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How many members does the average gym have?

How many members does the average gym have?

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on June 11, 2021 ā€” Updated on July 24, 2024

The average number of gym members in a gym is 1,500 gym members. Of course, different gym business models, concepts, and locations play a big part in how many gym members your gym needs to be successful.

How many members does the average gym have?

Every gym owner has wondered how their gym fares against the competition. So how many members does the average gym have? Among U.S. fitness centers, about 1,500 members is average, but thatā€™s not the only factor at play.

  • In the U.S., gym memberships average out to about 1,500 members per fitness facility.
  • An individual gym’s profitability depends on its overhead and membership fees.
  • There are many ways to increase your gym’s membership numbers.
Average Members per Location for Various Gyms
Average Gym Members In Different Regions

Here is a table that compares the average number of members at various gyms, as well as profitability and regional differences:

Gym TypeAverage Members per Location
Planet Fitness6,500
Anytime Fitness900
LA Fitness4,000
Gold’s Gym3,500
CrossFit Box150
Small Gym300-500
Profitable Gym Threshold300-500 (small to mid-sized)
US Average Gym Membership1,500
UK Average Gym Membership1,000
India Average Gym Membership700

This table highlights the membership sizes of various gym chains and the average number of members required for profitability, as well as regional differences in gym membership averages.

How many members does a gym need to be successful? Keep reading to learn, and then check out our guides on how to run a successful gym, how to make your gym stand out, how to increase gym revenue and profit, and more.

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Whether your gym is just starting out or has been around for years, it’s natural to wonder how you stack up against the competition. How many members does the average gym have? If your gym has 100 members, or 300, or maybe even 1,000, how do you know when you’ve “made it”?

While it’s tempting to get caught up in the numbers, your gym’s membership count isn’t the only thing to consider. A fitness center’s profitability also hinges on other factors, such as the gym location, gym debt load, gym pricing strategy, and whether it maximizes the efficiency of its operations with the best online gym management software. Even so, at the end of the day, most people still want to knowā€”how many members does a gym need to be successful?

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How many members does the average gym have?

On average, 1,500 members per gym. 

According to Statista, the U.S. has 41,000 membership-based fitness centers, and these combine for a total of 64.19 million members. That averages out to about 1,500 per fitness center. Reality doesn’t always line up with neat averages, however, and there is a lot of individual variation that contributes to that number. For example, Franchise Chatter states the average Planet Fitness has 6,000 members.

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How many members does a gym need to be successful?

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all number here. To estimate how many members your gym needs, divide your monthly overhead costs by the price of a membership. You may be surprised by the results.

For example, if Gym A is very expensive to run, it may lose money despite having a huge number of members. Conversely, Gym B may have very few members, but if its overhead is low, it will still be successful. Run the numbers on your own gym to get a rough idea of the membership numbers you need to reach in order for your business to be profitable.

Read More: How many members does a gym need to be successful?

How can I increase my gym’s memberships?

If your gym hasn’t quite reached that magic profitability threshold yet, there are many ways to increase memberships at your gym. Some are simple, others are more outside the box, but all are worth trying.

  • Offer niche services (such as weightlifting for seniors or outdoor boot camps for members and their dogs)
  • Explore clever gym advertising campaign ideas and gym advertising slogan ideas for your gym
  • Give perks to members who refer friends and family
  • Cater to convenience by moving your classes online with a website or custom fitness app
  • Optimize your income from the members you already have by offering premium services, such as personal training packages and nutrition counseling

What is the average number of members in a typical gym?

The average number of members in a typical gym is around 1,500. However, this number can vary significantly based on factors such as the gym’s business model, concept, and location. Understanding the dynamics of gym membership, such as the average members per gym or the average gym membership numbers, is crucial for gym owners to gauge their business’s performance and potential growth.

How do membership numbers vary in different types of gyms?

Membership numbers can vary widely in different types of gyms. For instance, a small, boutique gym might have fewer members, with an average number of gym memberships per gym being lower than larger facilities. On the other hand, big fitness centers in urban areas might have a higher average gym membership, reflecting their capacity and the population density of the area. The average gym memberships and how many members does a small gym have are important metrics for understanding market positioning and operational needs.

Is opening a gym a good investment considering the average gym membership?

Opening a gym can be a good investment, but it largely depends on understanding the market and managing the gym effectively. Knowing the average gym membership and how many members can a gym have helps in creating a realistic business plan. The percentage of the population with a gym membership in your area can also indicate the potential market size. Using a comprehensive platform like Exercise.com can aid in managing memberships, tracking performance metrics, and optimizing business strategies for better profitability.

How can gym owners effectively manage varying membership numbers?

Effectively managing varying membership numbers requires a flexible and data-driven approach. Understanding the average amount of members at a gym and how many memberships does the average gym have can help in setting realistic targets and strategies. Gym owners should focus on member retention strategies and personalized services to maintain a steady membership base. Utilizing platforms like Exercise.com can provide valuable insights into membership trends and help in tailoring services to meet members’ needs effectively.

How many members does the average Planet Fitness have?

The average members at a gym like Planet Fitness can be quite high due to its affordability and widespread appeal. On average, a single Planet Fitness location has around 6,500 members. The Planet Fitness average members vary slightly by location, but this figure provides a good benchmark.

How many members does the average Anytime Fitness have?

Anytime Fitness locations generally have fewer members compared to Planet Fitness. The average number of members at Anytime Fitness is typically around 900 per location. This smaller number allows for a more personalized and less crowded environment.

How many members does the average LA Fitness have?

LA Fitness locations are larger and offer more amenities, which attracts a higher number of members. On average, an LA Fitness gym has about 4,000 members. This makes LA Fitness one of the larger chains in terms of membership size.

How many members does the average Gold’s Gym have?

Gold’s Gym is known for its comprehensive facilities and strong brand presence. The average members per Gold’s Gym location is around 3,500. This number reflects the brand’s ability to attract a dedicated fitness community.

How many members does the average CrossFit box have?

CrossFit boxes are typically smaller and more community-focused. The average number of members per gym in a CrossFit box is around 150. This smaller size fosters a close-knit community and personalized coaching.

How many members does the average small gym have?

The average membership of a gym that is considered small can vary, but typically these gyms have around 300-500 members. This size allows for a more intimate and personalized fitness experience.

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How many members does a gym need to be profitable?

The number of members needed for a gym to be profitable depends on various factors, including location, operating costs, and pricing strategy. However, a typical small to mid-sized gym needs around 300-500 members to break even and start turning a profit. Larger gyms might need upwards of 1,000 members to cover their higher operational costs.

How many members does the average gym have in the US vs UK vs India?

  • US: The average number of members per gym is around 1,500.
  • UK: The average gym members per gym is approximately 1,000.
  • India: The average members per gym in India can be lower, around 700, reflecting the different market dynamics and fitness culture.

What is the average gym capacity?

The average gym capacity varies based on the size and type of gym. For mid-sized gyms, the capacity is typically around 100-200 people at any one time, while larger commercial gyms can accommodate up to 300-400 people simultaneously.

What percentage of average gym capacity do most gyms oversell their memberships by?

Most gyms oversell their memberships by about 300-500%. This means that while a gym might only comfortably accommodate 300 people at once, it might have 1,500-2,000 members. This strategy is based on the fact that not all members use the gym at the same time.

What is the average gym membership cost?

The what’s the average gym membership cost varies widely. In the US, the average monthly cost is about $50, though budget gyms like Planet Fitness offer memberships for as low as $10 per month. Premium gyms can charge upwards of $100 monthly.

What is the average number of people at a gym at any one time?

The average number of people at a gym at any one time is usually about 10-15% of the total membership. For a gym with 1,500 members, this means around 150-225 people might be present during peak times.

What are the busiest times for gyms?

The busiest times for gyms are typically early morning (5-8 AM) and evening (5-8 PM) on weekdays. Weekends can also see higher attendance, especially in the mid-morning.

How many gym members actually go?

On average, about 50-60% of gym members use their membership regularly, attending at least once a week. However, only around 20-25% of members attend frequently enough (3-4 times per week) to be considered regular gym-goers.

How many members does a good gym have?

A “good gym” can vary greatly, but typically a successful gym will have at least 500-1,000 members, ensuring enough revenue to cover costs and make a profit while maintaining quality service and facilities.

How big is the average gym?

The how big is the average gym question can be answered by noting that the average gym size is typically between 3,000 and 5,000 square feet. Larger commercial gyms can exceed 10,000 square feet.

What are the most successful gyms in America?

The most successful gyms in America include brands like Planet Fitness, LA Fitness, Anytime Fitness, and Gold’s Gym. These gyms have large memberships and strong brand recognition, contributing to their success.

Read More: Most Successful Gyms in America

How do cheap gyms make money?

Cheap gyms like Planet Fitness make money through high membership volumes and low operational costs. They focus on maintaining high member counts and offer limited amenities to keep expenses low, relying on a high volume of low-cost memberships.

Read More: How do gyms make money?

Are gyms profitable?

Yes, gyms can be highly profitable if managed correctly. Key factors include location, membership pricing, operational efficiency, and effective marketing strategies. While initial setup costs can be high, a well-run gym can generate substantial revenue over time.

What percentage of gym goers quit?

About 50% of new gym members quit within the first six months. This high attrition rate is why many gyms focus on continuous engagement and retention strategies to keep members active and reduce turnover.

What is the success rate of gyms?

The success rate of gyms can vary, but approximately 80% of gyms survive their first year, with about 50% remaining open after five years. Success depends on factors such as location, management, marketing, and customer service.

Who goes to the gym more, male or female?

Studies show that gym attendance is fairly balanced, with a slight lean towards males. On average, about 55% of gym-goers are male and 45% are female. However, this can vary depending on the gym type and location.

How many people workout on average?

On average, about 20% of the population holds a gym membership, though this can vary by region. The percentage of population with gym membership is higher in urban areas and developed countries.

What is the average age of a gym goer?

The average age of a gym goer is between 25 and 45 years old. However, many gyms cater to a wide age range, offering specialized programs for younger and older members.

What is the busiest month in the gym?

January is typically the busiest month for gyms, driven by New Year’s resolutions. Other peaks include the start of summer and the back-to-school season in September.

How to Calculate the Capacity of a Gym

To calculate the capacity of a gym, you can use the formula:

[ \text{Capacity} = \frac{\text{Total Usable Area (sq ft)}}{\text{Space per Person (sq ft)}} ]

For example, a gym with 3,000 square feet and allocating 10 square feet per person can handle 300 members at once.

Read More: Gym Design Guide

Many people give up going to the gym due to lack of motivation, time constraints, or unmet expectations. Gyms can combat this by creating engaging environments and offering varied, motivating programs.

To attract more members, gyms should employ digital marketing strategies for fitness industry, such as SEO, PPC, social media campaigns, and content marketing. How to promote a gym online effectively involves a mix of these tactics, tailored to the target audience.

Read More: Gym Digital Marketing

For managing gym operations, the best gym management software from Exercise.com includes features like scheduling, membership management, billing, and communication tools.

By understanding these factors, gym owners and fitness professionals can better plan and manage their facilities, ensuring they meet the needs of their members and remain profitable.

The Bottom Line: How many members does my gym need?

Gym membership statistics may show that 1,500 members are average for a fitness center in the U.S., but if your gym is working with smaller numbers, that doesn’t mean profitability is out of reach. Focus on improving your unique fitness business, and the income will follow.

And if you’d like to spend less time managing your gym operations and more time with your members, Exercise.com can help.

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  1. https://www.statista.com/statistics/236123/us-fitness-center–health-club-memberships/
  2. https://www.franchisechatter.com/2011/08/22/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-planet-fitness-franchise-opportunity-no-frills-no-judgement-and-no-grunting/
Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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