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How to Start a Fitness Twitter Account in 2024

How to Start a Fitness Twitter Account in 2024

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on July 14, 2023 ā€” Updated on January 24, 2024

Learn how to start a fitness Twitter account and make money by defining your specialty, creating and designing your account, planning your tweets, and utilizing hashtags and mentions.

How to Start a Fitness Twitter Account

Engage with followers, share multimedia content, analyze performance, collaborate with other experts, and explore Twitter fitness monetization options like using the best online fitness coaching software through Exercise.com. This step-by-step guide equips fitness professionals, gym owners, personal trainers, and fitness influencers with the tools to build a dynamic and successful fitness Twitter presence.

Fitness Income Ideas

If you’re a fitness professional considering expanding your online presence, starting a fitness Twitter account may be worth your while. In this article, we will delve into the benefits, strategies, and potential challenges of utilizing Twitter to build a fitness community, stay motivated, connect with influencers, share tips, track progress, and grow your brand. Discover the benefits of starting a fitness Twitter account and whether it’s worth your time and effort. Maybe you just want to learn how to start a fitness business, and making money on Twitter with fitness is top of the listā€”that’s okay too!

Learning how to make money from fitness, and specifically, how to get more fitness clients on Twitter, can be an integral part of a gym social media marketing plan or learning how to become a fitness influencer. Paired with the features provided by Exercise.com, and the best gym business software platform, or the best fitness influencer business software platform, or the best personal trainer business software platform, an engaging fitness Twitter account can help you get more fitness clients and expand your fitness business.

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Here’s a step-by-step guide for starting a fitness Twitter account:

Step 1: Define Your Fitness Specialty

Decide on the specific area of fitness you want to focus on, such as bodybuilding, nutrition, fitness coaching, etc., to guide your content creation.

Step 2: Create Your Twitter Account

Choose a username that aligns with your fitness niche and brand, making it easy for followers to identify and remember you.

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Step 3: Design Your Profile

Add a profile picture, header image, and bio that showcase your fitness expertise. Include any necessary links to your website or other social platforms.

Step 4: Plan Your Tweets

Create a content calendar that outlines what you’ll tweet about, including fitness tips, workout videos, motivational quotes, etc.

Read More: Fitness Influencer Content Calendar

Step 5: Utilize Hashtags and Mentions

Use relevant fitness hashtags and mention other users or brands to increase visibility and engagement with your tweets.

Read More: Best Fitness Hashtags

Step 6: Engage with Followers

Respond to comments, retweet relevant content, and engage with others in the fitness community to foster connections and grow your following.

Step 7: Share Multimedia Content

Incorporate photos, videos, and links into your tweets to provide a varied and engaging content experience.

Step 8: Analyze Your Performance

Use Twitter analytics to gauge what content resonates with your audience, and adapt your content strategy accordingly.

Step 9: Collaborate with Other Fitness Experts

Consider teaming up with other fitness professionals or brands to reach a wider audience and provide diverse content.

Step 10: Monetize Your Account

Explore opportunities to monetize through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or selling fitness products and services, including online coaching through platforms like Exercise.com.

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Step 11: Stay Active and Informed of Twitter Fitness Trends

Keep your Twitter account active by consistently posting and staying updated on fitness trends to keep your content fresh and engaging.

Learn how to start a fitness Twitter account by defining your specialty, creating and designing your account, planning your tweets, and utilizing hashtags and mentions. Engage with followers, share multimedia content, analyze performance, collaborate with other experts, and explore monetization options like online coaching through Exercise.com. This step-by-step guide equips fitness professionals, gym owners, personal trainers, and fitness influencers with the tools to build a dynamic and successful fitness Twitter presence.

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How to Promote Fitness on Twitter

Promoting fitness on Twitter requires a strategic approach that leverages the platform’s unique characteristics, such as its fast-paced nature and emphasis on real-time communication. Here are some tips on effectively promoting fitness on Twitter.

Understand Your Audience

  • Identify Your Target Audience: Understand who you are speaking to. Is it fitness enthusiasts, beginners, or a specific niche like yoga or bodybuilding?
  • Tailor Your Content: Create content that resonates with your audience’s interests and fitness goals.

Create Engaging Content

  • Tweet Regularly: Consistency is key on Twitter. Regular tweets keep your audience engaged and your profile active.
  • Use Engaging Visuals: Images, infographics, and short videos can make your tweets more engaging and shareable.
  • Share Fitness Tips and Insights: Offer value through workout tips, nutritional advice, and wellness insights.

Read More: Best Twitter Fitness Niches

Utilize Hashtags

  • Research Relevant Hashtags: Use popular fitness-related hashtags to increase the visibility of your tweets.
  • Create a Brand Hashtag: Develop a unique hashtag for your brand or specific campaigns.

Interact with Your Audience

  • Engage with Your Followers: Respond to comments, retweet relevant content, and engage in conversations.
  • Run Polls and Q&As: Interactive content like polls and Q&A sessions can increase engagement.

Leverage Twitter Features

  • Twitter Threads: Use threads to tell a story or share detailed information in a series of connected tweets.
  • Twitter Spaces: Host live audio conversations on topics related to fitness and wellness.

Collaborate and Partner

  • Connect with Influencers: Collaborate with fitness influencers for wider reach.
  • Partner with Brands: Engage in partnerships with fitness brands for sponsored content.

Host Giveaways and Contests

  • Organize Contests: Host fitness challenges or giveaways to encourage participation and engagement.
  • Promote Your Events: Use Twitter to promote any upcoming fitness events or webinars.

Track and Analyze Your Performance

  • Monitor Analytics: Use Twitter Analytics to track the performance of your tweets and understand your audience better.
  • Adapt Your Strategy: Be flexible and adapt your content strategy based on what works best.

Promote Beyond Twitter

  • Cross-Promote Your Social Media: Share your Twitter handle on other social media platforms and in your fitness content.
  • Link to Your Twitter: Include your Twitter handle in your email signature, blog, or website.

Promoting fitness on Twitter is about providing value, being consistent with your messaging, and engaging with your community. By understanding your audience and leveraging the platform’s features effectively, you can enhance your fitness brand’s presence and reach on Twitter.

Read More: How to Get Fitness Clients on Twitter

How Twitter Fitness Influencers can Monetize Twitter Fitness Content

Incorporating Exercise.com into a Twitter fitness influencer’s monetization strategy can significantly enhance their earning potential and the range of services they offer. Exercise.com is a comprehensive fitness business management software that offers numerous ways for influencers to monetize their expertise and online presence. Hereā€™s how fitness influencers on Twitter can utilize Exercise.com:

Customized Workout Plans for Sale

  • Develop and Sell Personalized Workouts: Create customized workout programs for various fitness levels and goals using Exercise.com.
  • Promote on Twitter: Share snippets or success stories from these programs on Twitter to attract buyers.

Membership Subscriptions

  • Exclusive Content Access: Offer subscription-based access to specialized content, workout series, or fitness challenges hosted on Exercise.com.
  • Announce on Twitter: Regularly update your Twitter followers about new content or programs available exclusively to subscribers.

Online Personal Training

  • Offer Virtual Training Services: Use Exercise.com to manage and deliver online personal training and coaching services.
  • Twitter as a Marketing Tool: Utilize Twitter to promote your online training services, highlighting client transformations and testimonials.

Fitness App

  • Create a Custom Branded App: Exercise.com allows you to develop a custom-branded fitness app.
  • App Promotion: Use Twitter to promote your app, showcasing its features and the benefits it offers to users.

Selling Fitness Products

  • Merchandise and Equipment Sales: If you have branded merchandise or recommend specific fitness equipment, use Exercise.comā€™s e-commerce platform to manage sales.
  • Twitter Promotions: Announce new products, discounts, or special offers on Twitter to drive traffic to your sales platform.

Hosting Webinars and Online Workshops

  • Conduct Educational Events: Organize fitness and wellness webinars or workshops through Exercise.com.
  • Utilize Twitter for Announcements: Promote these events on Twitter, highlighting the value and knowledge youā€™ll be sharing.

Nutritional Plans and Consulting

  • Offer Nutritional Guidance: Create and sell nutritional plans or offer consulting services using Exercise.com.
  • Share Success Stories: Use Twitter to share the effectiveness of your nutrition plans, inspiring followers to sign up.

By leveraging the robust features of Exercise.com, fitness influencers on Twitter can expand their monetization opportunities far beyond traditional social media strategies. Exercise.com provides the tools to create a diverse range of high-quality, professional fitness services and products, which influencers can effectively promote through their Twitter accounts. This approach not only helps in generating income but also in building a strong, reputable brand in the fitness industry.

Twitter fitness influencers can monetize their online presence through several additional creative and effective strategies. By leveraging their influence and audience, they can turn their Twitter activity into a profitable venture. Hereā€™s how:

Sponsored Content and Brand Partnerships

  • Collaborate with Fitness Brands: Partner with fitness-related companies to promote products or services.
  • Disclosure and Authenticity: Always disclose sponsored content to your audience and choose to endorse products that align with your fitness philosophy.

Affiliate Marketing

  • Promote Affiliate Products: Share affiliate links of fitness products or services you use and recommend.
  • Earn Commissions: Receive a commission for every sale made through your affiliate links.

Sell Personal Training Services

  • Offer Online Coaching: Use your Twitter influence to promote your personal training or coaching services.
  • Direct Traffic: Direct followers to a website or platform where they can sign up for your services.

Create and Sell Digital Products

  • Develop Fitness Guides or E-books: Create workout plans, nutrition guides, or wellness e-books.
  • Promote on Twitter: Use your Twitter account to market these products to your followers.

Paid Subscriptions and Exclusive Content

  • Twitterā€™s Super Follows: Utilize Twitterā€™s Super Follows feature to offer exclusive content for a monthly subscription fee.
  • Provide Value: Offer unique content such as personalized advice, advanced workout tips, or exclusive Q&A sessions.

Host Paid Workshops or Webinars

  • Conduct Online Events: Organize fitness workshops, webinars, or Q&A sessions on various fitness topics.
  • Ticket Sales: Promote these events on Twitter and sell tickets or registrations.

Speaking Engagements and Appearances

  • Leverage Your Expertise: Get invited to speak at fitness events, conferences, or podcasts.
  • Network and Promote: Use Twitter to network with event organizers and promote your speaking engagements.


  • Sell Branded Merchandise: Create and sell fitness-related merchandise like apparel, workout gear, or accessories.
  • Promote Your Merchandise: Use Twitter to showcase your merchandise and direct followers to your online store.

Twitter Ads

  • Monetize Your Videos: If eligible, use Twitterā€™s Amplify Pre-roll program to earn money from ads shown before your videos.

Crowdfunding and Support

  • Patreon or Ko-fi: Set up accounts on platforms like Patreon or Ko-fi where your followers can support you financially.
  • Exclusive Benefits: Offer exclusive content or perks to your supporters.

For fitness influencers, Twitter offers a unique platform to engage with a wide audience and monetize their influence effectively. By diversifying their monetization strategies and maintaining authenticity, influencers can build a sustainable income stream while continuing to inspire and educate their followers on health and fitness.

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The benefits of using Twitter for fitness

Twitter offers a plethora of benefits for fitness enthusiasts. Firstly, it provides a platform to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for fitness. By sharing your fitness journey, progress, and tips, you can inspire, motivate, and seek support from others who are on a similar path. Twitter’s vast user base means that you have access to a wide array of perspectives, knowledge, and expertise.

Furthermore, Twitter enables you to stay up-to-date with the latest fitness trends, news, and innovations. By following fitness influencers, experts, and reputable publications, you can access valuable information that can enhance your fitness regimen. This continuous flow of information can keep you motivated, inspired, and informed about new exercises, nutrition tips, and workout routines.

In addition to connecting with like-minded individuals and staying up-to-date with fitness trends, Twitter also offers a platform for accountability. By publicly sharing your fitness goals and progress, you can hold yourself accountable to your followers and receive encouragement and support along the way. This can help you stay motivated and committed to your fitness journey.

Moreover, Twitter provides opportunities for collaboration and networking within the fitness community. You can participate in fitness challenges, join virtual workout groups, and even connect with fitness professionals for personalized advice and guidance. This sense of community and collaboration can foster a sense of belonging and make your fitness journey more enjoyable and rewarding.

How a fitness Twitter account can help you stay motivated

One of the most significant advantages of having a fitness Twitter account is the level of accountability it provides. By sharing your fitness goals, progress, and challenges with your followers, you create a sense of responsibility to yourself and your audience. This accountability can help you stay motivated and committed to your fitness journey.

Additionally, the support and encouragement you receive from your followers can bolster your motivation even further. The fitness community on Twitter is known for its positive and empowering atmosphere. By connecting with like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate the effort you put into your fitness goals, you create a support system that can uplift you during tough times and celebrate your victories with you.

Building a community of like-minded fitness enthusiasts on Twitter

A fitness Twitter account allows you to build a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about health, wellness, and physical fitness. By consistently sharing valuable content, insights, and personal experiences, you can attract followers who resonate with your message and engage in meaningful discussions.

To build a thriving community on Twitter, it’s essential to actively participate in fitness-related conversations, use trending fitness hashtags, and engage with your followers. By responding to comments, answering questions, and showing appreciation for the contributions of others, you can foster a sense of belonging and create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and motivated.

Leveraging Twitter to connect with fitness influencers and experts

Twitter opens doors to connect with renowned fitness influencers and experts in the industry. By actively engaging with the tweets of these individuals, you can increase your visibility and create opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and knowledge sharing. Establishing relationships with industry experts can provide you with valuable insights, guidance, and exposure to new opportunities.

Tagging influencers or commenting on their posts can catch their attention and potentially lead to interactions and networking opportunities. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them directly, expressing your admiration for their work and sharing how their insights have positively impacted your fitness journey. Building relationships with influencers can not only boost your credibility but also expand your reach to a larger audience.

Utilizing Twitter to share workout tips and advice

Another advantage of running a fitness Twitter account is the ability to share workout tips, advice, and expertise with your followers. By leveraging the platform’s concise format, you can offer bite-sized information that is easily digestible and shareable. Whether it’s exercise routines, healthy recipes, or motivational quotes, your tweets can serve as valuable resources for your followers.

Additionally, Twitter’s interactive features, such as polls and threads, allow you to engage with your audience in a more dynamic and informative manner. Conducting workout polls or starting Q&A threads can encourage your followers to actively participate, share their opinions, and seek guidance. By consistently providing valuable information, you can position yourself as a reliable source of knowledge and build trust with your audience.

Growing your fitness brand through a dedicated Twitter account

A fitness Twitter account can serve as a powerful tool for growing your personal fitness brand or business. It allows you to showcase your expertise, promote your services, and attract potential clients or customers. By consistently posting high-quality content and engaging with your followers, you can increase your brand’s visibility and reach a broader audience.

Consider utilizing Twitter’s advertising features, such as promoted tweets or targeted advertisements, to further amplify your brand’s exposure. Collaborating with other fitness brands or influencers for cross-promotion can also significantly boost your brand’s growth. Maintaining a consistent brand voice, aesthetic, and messaging across your tweets and profile can help create a cohesive and memorable brand identity.

Tracking your fitness progress and goals on Twitter

Tracking progress and setting goals are crucial aspects of any fitness journey. Twitter provides a convenient platform to document your progress and hold yourself accountable. By regularly updating your followers about your accomplishments, setbacks, and milestones, you can track your progress in real-time and celebrate your achievements with a supportive community.

Consider using dedicated fitness hashtags to categorize and organize your progress tweets. This way, you can easily look back on your journey, measure your growth, and serve as a source of inspiration for both yourself and others. Additionally, tracking and sharing your fitness goals on Twitter can create a sense of urgency and commitment to achieving them, driving you to push your boundaries and strive for continuous improvement.

Engaging with followers through interactive fitness challenges on Twitter

To foster a sense of engagement and enthusiasm among your followers, consider organizing interactive fitness challenges on Twitter. These challenges can range from daily workout routines, nutrition challenges, or even virtual race events. By encouraging your followers to participate and document their progress using a specific hashtag, you not only promote a healthy lifestyle but also create a sense of camaraderie among your community.

Engaging in fitness challenges can make your fitness journey more exciting and enjoyable. Witnessing the progress and achievements of others can inspire you to go the extra mile and push your own limits. By recognizing and celebrating the efforts of your followers, you strengthen the bond within your community and motivate others to join in on the fun.

Promoting your fitness products or services through a Twitter account

If you have fitness products or services to offer, a dedicated Twitter account can serve as a powerful platform for promotion. By showcasing your products or sharing success stories from satisfied customers, you can generate interest and drive traffic to your website or online store.

Consider running exclusive promotions or offering special discounts to your Twitter followers to incentivize engagement and purchase. Additionally, by partnering with fitness influencers or experts, you can leverage their influence to promote your products or services to a wider audience. Building strong relationships with your clients or customers can lead to positive reviews and repeat business.

Harnessing the power of hashtags for increased visibility in the fitness community on Twitter

Hashtags play a significant role in enhancing your visibility and reach on Twitter. By using relevant fitness-related hashtags, such as #FitnessFriday or #WorkoutWednesday, you can ensure that your tweets appear in search results and attract users interested in fitness-related content.

Engaging with popular fitness hashtags, such as #FitFam or #GetFit, can also help you tap into broader fitness conversations and connect with a larger audience. However, it’s important to choose hashtags wisely and avoid overusing or spamming them. By using hashtags strategically and consistently, you can increase your chances of reaching new followers and expanding your influence within the fitness community on Twitter.

Analyzing data and insights from your fitness Twitter account to optimize your content strategy

Effective content strategy requires continuous evaluation and optimization. Twitter offers valuable analytics and insights that can help you understand your audience, identify the most engaging content, and tweak your strategy accordingly. By analyzing data such as impressions, engagement rates, and demographics, you can gain insights into what resonates with your followers and adjust your content to enhance its effectiveness.

Regularly reviewing your Twitter analytics allows you to measure the impact of your tweets, identify trends, and discover opportunities for growth. It can help you determine the optimal posting times, types of content, and engagement strategies that work best for your audience. By evolving your content strategy based on these insights, you can continuously improve and ensure the success of your fitness Twitter account.

Collaborating with other fitness brands and influencers through your Twitter account

Collaboration is a powerful way to expand your reach, attract new followers, and create unique content. Twitter offers an accessible platform to connect with other fitness brands, influencers, and experts for mutually beneficial partnerships. Collaboration can manifest in various forms, such as guest tweeting, joint content creation, or hosting Twitter chats.

By teaming up with like-minded individuals and brands, you can tap into their existing audience and introduce your content to new followers who share a passion for fitness. Collaborative efforts can expose you to fresh perspectives, widen your knowledge base, and open doors to further opportunities for your personal brand or business.

Exploring opportunities for sponsorship and partnerships via your fitness-focused Twitter account

A successful fitness Twitter account can attract sponsorship opportunities and partnerships with brands that align with your values and mission. As your influence and reach grow, companies may approach you to promote their fitness-related products or services in exchange for compensation or perks.

When considering potential partnerships, it’s crucial to maintain authenticity and only collaborate with brands that align with your audience’s interests and needs. By choosing compatible partners, you can ensure that the products or services you promote resonate with your followers and maintain the trust you’ve built with them over time.

Overcoming challenges and building a successful presence on Twitter as a fitness enthusiast

While starting and maintaining a fitness Twitter account can be an exciting endeavor, it is not without its challenges. Building a successful presence on Twitter requires consistency, patience, and dedication. It may take time to gain traction, attract followers, and establish your credibility.

It’s important to keep in mind that building an engaging community on Twitter requires active interaction, thoughtful responses, and continuous effort. Responding to comments, participating in discussions, and acknowledging the contributions of others can foster a sense of community and increase your account’s visibility.

Furthermore, it’s important to be genuine, authentic, and transparent with your audience. Avoid excessive self-promotion or spamming, as this may lead to a loss of followers and credibility. Instead, focus on providing value, sharing your personal experiences, and building meaningful connections with your audience.

Start a Twitter Fitness Account Now

Starting a fitness Twitter account can be a worthwhile endeavor for fitness enthusiasts looking to connect with like-minded individuals, stay motivated, share valuable tips, track their progress, build their brand, and take their fitness journey to new heights. By leveraging Twitter’s unique features, engaging with a vibrant fitness community, and showcasing your expertise, you can thrive in the ever-evolving fitness landscape.

While challenges may arise along the way, they can be overcome with perseverance, creativity, and a genuine passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals. So, if you’re ready to embark on this exciting digital journey, lace up your digital shoes, hit that “Tweet” button, and start building your fitness empire on Twitter today.

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How much does a professional Twitter account cost?

Twitter Blue has different costs depending on where you sign up to use it. If you purchase Twitter Blue on the web, it costs $8/month for a monthly plan or $7/month for the annual plan. But, if you sign up through the iOS or Android app, Twitter Blue will cost you $11/month. Additional advertising and promotional activities on Twitter may involve costs.

What is the difference between a personal and professional Twitter account?

A personal Twitter account is typically used for individual, non-commercial purposes, whereas a professional or business account is geared towards promoting, networking, and conducting business-related activities. A professional account often includes branding and provides content and engagement focused on a specific industry or niche, like fitness.

Should I create a professional Twitter account for my fitness business?

Creating a professional Twitter account for your fitness business can be beneficial for networking, brand promotion, and engaging with potential clients. It allows you to share fitness tips, promotions, and connect with other professionals in the industry.

Is Twitter professional worth it for a fitness influencer?

Twitter can be a valuable platform for fitness influencers to share insights, connect with fans, promote products or services, and stay engaged with industry trends. It may complement other social media efforts to expand reach and influence.

How much does 1,000 followers cost on Twitter?

Buying followers is against Twitter’s terms of service, and we strongly advise against it. Focus on authentic growth by sharing relevant content, engaging with others, and building a genuine community.

How much does Twitter pay a fitness influencer for 1 million followers?

Twitter itself doesn’t pay influencers based on followers necessarily. Earnings come from brand partnerships, sponsored posts, or other monetization strategies, not directly from Twitter. Having a large following can increase opportunities for collaboration and sponsorship.

What happens when you switch to professional account on Twitter?

As of my knowledge cut-off, Twitter doesn’t have a distinct switch to a “professional account” like some other platforms. You can tailor your existing account to serve professional purposes by adjusting your bio, content, and engagement strategies to reflect your fitness business or influencer status.

How do I get more Twitter followers on my fitness Twitter account?

To grow your fitness Twitter account, consistently post valuable content, engage with followers, use relevant hashtags, collaborate with other fitness professionals, and participate in relevant conversations within the fitness community.

Do you get paid for being on Twitter?

Twitter itself has only recently starting paying some users for simply being on the platform, but that could change. Earnings typically come from monetization strategies like sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or promoting and selling products or services, particularly in the fitness niche.

Can you actually make money on Twitter with a fitness account?

Yes, fitness professionals can make money on Twitter through brand collaborations, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and promoting fitness products, services, or events.

What kind of fitness offers should I sell on Twitter?

You can promote and sell workout plans, online coaching, fitness ebooks, training sessions, nutritional guides, fitness apparel, or any product or service related to your specific fitness niche.

What kind of fitness content works well on Twitter?

Short workout tips, motivational quotes, fitness challenges, links to longer content like blogs or videos, success stories, and interactive content like Q&A sessions or polls can work well on Twitter.

How can Exercise.com help my fitness business?

Exercise.com offers a comprehensive solution designed specifically for fitness professionals, including gym owners, personal trainers, and fitness influencers. With Exercise.com, you can manage your business, accept payments, host exercise videos, sell workout plans, and run online fitness coaching, all through a custom branded app. Integrating your Twitter and other social media marketing with Exercise.com can streamline operations and enhance client engagement. To see how it can fit your specific needs, consider booking a demo.

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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