim for a set number of hours each night to promote recovery and overall well-being.

Remember, Exercise.com can be a tremendous help in managing and tracking these competitions. Their platform allows for easy setup, member communication, tracking, and celebrating the achievements of your participants. With this tool, organizing a fitness competition for beginners becomes much easier and more enjoyable for all involved.

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Women’s Fitness Competitions

Women’s fitness competitions are a fantastic way to empower and motivate female gym members to push their limits and achieve their fitness goals. These competitions can range from strength and endurance challenges to flexibility and agility contests. Here are some specific women’s fitness competitions:

  1. Women’s Half Marathon: These events challenge endurance and provide a strong sense of community and accomplishment.
  2. CrossFit Games Women’s Division: A combination of different physical challenges to test strength, stamina, and agility.
  3. NPC Bikini Competitions: A bodybuilding competition focused on lean muscle mass, symmetry, and stage presence.
  4. Women’s Strength Training Competitions: Events that challenge women to test their strength in exercises like deadlifts, squats, and bench presses.
  5. Yoga Competitions: Competitions focusing on the perfection of various yoga poses and transitions.
  6. Women’s Triathlon: These events combine swimming, biking, and running, challenging participants on multiple fronts.

Men’s Fitness Competitions

Men’s fitness competitions can provide an excellent platform for male members to showcase their physical strength, endurance, and agility. These competitions often involve elements of bodybuilding, powerlifting, or functional fitness. Here are some specific men’s fitness competitions:

  1. Men’s Spartan Race: These obstacle course races test strength, endurance, and determination.
  2. CrossFit Games Men’s Division: This event involves multiple exercises designed to challenge functional fitness.
  3. NPC Men’s Physique Competitions: These bodybuilding competitions emphasize muscularity and aesthetics.
  4. Men’s Powerlifting Competitions: These competitions focus on raw strength in three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift.
  5. Men’s Triathlon: This multi-discipline event combines swimming, cycling, and running, testing overall fitness and endurance.
  6. Men’s Marathon: A classic test of endurance, it provides a sense of achievement and camaraderie.

Remember, Exercise.com can be an excellent partner in organizing these competitions. Their platform makes it easier to manage and track participants’ performance, send updates, and share competition results, taking the hassle out of the organizational process.

Tips for Organizing a Successful Fitness Competition

  1. Set Clear Goals: Know what you want to achieve with the competition. Is it to motivate members, attract new ones, or simply for fun? Your goals will guide your planning process.
  2. Choose the Right Type of Competition: Consider your members’ interests and fitness levels. Some may prefer strength-based competitions, others endurance challenges, and some may enjoy more skill-based activities like yoga or dance.
  3. Plan Early: Start planning weeks or even months in advance. This will give you enough time to promote the event, and for participants to prepare.
  4. Promote the Event: Use multiple channels to announce the competition. Social media, email newsletters, and in-gym announcements can all help spread the word.
  5. Ensure Safety: Prioritize the safety of your participants. Have medical assistance available and ensure all activities are conducted safely.
  6. Establish Rules: Clearly communicate the rules of the competition. Make sure participants understand what’s expected of them and how winners will be determined.
  7. Be Inclusive: Try to include categories or events for different fitness levels and abilities, so everyone feels they can participate.
  8. Prizes and Rewards: Offer rewards for winners, but consider acknowledging all participants for their effort. This can increase motivation and engagement.
  9. Communicate Regularly: Keep participants informed about any changes or updates to the event. Good communication ensures everyone feels included and aware of what’s happening.
  10. Ask for Feedback: After the event, ask for feedback from participants. This can provide valuable insights for improving future competitions.

Remember, tools like Exercise.com can significantly simplify the process of organizing fitness competitions. From managing registrations to tracking results, Exercise.com can help make your competition a success.

The Benefits of Hosting a Fitness Competition

Hosting a fitness competition offers numerous benefits for both organizers and participants. For organizers, it can serve as a platform to establish their brand, gain exposure, and attract potential clients or sponsors looking for fitness-related opportunities. Additionally, organizing a fitness competition allows you to contribute to the industry’s growth by providing a platform for athletes to showcase their skills and inspire others. It also helps build a sense of community within the fitness industry, bringing people together who share a passion for health and fitness.

Furthermore, hosting a fitness competition can also have a positive impact on the local economy. As participants and spectators travel to attend the event, they often spend money on accommodations, dining, and other local businesses. This influx of visitors can provide a boost to the local economy and support small businesses in the area.

Choosing the Right Location for Your Fitness Competition

When selecting a location for your fitness competition, several factors must be considered. First and foremost, the venue should be easily accessible and have sufficient space to accommodate both participants and spectators. It should also have the necessary amenities, such as changing rooms, restrooms, and parking facilities. Additionally, consider the overall atmosphere of the location and whether it aligns with the vision and values of your fitness competition. A suitable venue will contribute to the overall experience and enjoyment of participants and spectators.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a location for your fitness competition is the availability of nearby accommodations. Participants and spectators may be traveling from out of town and will need a place to stay. Look for a venue that is in close proximity to hotels or other lodging options to make it convenient for attendees. Providing information on nearby accommodations on your event website or registration materials can also help participants plan their trip more easily.

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives for Your Fitness Competition

Before diving into the planning process, it is crucial to establish clear goals and objectives for your fitness competition. Are you aiming to attract a certain number of participants, generate revenue, or promote a specific fitness discipline? Clearly defining your goals will guide your decision-making throughout the planning process and help you allocate resources effectively. Moreover, setting objectives will help you assess the success of your fitness competition and identify areas for improvement in future editions.

One important aspect to consider when setting goals and objectives for your fitness competition is the target audience. Are you targeting professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or beginners? Understanding your target audience will help you tailor the competition format, rules, and prizes to meet their needs and expectations. For example, if your target audience consists of professional athletes, you may want to focus on challenging and intense competitions, while if you are targeting beginners, you may want to include more beginner-friendly categories and activities.

Creating a Budget for Your Fitness Competition

Developing a comprehensive budget is essential for running a successful fitness competition. Consider all the expenses involved, including venue rental, equipment, prizes, staff wages, marketing, and insurance. To create an accurate budget, research and obtain quotes from different suppliers and service providers. It is also crucial to factor in potential revenue streams, such as participant registration fees and sponsorship contributions. Having a well-planned budget will ensure financial stability throughout the planning and execution stages of your fitness competition.

Marketing and Promoting Your Fitness Competition

A robust marketing and promotion strategy is essential to attract participants and spectators to your fitness competition. Start by creating a compelling brand and visual identity for your event, including a memorable logo and engaging website. Utilize various marketing channels, such as social media platforms, email newsletters, and fitness-related publications, to spread the word about your competition. Consider partnering with influencers or fitness professionals who can endorse your event and help expand its reach. By effectively marketing your fitness competition, you can generate excitement and encourage participation.

Securing Sponsorships for Your Fitness Competition

Sponsorships can significantly contribute to the success of your fitness competition, both financially and through increased visibility. Identify potential sponsors who align with your event’s target audience and values. Craft a compelling sponsorship proposal that outlines the benefits sponsors will receive in exchange for their support, such as branding opportunities, product placements, and access to the event’s audience. Be proactive in reaching out to potential sponsors, and be prepared to negotiate terms that are mutually beneficial. By securing sponsorships, you can enhance the overall experience of your fitness competition and potentially expand its scale.

Designing an Effective Registration Process for Participants

The registration process plays a vital role in ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for participants. Create an online registration platform that is user-friendly and allows participants to easily submit their details and payment. Provide clear instructions and guidelines, as well as a transparent refund policy. Consider offering early-bird registration discounts to incentivize early sign-ups and ensure you have enough time to plan logistics. Additionally, communicate regularly with registered participants, providing updates and answering any questions they may have. A well-designed registration process will contribute to a positive participant experience.

Developing a Comprehensive Rulebook for Your Fitness Competition

A comprehensive rulebook is crucial for maintaining fairness and ensuring a level playing field in your fitness competition. Clearly define the competition format, including scoring criteria, time limits, movement standards, and disqualification rules. Communicate the rulebook to participants well in advance and provide opportunities for clarification or feedback. Additionally, establish protocols for handling disputes or rule violations during the competition. By developing a comprehensive rulebook, you can create a professional and transparent competition environment.

Selecting the Right Judges and Staff for Your Fitness Competition

The selection of qualified judges and competent staff is pivotal to the success of your fitness competition. Seek individuals with experience and knowledge in the relevant fitness discipline to serve as judges. Provide them with clear guidelines and training on evaluating performances and ensuring consistency in scoring. When recruiting staff members, consider their ability to handle various tasks, such as registration, logistics, and communication. Select individuals who are enthusiastic, reliable, and dedicated to delivering a seamless competition experience for participants and spectators.

Organizing Pre-Competition Workshops and Training Sessions

Pre-competition workshops and training sessions can enhance participants’ preparation and overall experience. Collaborate with experienced coaches or trainers to organize educational sessions that cover relevant topics, such as technique improvement, strategy development, and mental preparation. These workshops can be a valuable opportunity for participants to learn from industry experts and gain insights that can positively impact their performance. By providing pre-competition education, you can contribute to the growth and development of participants.

Creating a Memorable Opening Ceremony for Your Fitness Competition

An engaging and memorable opening ceremony sets the tone for your fitness competition and generates excitement among participants and spectators. Consider incorporating elements that reflect the values and theme of your event, such as athlete introductions, inspiring speeches, or a symbolic torch lighting ceremony. Plan and rehearse the opening ceremony thoroughly to ensure a seamless execution. By creating a captivating opening ceremony, you can establish a positive and energetic atmosphere that motivates participants and engages spectators.

Ensuring Fairness and Transparency in the Scoring Process

Transparency and fairness are crucial when it comes to the scoring process of your fitness competition. Clearly communicate the scoring criteria to judges and participants to ensure a shared understanding. Avoid any conflicts of interest by ensuring that judges are impartial and have no personal connections to participants. Implement a system for double-checking scores and reviewing judging decisions, maintaining a high level of accuracy. Be prepared to address and resolve any scoring-related concerns or disputes promptly. By prioritizing fairness and transparency, you can maintain the integrity and credibility of your fitness competition.

Managing Participant Expectations and Communication During the Event

Effective communication with participants throughout the event is key to managing expectations and ensuring a positive experience. Provide participants with a detailed schedule and clear instructions for each stage of the competition. Utilize various communication channels, such as email, social media, or event apps, to deliver real-time updates or changes. Encourage participants to reach out with any questions or concerns and respond promptly. By proactively managing participant expectations and maintaining open lines of communication, you can create a positive and inclusive competition environment.

Providing Adequate Facilities and Amenities for Participants and Spectators

It is essential to provide participants and spectators with adequate facilities and amenities that enhance their overall experience. Ensure that the venue has sufficient seating, viewing areas, and sufficient restrooms. If possible, provide designated areas for warm-ups, stretching, or equipment storage. Consider offering amenities such as food and beverage options, merchandise booths, or recovery zones. By providing comfortable and convenient facilities, you can create a welcoming environment that encourages participation and enjoyment.

Coordinating Logistics, including Equipment, Timing, and Venue Setup

Effective coordination of logistics is vital to running a smooth and efficient fitness competition. Begin by creating a detailed timeline that outlines all the tasks and deadlines leading up to the event day. Coordinate equipment rentals or purchases, ensuring that all required equipment is available and in good working condition. Develop a plan for venue setup, including stage placement, equipment arrangement, and spectator seating. Additionally, consider timing systems and ensure you have sufficient personnel to handle timing and scoring duties. By meticulously coordinating logistics, you can ensure a seamless and enjoyable competition experience for all involved.

Implementing Safety Protocols and Emergency Preparedness Measures

The safety and well-being of participants and spectators should always be a top priority in running a fitness competition. Develop and implement comprehensive safety protocols that address potential risks associated with the competition format or specific movements. Ensure all staff members are trained in first aid and emergency response procedures. Establish clear communication channels and contingency plans for handling emergencies or unforeseen circumstances. By prioritizing safety and preparedness, you can create a secure and comfortable environment for participants and spectators.

Offering Attractive Prizes and Awards to Motivate Participants

Outstanding prizes and awards can motivate participants to perform at their best and add excitement to your fitness competition. Consider partnering with sponsors to provide enticing prizes, such as cash rewards, product packages, or exclusive opportunities. Create categories and divisions that align with participants’ abilities and provide recognition for different skill levels. Ensure that prize distribution is organized promptly and with appropriate ceremony, highlighting the accomplishments of participants. By offering attractive prizes and awards, you can enhance motivation and create a sense of achievement among participants.

Capturing High-Quality Media Coverage of Your Fitness Competition

High-quality media coverage can significantly expand the reach and impact of your fitness competition. Collaborate with professional photographers and videographers to capture captivating images and footage throughout the event. Utilize social media platforms or live streaming services to provide real-time updates and highlights. Encourage participants and spectators to share their experiences on social media, using event-specific hashtags. Additionally, consider partnering with media outlets or fitness publications to secure additional coverage. By effectively capturing media coverage, you can extend the lifespan of your fitness competition and generate long-term exposure.

Evaluating the Success of Your Fitness Competition and Collecting Feedback

After the conclusion of your fitness competition, take the time to evaluate its success and collect feedback from participants, staff, and sponsors. Analyze key metrics, such as participant turnout, revenue generated, and media coverage. Assess the event’s impact on your brand’s visibility and reputation. Additionally, distribute surveys or conduct interviews to gather feedback on various aspects of the competition, such as organization, rules, facilities, and overall experience. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments for future editions. By evaluating the success of your fitness competition, you can continuously enhance its quality and maintain a competitive edge.

Running a fitness competition requires meticulous planning, attention to detail, and a passion for promoting health and fitness. By following the comprehensive steps outlined in this article, you can successfully organize a memorable and impactful event that brings together fitness enthusiasts, supports the growth of the industry, and inspires participants to push their boundaries. Remember, a well-executed fitness competition can leave a lasting impact on both individuals and the broader fitness community.

Fitness Challenge Checklist

How do I start a fitness competition?

Starting a fitness competition involves several key steps:

  1. Define the purpose of your competition: Is it for motivation, engagement, weight loss, building strength, or another goal?
  2. Set clear rules: Define what the participants need to do, how their progress will be tracked, and how the winner will be determined.
  3. Determine a timeframe: Will it be a week-long competition, a month-long, or longer? Make sure itā€™s long enough to see results but short enough to keep people engaged.
  4. Promote your competition: Use your gym’s website, email list, and social media channels to get the word out.
  5. Track progress and provide updates: Regular updates can keep participants motivated and engaged. This could be a leaderboard in your gym, an email update, or posts on social media.
  6. Reward the winners: This doesnā€™t have to be expensive. It could be a free monthā€™s membership, gym merchandise, or simply recognition on your social media channels.

Read More: Best Gym Leaderboard Software

How do you structure a fitness challenge?

Fitness challenges need to be well-structured to keep participants motivated. Here are some key elements to consider:

  • A clear objective: This could be weight loss, increasing strength, improving flexibility, or any other fitness goal.
  • A defined timeframe: Challenges often last between 30 to 90 days. This is long enough to see significant progress but not so long that participants lose interest.
  • Regular check-ins: These could be weekly weigh-ins for a weight loss challenge, for instance, or posting workout stats for a fitness challenge.
  • Support and motivation: Provide tips, workouts, or meal plans to help participants reach their goals. Also consider creating a supportive community, such as a Facebook group where participants can share their progress and motivate each other.
  • A way to measure success: This could be pounds lost, increase in weights lifted, reduction in 5k time, etc.
  • Rewards: Prizes for the winners can provide extra motivation.

Read More: How to Create a Fitness Challenge

What is an example of a fitness competition?

There are many types of fitness competitions, from bodybuilding contests to CrossFit games to weight loss challenges. An example might be a “30-day Fitness Challenge” at your gym where members earn points for each class they attend, with a prize for the person who earns the most points at the end of the month.

Do fitness competitors make money?

Some fitness competitors can make money through prize money, sponsorships, modeling contracts, and other avenues. However, the majority of fitness competitors do not make a significant income from competing alone.

How long should a fitness challenge be?

Fitness challenges typically range from 30 days to 90 days. The exact length can depend on the goals of the challenge. A 30-day challenge can be a good way to kickstart new habits, while a 90-day challenge allows for more significant progress.

What makes a good fitness challenge?

A good fitness challenge is achievable, inspiring, and fun. It should push participants to improve their fitness levels but still be attainable. Providing support and motivation, such as workout plans or nutritional advice, can help participants succeed. Making the challenge a communal activity, where participants can share their progress and motivate each other, can also make it more engaging.

Read More: Fitness Challenge Ideas

How can Exercise.com help me run a fitness competition?

Exercise.com can support your fitness competition in several ways:

  • Management tools: You can easily manage participants, track progress, and maintain a leaderboard within the software.
  • Communication tools: You can send updates, tips, and motivational messages to participants through the platform.
  • Integration with fitness devices and apps: Participants can sync their fitness trackers and apps with Exercise.com, making it easier to track progress.
  • Customizable workouts: If your challenge includes specific workouts, you can create and share these with participants through the platform.
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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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