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57 Personal Trainer Target Market Examples

57 Personal Trainer Target Market Examples

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on July 14, 2023 ā€” Updated on September 21, 2023

Personal trainer target market examples include fitness beginners seeking guidance, athletes aiming to enhance performance, seniors focusing on mobility and health, post-rehabilitation clients recovering from injuries, prenatal and postnatal women, bodybuilders, weight loss clients, corporate professionals combating sedentary lifestyles, and individuals with specific health conditions requiring tailored fitness programs.

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Owner, Somerset Fitness

Additionally, trainers might target dancers, military personnel, brides-to-be, online fitness enthusiasts, group fitness participants, and those focused on nutrition. Understanding these personal trainer target markets allows trainers to specialize their services, tailor their marketing strategies, and meet the unique needs of their clients effectively. Leveraging platforms like Exercise.com can further assist trainers in reaching and managing their specific target audience.

Fitness Income Ideas

Discover various examples of target markets for personal trainers and learn how to effectively tailor your services to attract and retain clients. In the ever-growing fitness industry, personal trainers play a crucial role in helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. However, in order to be successful as a personal trainer, it is essential to identify and target a specific market. Just like it’s important for gym owners to identify their gym target market and maybe even do a gym SWOT analysis before they open a gym or start a fitness business, the same principle applies to personal trainers looking for their ideal client or launching their personal training business. By learning how to find your personal training target market, you can tailor your services to meet the unique needs and preferences of your ideal clients.

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Big List of Personal Trainer Target Market Examples

Personal trainers cater to a wide range of individuals with varied fitness goals, health conditions, and backgrounds. Identifying a target market can help trainers specialize, cater to specific needs, and market their services more effectively. Here are some target market examples for personal trainers:

  1. Fitness Beginners: Individuals new to exercise, who need guidance on how to start and maintain a fitness routine.
  2. Athletes: Those who play sports and are looking to improve their performance, strength, speed, or agility.
  3. Youth and Teens: Young individuals aiming to improve athletic performance or build a foundation of fitness.
  4. Seniors: Older adults wanting to maintain mobility, strength, and overall health.
  5. Post-Rehabilitation Clients: Individuals recovering from injuries or surgeries who need to regain strength and mobility.
  6. Prenatal and Postnatal Women: Women who want to stay fit during pregnancy or regain fitness post-childbirth.
  7. Bodybuilders: Those aiming to gain muscle mass and compete in bodybuilding competitions.
  8. Weight Loss Clients: Individuals aiming to lose weight through exercise and nutrition.
  9. Corporate Professionals: Busy professionals seeking efficient workouts or wellness programs to combat sedentary lifestyles.
  10. Disease-Specific Clients: Individuals with specific health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or osteoporosis, who need tailored fitness programs.
  11. Special Needs Individuals: People with disabilities or unique conditions who require adapted physical activity.
  12. Dancers and Performers: Those in the entertainment industry who need to maintain or improve their physical conditioning for their craft.
  13. Military and Law Enforcement Personnel: Individuals preparing for physical tests or maintaining their fitness for duty.
  14. Brides-to-Be: Women preparing for their wedding and wanting to look their best.
  15. Travel Enthusiasts: People who travel frequently and need tailored workout plans they can do on the go.
  16. Group Fitness Enthusiasts: Individuals who prefer working out in group settings rather than one-on-one.
  17. Online Fitness Seekers: Those who prefer virtual training, especially relevant in today’s digital age.
  18. Outdoor Enthusiasts: Individuals who prefer workouts in nature, such as boot camps in parks or beach workouts.
  19. Yoga and Pilates Enthusiasts: People looking to improve flexibility, balance, and mindfulness. Use the best yoga studio software and the best Pilates studio software.
  20. Martial Arts and Combat Sports Practitioners: Those training in disciplines like boxing, MMA, or traditional martial arts. Use the best martial arts studio management software.
  21. Fitness Competition Participants: Individuals preparing for events like marathons, triathlons, or obstacle course races.
  22. Weight Management Clients: Those needing guidance on maintaining their weight and preventing fluctuations.
  23. Nutrition-Focused Individuals: People looking for a combination of exercise and nutritional guidance.
  24. Busy Moms: Mothers looking for efficient workouts that fit into their hectic schedules.
  25. Corporate Wellness Programs: Companies looking to provide fitness and wellness solutions for their employees.

For personal trainers, identifying and understanding the best personal training target market examples that will match with their unique skillset is essential for success. By focusing on specific groups, trainers can tailor their services, marketing efforts, and expertise to meet the unique needs of their clients. Moreover, leveraging platforms like Exercise.com can greatly assist trainers in managing, training, and marketing to their target audience.

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Female Personal Trainer Target Market Examples

  1. Prenatal and Postnatal Women: Offering specialized workouts tailored for pregnancy and post-childbirth.
  2. Women’s Weight Loss Groups: Programs focused on weight loss and body toning.
  3. Womenā€™s Strength Training: Focusing on building muscle and strength.
  4. Group Classes for Women: Such as women-only yoga, Pilates, or dance classes.
  5. Female Athletes: Sport-specific training for female athletes.
  6. Senior Women: Tailored programs focusing on mobility, strength, and balance.
  7. Womenā€™s Health and Wellness: Programs that integrate nutrition, mental health, and physical fitness.
  8. Mothersā€™ Fitness Groups: Classes that might incorporate child care or mother-baby workouts.

Male Personal Trainer Target Market Examples

  1. Menā€™s Bodybuilding: Focusing on muscle gain and sculpting.
  2. Male Athlete Training: Sport-specific training for male athletes.
  3. Menā€™s Weight Loss Groups: Tailored programs to assist with weight loss goals.
  4. Senior Menā€™s Fitness: Workouts designed to maintain strength, mobility, and overall health.
  5. Men’s Health and Wellness: Combining nutrition, mental health, and physical training.
  6. Father-Son Workouts: Sessions designed to foster bonding through fitness.
  7. Men’s Flexibility and Mobility: Programs to improve joint health, flexibility, and posture.

Best Personal Trainer Target Market Examples

  1. Busy Professionals: Offering time-efficient workouts that can be done during lunch breaks or before/after work.
  2. Rehab and Post-Injury Clients: Tailored workouts to regain strength and mobility post-injury.
  3. Youth and Teens: Programs for improving athletic performance or fostering a fitness foundation.
  4. Group Fitness Classes: Sessions that combine the benefits of personal attention and group motivation.
  5. Disease-Specific Clients: Custom programs for individuals with conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, etc.

Most Lucrative Personal Trainer Target Market Examples

  1. High-End Personal Training: Offering elite services to affluent clients.
  2. Celebrity Training: Catering to the specific needs of high-profile clients.
  3. Corporate Wellness Programs: Providing fitness services to corporations for their employees.
  4. Online Personal Training: Leveraging technology to reach a global audience.
  5. Specialized Workshops or Retreats: Offering intensive training in exotic or luxury locations.

Personal Training Client Demographics

  1. Age: Different age groups have varied fitness needs, from teenagers to seniors.
  2. Gender: As highlighted above, men and women might have distinct fitness goals or preferences.
  3. Income Level: Determines affordability and type of training service, from group classes to elite personal training.
  4. Occupation: Corporate professionals might have different needs compared to manual laborers or athletes.
  5. Health Status: Individuals with specific health conditions or goals (e.g., weight loss, post-rehab).
  6. Location: Urban clients might prefer gym-based workouts, whereas rural clients might prefer outdoor activities.
  7. Cultural or Ethnic Background: Can influence fitness preferences, dietary habits, or workout schedules.

Understanding the target market and personal trainer client demographics is essential for personal trainers to tailor their services effectively. Furthermore, trainers can leverage platforms like Exercise.com to manage, train, and market to their specific target audience, ensuring that their offerings align perfectly with their clients’ needs.

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Target Markets and Audience

Example of a Target Market for Fitness: Busy professionals between the ages of 25 and 40 who are looking to integrate fitness into their hectic schedules.

Clients Personal Trainers Like: Those who are committed, punctual, receptive to feedback, and consistent in their efforts.

Target Audience for Wellness: Health-conscious individuals of all ages, particularly those looking for holistic approaches to overall well-being.

Niche Market for Personal Trainers: Post-pregnancy women looking to get back into shape.

Identifying Target Groups for Training: Analyze demographics, survey current clients, research industry trends, and understand local needs.

Example of a Fitness Target Market Segment: Senior citizens looking for low-impact exercises to maintain mobility and strength.

Specific Gym Target Markets

Anytime Fitness Target Market: Individuals of all ages who value 24/7 gym access due to varied schedules.

24 Hour Fitness Target Market: Those looking for flexibility in gym timings, especially shift workers.

Planet Fitness Target Market: People new to the gym environment who prefer a no-judgment space and affordable memberships.

Personal Training Demographics and Marketing

Who Uses Personal Trainers the Most: Often middle to upper-class individuals who can afford the service, and those with specific fitness goals.

How Do Personal Trainers Get Clients Fast: Networking, referrals, offering trial sessions, social media marketing, and building an online presence.

What Makes a Good PT Client: Someone motivated, open to feedback, consistent, and values the trainer’s expertise.

Market Analysis

Market for Wellness: Health and well-being, holistic therapies, mental well-being, nutritional guidance, and more.

Market Size for Personal Trainers: Growing, especially with the shift to online training and increased health consciousness.

Identifying Target Clients: Demographic studies, surveys, client feedback, and analyzing current fitness trends.

Is There a Market for Personal Training?: Absolutely. Both in-person and online personal training have seen consistent growth.

How Do Personal Trainers Do Market Research?: Online surveys, analyzing competitors, attending industry seminars, and leveraging online analytics tools.

Average Age of Personal Training Clients: Varies but often between 25-50.

Marketing for Online Personal Training

How Do I Market Myself as an Online Personal Trainer?: Building a strong online presence via a personal website, active social media channels, online advertisements, and client testimonials.

Exercise.com and Reaching Your PT Target Market

How Can Exercise.com Help Me Reach My Fitness Target Market Quickly and Efficiently? Exercise.com offers a comprehensive platform where you can showcase your services, host workout plans, and engage with clients through a custom-branded fitness app. Their tools for payment processing, booking, and client engagement streamline the client acquisition process. Integrated marketing features also help in targeting your specific audience effectively, ensuring that you reach those who would most benefit from your services.

Identifying the Different Types of Personal Training Clients

Before diving into the specifics of targeting a specific market as a personal trainer, it is important to understand the different types of clients you may encounter. These can include beginners who have little to no experience with fitness, individuals looking to lose weight, athletes aiming to improve performance, seniors seeking to maintain mobility, and many more. By identifying and categorizing these client types, you can better understand their needs and preferences when developing your target market strategy.

One type of client you may encounter as a personal trainer is the busy professional. These individuals often have demanding work schedules and limited free time. They may be looking for efficient and effective workouts that can be completed in a short amount of time. As a personal trainer, you can cater to their needs by offering high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or quick circuit workouts that provide maximum results in minimal time.

Another type of client you may come across is the pre- or post-natal client. These individuals require specialized training programs that take into account the unique needs and considerations of pregnancy or postpartum recovery. As a personal trainer, it is important to have knowledge and expertise in prenatal and postnatal exercise to ensure the safety and well-being of these clients. By offering tailored workouts and modifications, you can help these clients maintain their fitness and support their overall health during this important stage of life.

Understanding the Importance of Targeting a Specific Market as a Personal Trainer

Targeting a specific market as a personal trainer is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to position yourself as an expert in a particular niche, making you more attractive to potential clients within that market segment. Additionally, targeting a specific market enables you to better understand and address the unique needs and challenges that individuals within that market face. By tailoring your services accordingly, you enhance client satisfaction and increase the likelihood of long-term success.

Moreover, targeting a specific market also helps you differentiate yourself from other personal trainers in the industry. With a clear focus on a particular market, you can develop specialized knowledge and skills that set you apart from your competitors. This differentiation can be a key factor in attracting clients who are specifically seeking a personal trainer with expertise in their specific needs and goals.

The Benefits of Niche Marketing for Personal Trainers

While it may seem counterintuitive to narrow your focus to a specific market, niche marketing offers various benefits for personal trainers. By targeting a niche market, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and establish a strong brand identity. This sets you apart as the go-to expert for individuals within that niche, leading to increased client loyalty and referrals. Moreover, niche marketing allows you to create specialized programs or services that cater to the unique needs of your target market, enhancing the effectiveness of your training approach.

How to Define Your Ideal Target Market as a Personal Trainer

Defining your ideal target market as a personal trainer requires careful consideration and analysis. Start by identifying demographics such as age, gender, income level, and location. Next, delve into psychographics, which include attitudes, interests, and values that influence individuals’ fitness decisions. By combining these factors, you can create a detailed profile of your ideal client, known as a buyer persona. This persona serves as a guiding tool for your marketing efforts, enabling you to tailor your messages and services to resonate with your target market.

Analyzing Demographics and Psychographics to Identify Your Target Market

In order to effectively identify your target market, it is crucial to analyze both demographics and psychographics. Demographics provide insights into basic characteristics such as age, gender, and location. By understanding these factors, you can determine the size and scope of your potential market. However, psychographics are equally important. Psychographics examine individuals’ interests, values, and motivations, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of what drives their fitness decisions. By combining these two analyses, you can pinpoint your target market and develop strategies to connect with them effectively.

Targeting Specific Age Groups: Personal Training for Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers

Personal training clients come from various age groups, each with unique fitness goals and preferences. Millennials may prioritize overall wellness and flexibility, while Gen X clients may focus on weight loss and stress reduction. Baby Boomers, on the other hand, may seek to maintain mobility and muscle strength as they age. By understanding the specific needs and aspirations of each age group, personal trainers can develop targeted programs and marketing strategies that resonate with their chosen demographic.

Catering to Different Fitness Goals: Targeting Weight Loss, Muscle Building, and General Fitness Clients

When it comes to fitness goals, personal trainers often encounter clients with various aspirations. Some individuals seek to shed excess weight, while others aim to build muscle mass and strength. Additionally, there are clients who simply want to improve overall fitness and maintain a healthy lifestyle. By specializing in one or more of these areas, personal trainers can tailor their services and marketing efforts to attract clients seeking specific fitness goals.

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Identifying the Needs and Challenges of Busy Professionals: Targeting Corporate Clients

Busy professionals face unique challenges when it comes to maintaining a regular fitness routine. Long work hours and high stress levels often leave little time or energy for exercise. By targeting the corporate market, personal trainers can develop programs and services that cater to the needs of these individuals. This may include offering flexible scheduling options, providing on-site or virtual training sessions, and focusing on stress management and overall well-being.

The Potential in Focusing on Special Populations: Personal Training for Pregnant Women, Seniors, and Individuals with Disabilities

Special populations, such as pregnant women, seniors, and individuals with disabilities, require specialized training techniques and considerations. By targeting these populations, personal trainers can fill a significant gap in the market and provide much-needed support and guidance. This may involve obtaining additional certifications or partnering with healthcare professionals to ensure safe and effective training regimens.

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Targeting Specific Locations: Urban vs Suburban vs Rural Markets for Personal Trainers

The location in which you offer your personal training services can greatly influence your target market. Urban areas may have a higher demand for high-intensity workouts and convenience-focused services, whereas suburban markets may prioritize a more holistic approach to fitness. Rural areas may present opportunities to reach individuals seeking outdoor and nature-focused activities. By understanding the unique preferences and needs of each location type, personal trainers can tailor their services and marketing efforts to effectively target their chosen market.

How to Conduct Market Research to Identify Your Target Market as a Personal Trainer

Conducting thorough market research is essential to identifying your target market as a personal trainer. Begin by researching industry trends and conducting surveys or interviews with potential clients. This will provide insights into the demand for specific services and preferences within your desired market. Additionally, analyze competitor offerings and customer reviews to uncover gaps and opportunities that can inform your target market strategy.

Creating a Buyer Persona: Developing a Detailed Profile of Your Ideal Client

A buyer persona is a detailed profile of your ideal client. It encompasses both demographic and psychographic information. To create a buyer persona, gather data on your target market’s age, gender, location, income level, interests, motivations, and fitness goals. This information forms the foundation of your marketing efforts, helping you craft messages and develop services that resonate with your ideal client.

Tailoring Your Marketing Strategies to Attract and Connect with Your Target Market

Once you have defined your target market and created a buyer persona, it is crucial to tailor your marketing strategies to effectively attract and connect with your ideal clients. This may involve developing a compelling brand story, utilizing targeted advertising channels such as social media and search engine marketing, and creating engaging content that provides value to your target market. By ensuring consistency in your branding and messaging, you can establish credibility and resonate with your ideal clients.

Leveraging Social Media Platforms to Reach and Engage with Your Ideal Clients

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity for personal trainers to reach and engage with their target market. Utilize platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share valuable content, showcase client success stories, and interact with potential clients. By being active and responsive on social media, you can build trust and foster relationships with your ideal clients.

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Utilizing Local Advertising and Partnerships to Connect with Your Target Market

Local advertising and partnerships can be highly effective in connecting with your target market as a personal trainer. Consider advertising in local fitness magazines, sponsoring community events, or partnering with complementary businesses such as nutritionists or physical therapists. By establishing a presence in your local community, you can enhance awareness of your services and attract clients who align with your target market’s preferences.

The Importance of Consistency in Branding and Messaging to Appeal to Your Ideal Clients

Consistency in branding and messaging is crucial when targeting a specific market as a personal trainer. Ensure that your brand identity, including your logo, colors, and tone of voice, aligns with the preferences and values of your ideal clients. Consistent messaging across all marketing channels builds trust and familiarity, making you more appealing to individuals within your target market.

Analyzing Competitors in your Target Market: Identifying Gaps and Opportunities

It is important to analyze competitors within your target market to identify gaps and opportunities that can differentiate your services and offerings. Conduct a thorough analysis of competitor websites, social media accounts, and customer reviews. Look for areas where competitors may be lacking or failing to meet the unique needs of your target market. By filling these gaps, you can position yourself as a superior choice for individuals in your niche.

Developing Specialized Programs or Services to Cater to your Ideal Clients’ Unique Needs

Specialization is key when targeting a specific market as a personal trainer. Develop specialized programs or services that cater to the unique needs of your ideal clients. For example, if you are targeting seniors, consider offering balance and mobility training or falls prevention programs. By tailoring your services to address specific pain points and goals, you can create a compelling value proposition for your target market.

Tracking and Assessing the Success of your Marketing Efforts in Reaching your Target Market

Tracking and assessing the success of your marketing efforts is essential to refine your target market strategy. Utilize analytics tools to measure the reach and engagement of your marketing campaigns. Monitor the conversion rates from leads to clients to understand the effectiveness of your messaging and communication channels. By consistently evaluating your marketing efforts, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your approach and ensure you are effectively reaching and connecting with your target market.

Adapting your Approach as your Target Market Evolves: Staying Ahead in an Ever-Changing Industry

The fitness industry is constantly evolving, and so too should your approach to targeting your market as a personal trainer. Regularly reassess your target market strategy and make adjustments as needed. Stay up-to-date with industry trends, shifts in consumer preferences, and emerging market segments. By staying ahead of the curve, you can continue to provide relevant and valuable services to your target market and maintain a competitive edge in the industry.

By understanding the importance of targeting a specific market as a personal trainer and implementing effective strategies to attract and connect with your ideal clients, you can position yourself for success in the highly competitive fitness industry. Take the time to conduct thorough market research, develop a detailed buyer persona, and tailor your marketing efforts to meet the unique needs of your chosen target market. With dedication, consistency, and a deep understanding of your target market, you can build a thriving personal training business that helps individuals achieve their fitness goals and leads to long-term success.

What is personal trainer target market?

A personal trainer’s target market refers to the specific group or segment of people that the trainer aims to serve based on their fitness needs, goals, demographics, or other defining characteristics. Identifying a target market allows a personal trainer to tailor their services, marketing efforts, and communication strategies to attract and retain clients who are most likely to benefit from their expertise. By understanding and focusing on a specific target market, personal trainers can differentiate themselves in a competitive industry, ensure they offer relevant training programs, and establish a more personalized connection with their clients. Whether it’s athletes, seniors, post-rehab patients, or weight loss clients, defining a target market is crucial for a trainer’s business strategy and success.

Certainly! Here’s the information formatted as you requested:

What is an example of a target market for fitness?

Busy professionals aged 25-40 who want to integrate fitness into their hectic schedules.

What kind of clients do personal trainers like?

Personal trainers prefer clients who are committed, punctual, receptive to feedback, and consistent in their workouts.

Who is the target audience for wellness?

The target audience for wellness includes health-conscious individuals of all ages, especially those seeking holistic well-being solutions.

What is the niche market for personal trainers?

A niche market example is post-pregnancy women looking to regain their pre-pregnancy physique.

How would you identify target groups for training?

Target groups can be identified by analyzing demographics, surveying current clientele, researching industry trends, and understanding the needs of the local community.

How do you market a personal trainer?

Marketing strategies include networking, utilizing social media, offering trial sessions, collecting and showcasing testimonials, and establishing a robust online presence.

What do personal trainers focus on?

Personal trainers focus on clients’ specific fitness goals, ensuring safe exercise practices, providing nutritional guidance, and offering motivational support.

What is an example of a fitness target market segment?

An example segment is senior citizens seeking low-impact exercises to maintain mobility and strength.

What is the Anytime Fitness target market?

Anytime Fitness targets individuals of varying ages who appreciate the flexibility of a 24/7 gym access.

Who is the target market for 24 Hour Fitness?

The target audience for 24 Hour Fitness includes people who value flexible gym timings, catering to those with unconventional work hours.

What is the Planet Fitness target market?

Planet Fitness is geared towards newcomers to the gym scene who appreciate a judgment-free zone and affordable memberships.

Who uses personal trainers the most?

Typically, middle to upper-class individuals who can afford personal training and those with specific fitness objectives seek personal trainers the most.

How do personal trainers get clients fast?

Fast client acquisition often comes from effective networking, client referrals, promotional offers, a strong online presence, and positive word of mouth.

What makes a good PT client?

A good PT client is motivated, punctual, receptive to feedback, and values the expertise of their trainer.

What is the market for wellness?

The wellness market encompasses physical health, mental well-being, holistic therapies, nutritional advice, and relaxation techniques.

How big is the market for personal trainers?

The personal training market is substantial and growing, especially with the rise of online fitness coaching and an increased focus on health and wellness.

How do you identify target clients?

Identifying target clients involves studying demographics, analyzing fitness trends, seeking client feedback, and observing local health needs.

Is there a market for personal training?

Absolutely. Both online and in-person personal training have shown consistent growth in demand.

How do personal trainers do market research?

Market research can be conducted using online surveys, analyzing competitors, attending industry seminars, and using online analytics tools.

What is the average age of personal training clients?

The average age can vary but often falls between 25 and 50.

How do I market myself as an online personal trainer?

To market yourself online, focus on building a strong online presence through a personal website, engaging social media profiles, digital advertisements, and showcasing client testimonials.

How can Exercise.com help me reach my fitness target market quickly and efficiently?

Exercise.com provides a comprehensive platform to highlight your services, engage clients, and facilitate business management. With integrated tools for payment, booking, and marketing, the platform is tailor-made to help fitness professionals reach their gym target audience effectively.

Lani Hudgins
Excellent choice for my business! I tried nearly all the “major” platforms and found Exercise.com to be the most intuitive.
Lani Hudgins
Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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