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Gym Email Marketing Guide (50+ Ideas and Free Templates)

Gym Email Marketing Guide (50+ Ideas and Free Templates)

Posted by Alisa Martin, B.S. in Clinical Laboratory Science, ISSA Personal Trainer on June 17, 2023 — Updated on May 25, 2024

Use this gym email marketing guide to learn the best email marketing for gyms best practices with actionable gym email templates, gym email marketing ideas, and tips to increase gym revenue today.

Gym Email Marketing Guide

Use these fitness email marketing tips like how to do a gym win-back email campaign or what to say to wish a gym member happy birthday to learn how to increase your fitness brand’s reach and engagement with personalized and relevant email content in this Ultimate Guide to Gym Email Marketing.

Then, if you want an easy platform with the best gym email software baked right in that can start sending out gym email, SMS text messages, and even in-app notifications to your very own custom branded gym fitness apps, then see why see why Exercise.com is the best gym management software platform to grow and manage your gym.

You can use custom fitness automations that send gym email marketing templates automatically for you.


Trigger fitness email templates to send out based on triggers you specify. Send gym appointment reminder emails, gym happy birthday emails, fitness upsell emails, workout logged emails, you name it.

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Getting Started with Gym Email Marketing

Let’s get practical, shall we? If you want to jump into the definition of email marketing terms, and get some background on gym email marketing best practices, then scroll down to the bottom of this article, but first, let’s get practical and start off with some actionable gym email marketing tips and ideas that you can put into action today in your gym.

Ready? Here are some easy to implement gym email marketing ideas.

Gym Email Marketing Campaign Ideas

Here are 25 gym email marketing campaign ideas:

  1. New Gym Member Welcome Series: Send a series of emails to new gym members introducing them to your facility, providing important information, and offering helpful tips to kickstart their fitness journey.
  2. Gym Monthly Newsletter: Create a monthly newsletter that highlights upcoming events, new classes, success stories from members, fitness tips, and exclusive promotions to keep your members engaged and informed.
  3. Workout Tips and Guides: Send regular emails with workout tips, exercise guides, and training techniques to help your members achieve their fitness goals and stay motivated.
  4. Gym Member Success Stories: Share inspiring success stories of your members who have achieved remarkable transformations or significant milestones, showcasing the effectiveness of your gym and motivating others to reach their own goals.
  5. Personalized Workout Plans: Offer personalized workout plans through email, tailored to each member’s specific goals, fitness level, and preferences. Include exercise routines, nutrition tips, and progress tracking to keep them on track.
  6. Nutrition and Healthy Recipes: Provide members with nutrition advice, healthy recipes, and meal planning tips to support their fitness journey and encourage a well-rounded approach to health and wellness.
  7. Exclusive Discounts and Promotions: Reward your email subscribers with exclusive discounts and promotions on gym memberships, personal training sessions, fitness classes, or merchandise to incentivize engagement and increase sales.
  8. Seasonal Challenges: Organize seasonal fitness challenges for gyms and send regular email updates with progress tracking, tips, and incentives to encourage participation and maintain motivation throughout the challenge.
  9. Group Fitness Class Reminders: Send email reminders to your members about upcoming group fitness classes, allowing them to plan their schedules and ensure maximum attendance.
  10. Member Surveys: Conduct email surveys to gather feedback from your members on their gym experience, class preferences, suggestions for improvement, and overall satisfaction. Use the insights to enhance your services and tailor offerings to their needs.
  11. Event Invitations: Send invitations to special events, workshops, seminars, or guest speaker sessions hosted at your gym to create a sense of community and provide opportunities for members to expand their fitness knowledge.
  12. Social Media Integration: Include social media integration in your emails, encouraging members to follow and engage with your gym’s social media accounts for additional fitness tips, updates, and community engagement.
  13. Cross-Promotion with Local Businesses: Collaborate with local businesses, such as healthy cafes or sports apparel stores, to offer exclusive promotions or discounts to your email subscribers, promoting a holistic approach to fitness and wellness.
  14. Personal Training Specials: Highlight special offers on personal training sessions, including discounted packages or free consultations, to encourage members to invest in personalized coaching and achieve their fitness goals faster.
  15. Refer-a-Friend Program: Implement a refer-a-friend program and send email invitations to your members, offering incentives or rewards for referring new members to your gym.
  16. Member Anniversaries: Celebrate your members’ anniversaries with personalized email messages, recognizing their loyalty and progress, and offering a special perk or discount as a token of appreciation.
  17. Fitness Tips for Busy Professionals: Send targeted emails to busy professionals, providing fitness tips and strategies for incorporating exercise into a busy lifestyle, emphasizing the convenience and effectiveness of your gym.
  18. Virtual Training Programs: Develop and promote virtual training programs through email, allowing members to access fitness routines, coaching sessions, and progress tracking from anywhere, anytime.
  19. Wellness Resources: Share resources on stress management, mindfulness, sleep optimization, and other wellness topics to support overall well-being and help your members maintain a balanced lifestyle.
  20. Member Testimonials: Feature member testimonials in your email campaigns, highlighting their positive experiences, transformations, and the impact your gym has had on their lives.
  21. Equipment and Facility Updates: Inform members about any new equipment, facility upgrades, or renovations through email, showcasing your commitment to providing a top-notch fitness environment.
  22. Charity Events and Community Involvement: Promote charity events or community initiatives organized by your gym through email, encouraging member participation and fostering a sense of giving back.
  23. Goal-Setting Workshops: Offer goal-setting workshops or seminars and invite members through email, empowering them to define their fitness goals, develop action plans, and track progress.
  24. Expert Advice and Q&A Sessions: Collaborate with fitness experts or trainers to provide exclusive advice, Q&A sessions, or webinars through email, offering valuable insights and establishing your gym as a trusted source of fitness knowledge.
  25. Member Appreciation Campaigns: Show appreciation for your members through email campaigns, offering exclusive perks, discounts, or surprise rewards as a gesture of gratitude for their loyalty and support.

Remember to segment your email list based on member preferences, demographics, and fitness goals to deliver targeted and relevant content that resonates with each recipient. Regularly analyze email campaign performance and adjust your strategies based on engagement metrics to continually improve the effectiveness of your gym’s email marketing efforts. Be sure to refer to our gym SMS text messaging guide and gym social media guide for strategies to use these campaigns on both email, SMS, and social media. Check out our full list of gym marketing ideas for help on omni-channel gym marketing campaigns.

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Gym Win-Back Email Campaign Ideas

Winning back former gym members is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy customer base and ensuring the longevity of your fitness club. A well-crafted gym win-back email campaign can reignite interest and encourage lapsed members to return. Using a platform like Exercise.com, which offers robust gym marketing and communication tools, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of these campaigns. Here are 25 creative gym win-back email campaign ideas, complete with specific copywriting and examples, to help re-engage former members.

  1. “We Miss You!” Personalized Check-In: Send a personalized email expressing that the gym community misses them. Use a friendly tone to inquire about their fitness journey since their departure.
  2. Special Comeback Offer: Extend a special offer, such as a discounted membership or free personal training session, exclusive to former members.
  3. Highlight New Features or Renovations: Share updates about new equipment, renovations, or services added since they left, enticing them to come and see the improvements.
  4. Success Stories of Current Members: Feature testimonials or success stories of current members to inspire and motivate them to rejoin.
  5. Fitness Challenge Invitation: Invite them to participate in a fitness challenge, offering a free or discounted entry as a former member.
  6. “We’ve Changed!” Update: If there were specific issues they had with the gym, update them on how you’ve addressed these concerns.
  7. Birthday Special Offer: Send a personalized birthday email with a special offer to rejoin, making them feel valued.
  8. Workout Tips and Free Resources: Provide valuable content such as workout tips, nutrition guides, or wellness advice to pique their interest.
  9. Feedback Request and Incentive: Ask for feedback on why they left and offer an incentive for completing the survey, with an option to reconsider membership.
  10. Holiday or Seasonal Promotions: Create emails themed around holidays or seasons with relevant offers to rejoin.
  11. Exclusive Access to New Classes or Programs: Offer them early access or special rates for new classes or programs at the gym.
  12. Member Referral Benefits: Encourage them to rejoin by offering additional benefits if they bring a friend or family member.
  13. Flash Sale Alert: Create urgency with a limited-time flash sale on memberships exclusively for past members.
  14. Health and Wellness Newsletter: Send a monthly health and wellness newsletter with the option to resubscribe to gym membership at the end.
  15. “A Gift for You” Re-engagement Offer: Send an email offering a small gift, like a branded water bottle or t-shirt, as a token if they reconsider their membership.
  16. Anniversary of Joining Email: Remind them of the anniversary of when they first joined, highlighting their past progress and future potential.
  17. Inspirational Fitness Quotes and Images: Send motivational fitness quotes and images, with a message about the benefits of rejoining the gym community.
  18. Reminder of Unused Membership Benefits: If they had unused sessions or benefits, remind them and offer to reactivate their membership.
  19. Personal Trainer Special Offer: Provide a special offer for personal training sessions to help them get back on track.
  20. Community Event Invitations: Invite them to non-membership-based community events or open days to rekindle their interest.
  21. “Choose Your Own Offer” Email: Give them options for different offers to choose from if they decide to rejoin.
  22. Progress Check-In and Goal Setting: Offer a free session to discuss their fitness goals and progress since leaving.
  23. Loyalty Program Introduction: Introduce a new loyalty program and its benefits, exclusive to returning members.
  24. “Did You Know?” Educational Content: Share interesting gym facts or fitness tips, subtly nudging them about the benefits of being a gym member.
  25. Interactive Content: Send quizzes or interactive content related to fitness, with a call-to-action to rejoin and continue their fitness journey.

Each of these health club win-back email campaign ideas can be effectively executed using Exercise.com’s best-in-class and top rated gym management software, which provides powerful tools for creating personalized, engaging gym email campaigns. Tailoring your approach to address the specific reasons why members might have left, and offering enticing reasons to return, can significantly increase the success of your win-back efforts.

Read More: Gym Win-Back Campaign Ideas

Fitness Income Ideas

Gym Email Templates

Get these free gym email templates that you can just copy and paste! (Want more gym email templates? Get our BIG list of Gym Email Templates and Personal Trainer Email Templates).

New Gym Member Welcome Email Template

Subject: Welcome to [Your Gym Name] – Get Started on Your Fitness Journey!
Hi [Member’s Name],

Welcome to [Your Gym Name]! We’re thrilled to have you as a part of our fitness community. Here are a few things to help you get started:

  • Gym hours: [Include gym hours and any special instructions]
  • Group fitness schedule: [Link to the schedule on your website]
  • Personal training offers: [Promote any current personal training specials]
  • Member benefits: [Highlight any exclusive perks or discounts]

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our friendly staff. We look forward to helping you achieve your fitness goals!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Personal Training Promotion Email Template

Subject: Achieve Your Fitness Goals with Personal Training at [Your Gym Name]
Hi [Member’s Name],

Are you looking to take your fitness journey to the next level? Our certified personal trainers are here to help you reach your goals faster and with precision. Book a personal training session today and benefit from:

  • Customized workout plans tailored to your specific needs
  • Expert guidance and support to maximize your results
  • Accountability and motivation to stay on track
  • Special introductory offer: [Mention any discounted rates or packages]

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your fitness journey. Book your first session today and unlock your true potential!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Group Fitness Class Update Email Template

Subject: Exciting News! New Group Fitness Class Now Available at [Your Gym Name]
Hi [Member’s Name],

We’re excited to announce the addition of a new group fitness class to our schedule at [Your Gym Name]. Join us for [Class Name], a high-energy workout that combines [Brief description of the class, such as cardio, strength training, etc.].

Here are the details:

  • Day: [Class day]
  • Time: [Class time]
  • Instructor: [Instructor’s Name]
  • Location: [Class location]
  • Class capacity: [Specify any restrictions on class size]

Secure your spot by booking through our online portal or speaking to our front desk staff. Don’t miss this opportunity to challenge yourself and have fun with our amazing fitness community!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Gym Member Appreciation Email Template

Subject: Thank You for Being a Valued Member of [Your Gym Name]
Hi [Member’s Name],

We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your membership and support at [Your Gym Name]. As a token of our appreciation, we’re offering an exclusive member-only discount of [Discount Percentage/Amount] on [Product/Service].

This is our way of saying thank you for choosing us as your fitness destination. To redeem this special offer, simply [Include instructions on how to redeem the discount, such as using a promo code or presenting the email at the front desk].

We appreciate your commitment to your fitness journey and look forward to supporting you every step of the way!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Fitness Challenge Invitation Email Template

Subject: Join the [Challenge Name] and Transform Your Body in [Duration]
Hi [Member’s Name],

Are you ready to take on a new fitness challenge? Join our [Challenge Name] and experience a total body transformation in just [Duration]. This challenge is designed to push your limits, ignite your motivation, and achieve remarkable results.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Customized workout plans
  • Nutrition guidance and meal plans
  • Weekly progress tracking
  • Prizes for top achievers

Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today by [Include instructions on how to sign up, such as visiting the front desk or registering online].

Get ready to elevate your fitness game and unleash your full potential with the support of our expert trainers and a community of like-minded individuals!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Gym Seasonal Promotion Email Template

Subject: Summer Special: Get Fit and Have Fun at [Your Gym Name]
Hi [Member’s Name],

With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to kick-start your fitness journey and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle. Join us at [Your Gym Name] and take advantage of our summer special offer:

  • [Discounted Membership Rate]
  • [Additional Perks or Benefits]
  • [Duration of the Promotion]

Don’t let the summer heat slow you down. Stay motivated, challenge yourself, and achieve your fitness goals with the help of our state-of-the-art facilities, experienced trainers, and a supportive community.

Visit our website or stop by the front desk to learn more and sign up for this limited-time offer!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Gym Testimonial Request Email Template

Subject: Share Your Success Story with [Your Gym Name]
Hi [Member’s Name],

At [Your Gym Name], we’re proud of the progress and achievements of our members. We would love to feature your success story on our website and social media platforms to inspire others on their fitness journeys.

If you have a transformation story, a personal milestone, or any other success related to your fitness experience at [Your Gym Name], we would be honored if you could share it with us.

Simply reply to this email or visit our website to provide your testimonial. Your story may encourage someone else to take the first step towards a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Thank you for being a part of our fitness community!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Gym Nutrition Tips Newsletter Email Template

Subject: Fuel Your Fitness Journey with Our Monthly Nutrition Tips
Hi [Member’s Name],

At [Your Gym Name], we believe that nutrition plays a crucial role in achieving fitness goals. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our monthly Nutrition Tips Newsletter!

Every month, we’ll be sharing expert advice, delicious recipes, and practical tips to help you optimize your nutrition and fuel your fitness journey. From meal planning and macro tracking to post-workout snacks and hydration tips, our newsletter has it all.

Stay tuned for your first edition next month and get ready to take your nutrition to the next level!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Gym Member Birthday Email Template

Subject: Happy Birthday, [Member’s Name]! Celebrate with a Special Gift from Us
Hi [Member’s Name],

Happy birthday from all of us at [Your Gym Name]! We hope your special day is filled with joy and celebration.

As a token of our appreciation, we’d like to offer you a special birthday gift: [Specify the gift, such as a free personal training session, discounted membership upgrade, or a gym merchandise item].

Simply visit the front desk or reply to this email to claim your birthday gift. We hope this brings an extra smile to your face on your special day!

Best wishes,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Gym Virtual Workout Challenge Invitation Email Template

Subject: Join Our Virtual Workout Challenge and Stay Fit from Anywhere
Hi [Member’s Name],

We’re excited to introduce our Virtual Workout Challenge designed to keep you active and motivated wherever you are. Whether you’re traveling, working from home, or simply prefer to exercise in the comfort of your own space, this challenge is perfect for you.

Join us for a week of daily virtual workouts, exclusive live sessions with our trainers, and a supportive online community. You’ll receive workout videos, nutrition tips, and the chance to win exciting prizes along the way.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay connected and achieve your fitness goals. Register today and get ready for an exhilarating week of virtual fitness!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Gym Name]

Feel free to modify these templates to suit your specific gym’s branding and objectives.

Remember to customize these templates with your gym’s branding, specific offers, and relevant information to make them more personalized and effective.

Read More: Want more gym email templates? Get our BIG List of Gym Email Templates

And to demonstrate what a clear call to action looks like—here you go:

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Creating More Gym Email Templates

Gym email templates are pre-designed email layouts that can be used by fitness centers to create professional-looking emails to send to their subscribers. These templates are customizable, allowing gym owners to add their own text and images, adjust the colors, and change the fonts. They can be created using various software programs or online tools. Some of these tools are free, while others require a subscription fee. Using gym email templates can save fitness center owners time and effort in creating emails from scratch.

These templates have been designed specifically for the fitness industry and include all the necessary elements needed to create effective emails that will engage subscribers. They also provide consistency in branding for all gym communications.

When creating a gym email template, it’s important to consider the design elements that resonate with fitness enthusiasts. Incorporating images of people working out or participating in classes is a great way to grab attention and convey the message effectively.

Additionally, including eye-catching colors like red and blue can help increase click-through rates. Automated email sequences for gyms can also be created using gym email templates.

By setting up an automated sequence of emails, new subscribers can receive a welcome message followed by a series of educational or promotional messages over a period of time. This allows for personalized communication with subscribers without having to spend too much time on manual follow-ups.

Email segmentation for gyms is another technique that makes use of gym email templates. By segmenting subscribers into groups based on interests or activity levels, gyms can send targeted messages that resonate with each group’s needs and preferences.

This strategy has been proven effective in increasing open rates and conversions. Gym email marketing best practices should be taken into consideration when creating gym email templates. This includes optimizing subject lines for higher open rates, using strong calls-to-action for increased engagement and conversions, keeping messages concise yet informative, avoiding spam triggers like excessive capitalization or punctuation marks, and ensuring the email is mobile-friendly for subscribers who read emails on their smartphones. By following these best practices, gym owners can create effective email templates that drive results.

The Ultimate Guide to Gym Email Marketing: Strategies, Best Practices and Campaign Ideas for Fitness Businesses

Maximize gym membership retention and attract new members with effective fitness center email marketing. Learn gym email campaign ideas, best practices, and more.

Gym Email Marketing 101

We’ve covered the benefits of having the best gym management software, but have you considered all of the ways that content can help you connect with your fitness audience, increase your revenue, and build your brand’s influence?

Attracting new customers and retaining current ones is a million-dollar business – and when it comes to a return on investment (ROI) for your marketing dollars, few strategies compare with the value of email marketing.

What Is Email Marketing?

In a nutshell, email marketing is a marketing channel (i.e. a platform, tool, or strategy that a business uses to communicate with its target market) that companies use to send carefully crafted emails to lists (or, “segments”) of current or potential customers, who have signed up to receive emails, with the goal of leading those customers to a webpage or to purchase a product or service.

Email marketing is the most preferred marketing channel with 59% of consumers stating they prefer email over any other marketing channel.

Not only is email marketing the preferred marketing channel, but it’s also a cost-effective way to gain intimate, daily access to your customers. You no longer have to make endless cold calls and take chances on mail-in brochures to solicit membership leads. But, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have to put in the work to create an impactful email marketing campaign. Reaching your audience requires a digital strategy. Garden-variety emails and newsletters aren’t sufficient to compete for your audience’s already limited attention.

The Important of Gym Email Marketing

Here are a few gym email marketing statistics to consider when answering that question:

  • The number of global email users is numbered in the billions!
  • For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect a $42 ROI
  • 49% of consumers have said that they welcome receiving weekly emails from their favorite brands (source: Oberlo).

Digital marketing can have a significant impact on your gym’s revenue, membership growth, and member retention. Performance indicators from your email campaigns can also provide insight into your gym’s online marketing strengths and areas needing growth––meaning, which CTAs and links are getting the most traffic from your readers.

Let’s dive straight into how you can facilitate your own gym email marketing campaign starting with a breakdown of what is going to make the process easy for a busy gym-owner: email marketing automation.

What is Gym Email Marketing Automation?

Gym email marketing is essentially optimized advertising. And if used smartly, gym email marketing can do much more than turn a profit––gym email marketing can also build relationships and influence brand loyalty.

Automation is the secret of email marketing and it’s the key to managing your gym’s advertising campaigns. Email automation keeps the purpose behind distributing your content on point: your fitness clients receive content from your brand on a consistent frequency and with a logical approach.

By personalizing emails geared to your particular fitness community, you’ll expand your brand’s reputation, increase membership sales, increase client retention, and boost your gym’s advertising campaigns.

How do you personalize those emails? Personalizing your audience’s content begins when they opt-in to receiving your business’s digital communication. Your client’s demographics, interests, and fitness goals provide insight into how to segment your audience for various email campaigns.

There are also third-party integrations that give additional opportunities to personalize your client’s content, such as purchase history and other behavior-related data that give insight into how the recipient is interacting with your content.

Automating your fitness business’s communication strategy––and personalizing the content you share––streamlines your effort and ensures your recipients are receiving only what’s relevant to them.

Now that we’ve addressed why automation needs to play a key role in your email marketing efforts, let’s go over a few key email marketing terms worth remembering.

Common Email Marketing Terms

Email marketing has a language all of its own. Understanding a few basic terms can turn a fitness professional into a marketing guru. Well, not really––but here are some useful terms to know when setting out to define and develop your fitness email campaign goals:

  1. A/B test. A/B testing is when you compare the impact between two or more emails on different people or audiences to see which email (and subject lines) achieves your desired results. (This article by Neil Patel is a great resource when tackling those subject lines.)
  2. Automation. This is the process that email marketing software uses to send an email or email campaigns according to preset prompts.
  3. Autoresponder email. More specifically, transaction emails are sent to a client in response to a transaction, or purchase, that they made online.
  4. Open rate. An open rate is defined as how many people open and read your email. The primary factor affecting the open rate is timing: how quickly after an initial encounter or sale did you send the email and which time of the day tends to get the most opens (according to region, customer persona, and the industry). Beware, marketing email campaigns and newsletters may not share optimal time frames.
  5. Click-through-rate (CRT). The CRT describes how many unique clicks occur on various links (image, hyperlink, and call to action) embedded in your email/newsletter. CRT is a useful tool to help measure your email’s effectiveness. While the average open rate is around 18%, the average CTR is only around 2.6%.
  6. Call to action (CTA). This is a request that you present to your recipients at some point in the email, requesting them to complete an action or take the next step. A/B testing is a great way to evaluate your CTA’s effectiveness.
  7. Conversion rate. This is the percentage of recipients who respond to your CTA and is an indicator of your email/campaign’s success.
  8. Bounce rate. There are two types of bounces: a hard bounce and a soft bounce. A hard bounce occurs when an email is returned because the address or domain was incorrect. It is critical to remove these emails from your email list because they are permanently undeliverable. A soft bounce occurs when the recipient’s email is too full or the file being sent is too large. Typically, your ESP (email service provider) will continue to try to deliver soft-bounce emails.
  9. Dynamic content. Dynamic content is content that changes according to the subscriber’s demographics, such as gender and plays a role in personalizing email content.
  10. Campaign. A series of emails with an end goal in mind.
  11. Opt-in/Opt-out. To opt describes the choice that a recipient has to respond to your email. They can opt-in, requesting to subscribe to your emails––or they can opt-out, requesting to be removed from your email list. A double opt-in is when you send an email in response to an opt-in, confirming the recipient’s request to subscribe.
  12. Landing page. When your subscribers click a link in your email, they will land on a page with more information about the content they’ve responded to.
  13. Segmentation. This is when you target (segment) smaller populations within your subscriber list with relevant content.
  14. Personalization. This is the customization of the content that a subscriber receives based on the subscriber’s preferences and personal data. The email’s subject line can also be personalized with the recipient’s name. You can create a plethora of personalized emails based on events and transactions.
  15. Subscribe rate and unsubscribe rates. The percentage of people who opt-in or opt-out of receiving your emails.
  16. Email Marketing Service (EMS). EMS, otherwise known as Email Marketing Provider (EMP), comprises a service and software that helps design and send emails and newsletters to subscribers on behalf of an individual or business. Features vary from provider to provider. We’ll discuss the features later when discussing how to choose an EMS.
  17. Customer Relationship Management (CRM). CRM is the strategy you use to convert leads into customers and then retain those customers.

Types of Gym Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Newsletters. A practical way to nurture leads and clients, newsletters keep gym members engaged by providing info on relevant fitness trends and highlighting happenings related to your business, such as events, promotions, and news.
    • You can distribute your newsletter weekly, monthly, or even quarterly. Your newsletter’s content should be in line with your business’s marketing goals but should also add value to your audience’s fitness journey––meaning, how are they better after reading your newsletter?
    • Remember to keep your brand front and center by including links to your website and social media content. Make sure to encourage your readers to share your newsletter with friends as a cost-effective way to increase your brand’s reach.
  • Invites, Welcomes, Re-Engagement Emails. These types of emails are also referred to as dedicated sends because the content is targeting a specific group of people within your email list.
    • Use dedicated send email to extend invitations for particular events and promotions, send welcomes to new gym members and new digital content recipients, and re-engage members and audience members who’ve fallen off the radar or have unsubscribed from your digital content offerings.
  • Co-Marketing Campaigns. Co-marketing means partnering with another brand to double your business’s reach in promoting an offer or service. Co-marketing campaigns have high conversion rates because both brands are targeting active email recipients.
  • Brand Story. A brand story is essentially a narrative of your fitness brand’s inception and continuation––your mission. Using stories can be an effective way to make an emotional connection with your readers. Stories are remembered at a higher percentage than your garden variety list of facts and an impactful, well-told story (as well as your brand) may stick with your readers permanently.
  • Internal Updates. Email marketing isn’t just for clients. Use it to engage with and communicate with your staff.
  • Lead-Nurturing. These emails are specifically for those who’ve expressed a deeper interest in your brand. Send content that has a higher relevance and feels a little more intimate to deepen the relationship. Be sure to personalize the content with why the recipients are receiving this content.
  • Transactional. These emails provide your customer confirmation of the transaction and a thank you for choosing to do business with your fitness business.
  • Survey/Request Review. You can ask your gym members or personal training clients to evaluate various segments or experiences in their customer journey with your brand. Surveys are great tools to evaluate customer satisfaction and pinpoint parts of the customer journey that need improvement.
  • New Content. Email is an inexpensive way to promote new products, services, and promotions. For example, when your clients sign-up for your 30-day challenge, you can target the participants with email marketing in the form of daily tips and workouts. You can also use email marketing to share client testimonials and your latest fitness articles and videos.

Pro Tip: Don’t Neglect Social Media

While email marketing is a funnel to lead clients and prospects to complete an action or purchase, social media can be a funnel of sorts when you encourage your social media followers to sign up for your email––tapping into more potential revenue.

And vice-versa, use email marketing to connect your audience to your social media marketing campaigns. Even if subscribers aren’t ready to make a purchase, your content should generate enough curiosity that they click on your links to check out your social media accounts.

Both social media and email have critical roles in your fitness business’s marketing strategy. While social media is ideal for increasing brand awareness among a larger audience, email is where you build a direct relationship with your subscribers.

Social media is broad-reaching and definitely influences buying decisions and integrating social media with gym email marketing makes it easier to convert followers into segmented audiences.

Read More:

Choosing the Right Email Marketing Service

Before beginning your email marketing endeavors, you’ll need to choose an email marketing service. While you can choose in-house email marketing, an EMS can catapult your strategy’s impact to the next level.

When choosing the right EMS for your fitness business, settle on which features are most important to you. Not all platforms are alike and knowing which features you plan to utilize most will help you match your marketing strategy with the right service.

Some features to consider include

  • unlimited emails
  • variety of templates that match your fitness brand’s personality
  • media library for images so you can categorize and store your business’s personal photos for quick access
  • custom autoresponders that let you create automated email responses for a variety of functions, ensuring you don’t miss communication from your recipients
  • analytics that include stats like open rates, bounce rates, and gym SEO metrics
  • A/B testing to get insight into which types of content are most popular with your readers
  • signup form to capture new subscribers so you can keep building your email list
  • user segmentation which gives you the ability to focus certain types of content toward certain populations (active, not active, interests) within your email list
  • spam filter solutions to make sure you know your emails are landing in your readers’ inbox
  • opt-in/opt-out options that meet compliance standards
  • social media integration to give your digital email content maximum reach among future subscribers
  • mobile compatible so readers aren’t turned off if they’re not able to access a clean version of your email on their mobiles when reading on-the-go
  • customer support with an extensive knowledge hub so you can trouble-shoot and timely access to live support so you’re not waiting days on end to resolve technical issues
  • pricing options that suit your gym’s budget and marketing goals
  • integrative qualities so that the EMS can integrate with your gym management software platform

Some of the more popular EMS platforms are MailChimp, Constant Contact, GetResponse, and HubSpot.

You may be wondering, “Why can’t I just use Gmail or Outlook to send emails?” Generic public emails like Gmail and Yahoo are more likely to go to spam and they’re not designed for bulk email campaigns.

Gym Email Marketing Checklist

Below is a generalized process you can follow like a checklist when deciding how to use email marketing in conjunction with your fitness business’s overarching marketing strategy.

  1. Strategize. Consider your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) approach and the type of campaign you’ll need to utilize to reach your goal. Are you sending an announcement, an update, a newsletter, an invitation, a post-transaction/confirmation, or a drip email series?
  2. Build a subscriber list. What if you don’t have a list yet? Recruit subscribers on your social media pages with promos and giveaways and include a lead capture system on your website’s landing pages. Here’s where personalization comes in––make sure to collect specifics that’ll allow you to segment your audience: location, age, interests, goals. You can also create referral programs that encourage current members to refer friends and family.
  3. Create an introductory email. Use a template to welcome subscribers to your email list. Be intentional––let them know what they can expect from reading your emails.
  4. Create content. Segment your audience and then personalize content for each group.
  5. Test. A/B testing.
  6. Create an email calendar, schedule. Decide on email frequency and which day/time of the week can your audience expect your emails. (Via a recent study, weekdays are best and early morning emails usually result in higher open rates. However, the time that works best for you depends on the demographic you’re trying to target.)
  7. Decide if you’d like to send a newsletter in addition to your email campaigns. It isn’t always necessary but does lend to keeping your clients engaged and keeping your brand front and center.
  8. Analyze. What’s working and what isn’t? Monitor stats like open rates, CTR, and opt-in/opt-out rates to optimize future emails.

Email Marketing for Fitness Businesses: Best Practices

Providers like Mailchimp and Constant Contact have gained steam because of their easy-to-use templates and personalization and automation features.  Mailchimp’s health and fitness industry email marketing stats reveal the following averages: open rate 21.48 percent, click rate 2.69 percent, unsubscribe rate 0.4 percent. The newsletter giant’s advice for improving those stats begins with:

  1. Increase open rates. Keep the subject descriptive, short, and limit your message to one emoji. If you’re able, test your subject(s) line beforehand in an A/B testing campaign.
  2. Increase click rates: Keep your call-to-action wording concise––use specific phrases to lead readers to relevant landing pages and don’t be shy about staggering multiple links for the same call-to-action.

Consider both the elements of content and design when implementing updates that are right for your brand’s message:

  • Use automation to personalize newsletter content; segment subscribers and send emails when open times are at peak
  • Give your landing pages a little TLC
  • Give your customers the option to shop directly from your newsletter, without redirecting them to your website or social media pages.
  • Capitalize on integrations, like WordPress newsletter plugins
  • Include personalized product recommendations for your subscribers
  • Use surveys to get subscriber feedback about your business’s communication and services
  • Build a custom branded fitness app for your newsletter because email isn’t the only channel for delivering your business’s newsletter
  • Activate social sharing

And as for what kinds of emails to send, the possibilities are limitless with email marketing. You can use it to stay in contact with members, nurture leads, promote products/services, promote content, and increase brand awareness.

Practically speaking, reap the benefits by:

  • sending automated birthday emails that include a promotion or a free gift, such as a discount on a training package or a complimentary ebook
  • delivering useful fitness-related information (nutrition, training) to build your fitness brand’s credibility (and your professional reputation)
  • including powerful CTAs like “join now” or “sign up today” to increase your members’ responsiveness to your advertising campaigns on any device
  • increasing your website’s traffic and Google search ranking with internal links
  • segmenting email marketing campaigns to prioritize recipient personalization for maximum impact

Gym email marketing shouldn’t be complicated, time-consuming, or expensive. Rather, it should be the opposite: simple, efficient, and cost-effective. Increase your gym’s marketing effectiveness by reaching and growing your audience with personalized and relevant content.

Paired with a robust gym management software platform, gym email marketing will allow you to reach more people and increase overall client satisfaction. Contact Exercise.com today to see how our automation features and integrations with some of the most popular email marketing services have helped grow countless fitness businesses.

Tony Gentilcore
Exercise.com makes my life easier by providing an all-in-one solution and the opportunity to help those who otherwise would never have access to my programming!
Tony Gentilcore
Founder, Core Online

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Gym Email Newsletter Best Practices

Email newsletters are an essential part of gym email marketing campaigns. A well-designed newsletter can keep your customers informed, engaged and eager to visit your fitness center.

However, creating a successful newsletter requires following several best practices. One of the most critical gym email marketing best practices is to ensure that the content is relevant and valuable to your subscribers.

Content should include updates on gym news such as new equipment or classes, health tips or wellness advice, inspirational stories from members, or promotions for upcoming events. Automated email sequences for gyms can be a powerful tool in keeping subscribers engaged with your content.

Automated email drip campaigns for fitness centers can be set up to deliver a series of emails based on subscriber actions like signing up for a trial membership or attending their first class. This type of campaign allows you to create a more personalized experience for your subscribers and helps build stronger relationships.

Another important aspect of gym email newsletter best practices is email segmentation for gyms. Segmenting your audience means dividing it into smaller groups based on demographics like age, gender or location, or behavior like attendance frequency or membership status.

This strategy allows you to tailor content specifically to each group’s needs and interests. Email personalization for fitness centers can also go beyond just segmentation by including personalized subject lines and greetings that make the subscriber feel more connected with the brand.

Personalization can also extend into the body of the newsletter using dynamic content that changes based on subscriber preferences. Gym membership email campaigns should include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that drive action from subscribers such as promoting membership upgrades, offering referral incentives or highlighting upcoming promotions/events.

It’s essential not only to provide great content but also encourage readers to take action and engage with your brand further. Overall, following these gym email newsletter best practices will help improve engagement rates and maintain strong relationships with your subscribers in today’s competitive fitness market space.

Gym Email Campaign Ideas

Email marketing for gyms can be a great way to promote new classes, equipment, and membership offers.

However, coming up with effective email campaign ideas can be challenging. Here are some ideas to help your fitness center stand out in your subscribers’ inbox.

1. New Class Announcement: If you’re launching a new class or training program, send an email to your subscribers announcing it. Include details about the class such as the schedule, instructor information, and what makes it unique. By doing so, you can create excitement around the new offering and encourage sign-ups.

2. Limited-Time Offer: Create a sense of urgency by offering a limited-time discount or promotion for those who sign up for gym membership within a certain time frame. Use email automation tools like Exercise.com to set up automated email sequences that remind subscribers of the deadline and encourage them to take action.

3. Milestone Celebration: Celebrate milestones with your gym members through personalized emails that acknowledge their progress and achievements towards their fitness goals. This could include congratulatory emails when they reach a fitness goal or attendance milestone at your gym.

4. Seasonal Promotions: Use seasonal events as an opportunity to promote special offers that align with those periods – like running winter promotions on training clothes or summer promotions geared towards swimwear sales – in order to stay top-of-mind throughout each season.

5. Referral Program: Encourage existing members to refer their friends by sending targeted referral emails campaign through email segmentation for gyms based on specific criteria such as activity levels or memberships types which allows you offer unique perks to different groups of members based on their loyalty levels including discounts or other incentives which may entice them further.

By using these gym email campaign ideas along with email personalization for fitness centers and automated email sequences for gyms effectively, you can create campaigns that engage subscribers while helping drive traffic and sales at the same time which is important because gym email marketing best practices state that email campaigns are most effective when they are well-targeted.

Email Automation for Gyms

Gym Marketing Automations

Email automation is a powerful tool for gyms to improve their email marketing campaigns. With automation, you can create personalized, targeted emails that are sent automatically based on member behavior. This means that once you set up your automated email sequences, you can sit back and watch as your gym’s engagement rates improve without any additional effort. One of the most effective uses of email automation for gyms is creating automated welcome sequences. This sequence can be triggered when a new member signs up and will help to introduce them to the gym and its offerings. Use the best gym marketing automation software to make this happen seamlessly in your gym.

The welcome sequence should include information about the gym’s facilities, classes, personal training options, and membership perks. By sending out this information in a series of well-timed emails, you can help new members feel more comfortable with the gym and increase their engagement levels.

Another way to use email automation for gyms is by creating automated event reminders. If your gym frequently hosts events like fitness competitions or charity fundraisers, an automated reminder sequence can help ensure maximum attendance.

You can create a series of reminder emails leading up to the event that includes details about the event schedule, location, parking instructions etc. Segmentation is another important part of using email automation effectively in your fitness business.

By segmenting your audience based on behavior or interest – such as members who take yoga classes – you can send more targeted content that resonates with them at a deeper level than mass communication would have done. Drip campaigns are also an effective way of utilizing email marketing for gyms through automation because they allow businesses to drip out content over time instead of blasting everyone at once with too much information all at once!

With drip campaigns businesses send out scheduled sequences of pre-written messages to subscribers over time that nurture leads further down into becoming customers. Some best practices when using email automation include ensuring that all emails are mobile-friendly since many people check their emails on mobile devices these days; ensuring that the email’s design is visually appealing and professional-looking, using catchy subject lines that encourage people to open the emails, and making sure that all emails are well-crafted to be in line with your brand messaging while providing valuable content.

Personalized Email Marketing for Fitness

Personalization is a crucial aspect of email marketing for fitness businesses. By tailoring your emails to the specific interests and needs of your members or potential customers, you increase the chances of them engaging with your content and taking action. There are several ways to personalize gym emails, and we’ll cover some of the most effective strategies below.

One option is to segment your email list based on member characteristics such as their age, fitness goals, or membership type. This allows you to create targeted campaigns that speak directly to their needs.

For example, if you have an upcoming promotion on personal training sessions, you could send a personalized email campaign to members who have shown interest in weight loss or strength training. Another way to personalize emails is through dynamic content.

This involves using data from individual members’ behavior and preferences to customize the content they see in an email. For example, if someone has shown interest in yoga classes at your gym, you might include information about upcoming yoga workshops or promotions in their next email.

Email drip campaigns for fitness centers are another effective way to personalize communications with customers. These automated sequences provide a series of scheduled emails that work together towards a particular goal – such as converting leads into members or encouraging current members to renew their membership.

By sending targeted messages over time based on user engagement and behavior data, drip campaigns can help cater specifically to individual customer preferences. It’s worth noting that email personalization goes beyond simply including someone’s name in an email subject line or greeting.

While these tactics can help catch someone’s attention initially, true personalization requires a deeper understanding of what motivates each member individually. Email personalization is essential for any gym looking to connect with its audience effectively.

Gym email marketing best practices suggest targeting customers through segmentation, dynamic content, gym membership email campaigns, email drip campaigns, and email segmentation for gyms. This will require gathering data on each customer’s interests and preferences, but it pays off in terms of increased engagement and retention rates.

Email Marketing Software for Fitness Centers

Selecting the best gym email marketing software is essential for any fitness center looking to implement an effective email marketing strategy. With so many options available in the market, choosing the right software can be daunting. However, a few factors can be considered before making a final decision.

Personalization and Segmentation Options: Look for software that offers personalization and segmentation options. Personalization allows you to make your emails stand out by addressing your recipients by name or other relevant details. Segmentation enables you to create targeted campaigns based on your members’ membership status or other criteria.

Gym Membership Email Campaigns: Consider software that allows you to create targeted campaigns based on your members’ membership status or other criteria. This enables you to offer specific promotions or discounts to members who meet certain criteria, such as those whose memberships are about to expire.

Automated Email Sequences for Gyms: Look for software that offers automated email sequences. These sequences allow you to send pre-written emails at specific times or after specific actions are taken by your subscribers. Automated sequences are great for nurturing leads and saving time.

Email Drip Campaigns for Fitness Centers: Consider software that supports email drip campaigns. Drip campaigns involve sending pre-written sets of emails that are triggered based on subscriber actions, such as opening an email or clicking on a specific link. Drip campaigns allow you to engage with your subscribers over time and reduce unsubscribes.

Analytics and Tracking: Look for software with good analytics capabilities. Email marketing metrics for fitness businesses, such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, list growth rates, and bounce rates, provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Mobile Optimization: Ensure that the software you choose provides mobile-friendly email templates. With a majority of people accessing emails on mobile devices, it’s crucial that your emails are optimized for a seamless viewing experience.

Clear Calls-to-Action: Design your emails with clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that direct recipients to take the desired action, such as signing up for a class or purchasing a membership plan.

By considering these factors and choosing software that meets your specific requirements, you can create successful email marketing campaigns for your fitness center. Remember to follow email marketing best practices and continually refine your strategies based on analytics data.

Email Engagement for Gyms

Email engagement is a critical aspect of email marketing. It refers to the level of interaction between your subscribers and your emails. To improve email engagement for gyms, consider the following tips:

Personalize Your Emails: Use email personalization for fitness centers to make your emails more relevant and interesting to your subscribers. Include their names in the subject lines or body of the emails, or send them personalized recommendations based on their fitness goals.

Segment Your Email List: Divide your email list into smaller groups based on specific criteria such as demographics or behavior. This allows you to create more targeted emails tailored to each group’s interests and needs.

Use Drip Campaigns: Set up automated email drip campaigns that send a series of emails over a period of time. These campaigns can include welcome series, onboarding sequences, or re-engagement emails to keep members engaged throughout their fitness journey.

Follow Email Marketing Best Practices: Use clear subject lines, compelling content, strong calls-to-action (CTAs), and optimize images and videos for mobile devices. Following email marketing best practices helps improve engagement and conversion rates.

Track Your Metrics: Measure key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and revenue generated from email marketing campaigns. Analyzing these metrics helps identify areas for improvement and refine your strategies accordingly.

Automated Email Sequences for Gyms: Set up automated sequences of emails triggered by specific events or actions. These sequences help nurture leads and maintain engagement with members.

Improving email engagement for gyms requires personalization, segmentation, drip campaigns, best practices, metric tracking, and automated sequences. By following these tips and continually refining your approach, you can build strong relationships with your subscribers and drive more membership sales through email marketing.

Email Marketing Metrics for Fitness Businesses

Email marketing is a powerful tool for fitness centers and gyms to engage with their audience and drive conversions. To measure the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, it’s crucial to track key metrics. Here are essential email marketing metrics for fitness businesses:

Open Rate: The percentage of recipients who opened your email. A high open rate indicates a compelling subject line and content.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of people who clicked on a link in your email. It measures engagement and the relevance of your content.

Conversion Rate: The percentage of subscribers who completed a desired action, such as registering for a class or purchasing a membership plan. Conversion rate is a crucial metric for evaluating campaign effectiveness.

List Growth Rate: The rate at which your email list is growing or shrinking over time. It reveals the success of your acquisition and retention efforts.

Bounce Rate: The rate at which emails are undeliverable, often due to invalid email addresses or full mailboxes. High bounce rates can indicate list decay or poor targeting practices.

To get accurate metrics from gym email marketing campaigns, use tools that automatically track these metrics, such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact. Analyzing these metrics helps fine-tune your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Email Subject Lines for Fitness Newsletters

The subject line of an email newsletter is crucial for capturing the attention of subscribers and enticing them to open the email. Here are some tips for creating effective subject lines for gym newsletters:

Keep it concise: Subject lines with fewer than 50 characters tend to have higher open rates. Be specific about the content inside.

Personalize where possible: Use email personalization to include the recipient’s name or other relevant details in the subject line. Personalization increases the likelihood of the email being opened.

Incorporate numbers or lists: Numbers in subject lines can attract attention. For example, “10 Tips for a Better Workout” or “5 Ways to Stay Motivated at the Gym.”

Create a sense of urgency: Use phrases that create a sense of urgency, such as “Limited Time Offer” or “Don’t Miss Out.”

Be creative and fun: A witty or humorous approach can make subject lines more engaging and increase open rates.

Crafting effective subject lines is crucial for the success of email newsletters. By following these tips and staying creative, you can capture the attention of your subscribers and encourage them to engage with your content.

Email Design for Gym Promotions

Design plays a crucial role in the success of gym promotion emails. When designing these emails, consider the following elements:

Header: Include your gym’s logo, name, and tagline in the header. Use a relevant image to communicate the content of the email.

Body: Provide information about the promotion, details on how to claim it, and any other information that encourages conversions. Use images depicting people working out or testimonials from satisfied customers.

Color Scheme: Choose colors that align with your brand and appeal to your audience.

Mobile Optimization: Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly for seamless viewing on various devices.

Video Integration: Incorporate short promotional videos showcasing your facilities or training sessions to provide a glimpse of what you offer.

Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Use buttons or links that direct recipients to book pages or sign-up forms.

Designing effective gym promotion emails requires careful consideration of branding elements, engaging body content, mobile optimization, and clear CTAs. By implementing these design principles, you can create compelling emails that drive conversions and engage your audience.

When it comes to email marketing for gyms and fitness centers, there are a few key strategies that can help to maximize engagement and drive conversions. One important tactic is to focus on providing value to your subscribers through informative content, helpful tips, and special offers that are relevant to their interests and goals.

This can be done through regular email newsletters, automated email sequences for gyms, or targeted email campaigns based on user behavior data. Email segmentation is another essential strategy for effective gym email marketing.

By dividing your email list into smaller groups based on criteria such as location, membership status, or buying habits, you can tailor your messaging to each segment’s unique needs and preferences. This not only improves the relevance of your emails but also increases the likelihood of generating more leads and sales.

Gym membership email campaigns are another effective way to leverage email marketing for fitness businesses. These campaigns typically focus on promoting new memberships or encouraging current members to renew their contracts through time-limited offers or personalized incentives.

By combining compelling copywriting with eye-catching designs and clear calls-to-action (CTAs), you can create powerful gym membership emails that drive high conversion rates. Email drip campaigns for fitness centers are another useful tool in a gym’s digital marketing toolkit.

Drip campaigns allow you to send a series of automated emails over time that gradually introduce prospects or current members to the best of your gym’s services, amenities, facilities, or brand values. By using progressive profiling tactics such as surveys or quizzes along the way, you can gather valuable insights into user preferences that will inform future marketing efforts.

Personalization is a key driver of engagement in any type of email marketing campaign – including those for gyms or fitness centers. By using subscriber data such as past purchases or website behavior patterns to craft personalized messages and offers tailored specifically towards individual users’ needs and interests- this will lead them further down the funnel toward making a purchase decision.

Effective email marketing for gyms and fitness centers requires a thoughtful, strategic approach that focuses on providing value to subscribers while leveraging segmentation, automation, and personalization techniques to drive engagement and conversions. By implementing these best practices into your gym’s email marketing strategy- you will see an increase in leads, memberships, and sales as a result.

Gym Lead Nurturing Emails

Lead nurturing is a crucial aspect of any email marketing campaign, especially for gyms and fitness centers looking to attract new members.

The goal of lead nurturing emails is to build a relationship with potential customers by providing them with relevant information and valuable resources that will help them make informed decisions about joining your gym. One effective strategy for creating lead nurturing emails is to use email drip campaigns that deliver a series of automated email sequences to leads over a period of time.

Email Drip Campaigns for Fitness Centers: Email drip campaigns are an effective way to nurture leads because they allow you to send a series of targeted emails that are customized based on the recipient’s behavior or preferences.

For example, if someone signs up to receive information about your gym but doesn’t immediately join, you could set up an automated email sequence that sends them a series of helpful resources like workout tips or healthy recipes over the course of several weeks. This helps keep your gym top-of-mind while also providing value to the lead.

Email Segmentation for Gyms: One key component of successful lead nurturing campaigns is email segmentation.

This involves dividing your email list into smaller groups based on specific criteria like location, age, or fitness goals. By segmenting your list, you can send more targeted and relevant messages that resonate with each group’s unique interests and needs.

For example, you might send different emails to people who are interested in weight loss versus those who are interested in strength training.

Email Marketing Software for Fitness Centers

Selecting the right email marketing software is essential for any fitness center looking to implement an effective email marketing strategy. With so many options available in the market, choosing the best gym email software can be daunting. However, a few factors can be considered before making a final decision. With the Exercise.com best gym management software platform, you can send email, SMS, and in-app messages all within the platform, and under your own custom branded fitness apps!

Firstly, look for software that offers personalization and segmentation options. Email personalization for fitness centers is essential to make your emails stand out from the rest.

The software should allow you to personalize your emails with the member’s name or other relevant details. Secondly, consider gym membership email campaigns when looking for software.

This feature allows you to create targeted campaigns based on your members’ membership status or other criteria that you choose. For instance, if you want to offer a discount on annual membership renewals, you can create a campaign targeting only members whose memberships are about to expire.

Thirdly, automated email sequences for gyms is another crucial feature to consider when selecting email marketing software. Automated email sequences refers to pre-written emails that get automatically sent at specific times or after specific actions are taken by your subscribers.

Automated sequences are great for nurturing leads and also help save time and energy. Fourthly, email drip campaigns for fitness centers should be a feature of the email marketing software being considered.

Drip campaigns refer to sending pre-written sets of emails that are triggered based on certain subscriber actions such as opening an email or clicking on a specific link. It allows fitness centers to increase their engagement with their subscribers over time while reducing unsubscribes.

Look for an option with good analytics capabilities such as email marketing metrics for fitness businesses and email segmentation and automation capabilities which allow you to divide your subscribers into groups based on various criteria including but not limited location demographics and interests. It is evident that choosing the best email marketing software can have a considerable impact on your gym’s success.

By considering the personalization, segmentation, drip campaigns, automation capabilities, and analytics options discussed above, fitness centers can choose software that will help them create successful email marketing campaigns. Remember to look for software that meets your particular requirements and needs while keeping email marketing best practices in mind.

Email Engagement for Gyms

Email engagement is a critical aspect of email marketing. It refers to the level of interaction between your subscribers and your emails. In other words, it’s the extent to which your subscribers open, read, click-through, and take action based on your emails.

Email engagement is important for gyms because it can help increase member retention rates and attract new members. Here are some tips for improving email engagement for gyms:

  • Personalize your emails: Email personalization for fitness centers is a powerful way to improve email engagement. When you personalize your emails, you make them more relevant and interesting to your subscribers.

For example, you can include their name in the subject line or body of the email or send them personalized recommendations based on their fitness goals.

  • Segment your email list: Email segmentation for gyms involves dividing your email list into smaller groups based on specific criteria such as demographics or behavior.

Segmenting your list allows you to create more targeted emails that are tailored to each group’s interests and needs.

  • Use drip campaigns: Email drip campaigns for fitness centers enable you to send a series of automated emails over a period of time.

For instance, you can send a welcome series that introduces new members to your gym’s facilities and programs or an onboarding series that helps them achieve their fitness goals.

  • Follow gym email marketing best practices: To improve email engagement, it’s important to follow gym email marketing best practices such as using clear subject lines, compelling content that highlights the benefits of joining a gym or taking classes there, using strong calls-to-action (CTAs), optimizing images and videos for mobile devices.
  • Track your metrics: You can’t improve what you don’t measure! That’s why it’s essential to track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates (i.e., sign-ups), and revenue generated from gym membership sales driven by email marketing campaigns.

By measuring your email engagement metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and refine your email marketing strategy accordingly.

Automated Email Sequences for Gyms

Automated email sequences are another important tool for lead nurturing because they allow you to deliver timely and personalized messages without requiring constant attention from your team. These sequences can be triggered by specific actions taken by leads, such as signing up for a free trial or attending an introductory class at your gym.

By automating these messages, you can save time while still providing valuable information that keeps leads engaged with your gym. Email Personalization for Fitness Centers:

Personalization is a key element of effective email marketing for gyms and fitness centers. By using lead data to personalize your messages, you can make them more relevant and engaging for each recipient.

For example, you might address each lead by name or include information about their fitness goals in the email content. This helps build a stronger connection with potential members and increases the likelihood that they will join your gym.

Overall, lead nurturing emails are an essential part of any successful email marketing campaign for gyms and fitness centers. By using strategies like email drip campaigns, segmentation, automation, and personalization, you can create targeted messages that help build relationships with potential members over time.

Remember to follow best practices like avoiding spammy language and keeping your emails focused on providing value to recipients rather than simply promoting your gym. With the right approach, lead nurturing emails can be a powerful tool for growing membership at your gym or fitness center.

Gym Email Marketing ROI

One of the most important aspects of any marketing strategy is measuring the return on investment (ROI). This is no different for gym email marketing.

The goal of any fitness business is to generate revenue, and understanding the ROI of your email campaigns can help you make data-driven decisions for future campaigns. In this section, we’ll explore how to measure the ROI of your gym email marketing efforts.

Email personalization for fitness centers plays a critical role in the success of an email campaign. One way to measure ROI is by tracking how personalized emails perform compared to non-personalized emails.

Email segmentation for gyms enables you to send targeted emails and measure their effectiveness. For instance, you can segment your list based on member interests or demographics and track engagement metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Automated email sequences for gyms can also help track ROI by analyzing each stage in the sequence. With automated email sequences for gyms, you can set up a series of automated emails that are triggered when someone completes a specific action, such as joining a gym or booking their first session with a personal trainer.

These sequences typically generate higher engagement rates than one-off campaigns because they’re specifically designed to nurture leads over time. Email drip campaigns for fitness centers are another excellent tool to measure ROI because they enable you to see how subscribers interact with your content over time.

By setting up an email drip campaign that delivers a series of messages at specific intervals (e.g., weekly or monthly), you can monitor performance indicators such as open rates and click-through rates from start to finish. Gym membership email campaigns provide another great opportunity to track ROI because they focus specifically on promoting membership sales.

By setting up these types of campaigns with targeted messaging and calls-to-action aimed at converting subscribers into members, you can analyze key performance metrics such as conversion rate and customer lifetime value (CLV). Remember to always follow gym email marketing best practices when setting up these campaigns, such as clear subject lines and personalized messaging, to help increase the likelihood of success.

Email List Building for Fitness Businesses

Building an email list for your fitness business is critical in creating an effective email marketing campaign. Email lists are essential for reaching out to potential clients and keeping your current members engaged with your brand. Here are some tips on how to build an email list for your fitness business:

  1. Create lead magnets: Lead magnets are valuable incentives offered to potential clients in exchange for their contact information. These can be anything from a free eBook, a recipe book, or even a free trial session at your gym.Offering lead magnets can attract individuals interested in fitness and encourage them to sign up for your email list.
  1. Use signup forms: Integrating signup forms on your website and social media pages is a great way to collect contact information from interested individuals. Make sure the forms are easy to find and use, and provide clear instructions on what subscribers should expect from receiving emails from you.
  1. Host events: Hosting events such as open houses or charity runs can attract individuals who want to participate in fitness-related activities while also learning more about what your gym has to offer. Use these events as opportunities to collect contact information from attendees.
  1. Offer exclusive deals: Providing exclusive deals such as discounts or promotions only available through signing up for your email list can drive sign-ups and help build a loyal subscriber base.
  2. Utilize referral programs: Encourage current members of your gym to refer their friends by offering incentives such as free classes or membership upgrades if they refer someone who signs up for the email list.

Once you have built an email list, it’s important to segment it based on interests, demographics, and behaviors so that you can target specific groups with relevant content that appeals directly to them.

Email segmentation allows gyms and fitness centers the opportunity to create tailored messages that resonate with different groups within their audience based on data points like age, gender, location, interests, etc. Segmentation enables gym owners/operators to tailor messaging around the needs, goals, and pain points of each subscriber on their email list.

Personalizing emails for fitness centers is also a great way to increase engagement and build trust with subscribers. By including the recipient’s name, previous purchase history, or other personalized details relevant to fitness in your emails, you can create a more personalized experience that speaks directly to them.

Automated email sequences can also help drive engagement by allowing gym owners/operators to send targeted messages based on a subscriber’s behavior and actions. For example, if someone signs up for a free trial session but doesn’t follow up with membership enrollment, an automated email sequence could be triggered to follow up with them within 24 hours.

Email drip campaigns that are timed-based sequences of communications enable gyms or fitness centers to share large chunks of information over time, such as workout routines, as well as promoting products and services of the gym. Building an email list for your gym or fitness center is essential in making sure your marketing efforts are effective.

By creating lead magnets, using signup forms, hosting events, offering exclusive deals, and utilizing referral programs, you can quickly grow your list. Segmenting the list based on interests and behaviors allows you to target specific groups with highly-relevant content.

Personalization creates deeper connections between clients/members, which not only helps increase loyalty but also reduces churn rates. Utilizing technology like automated sequences and email drips help streamline communication efforts while increasing conversion rates.

Fitness Email Marketing Trends

Email marketing trends for fitness businesses are constantly evolving as the landscape of the industry changes. Staying on top of these trends is important for gyms and fitness centers to ensure that they are reaching their audience effectively. One trend that has emerged in recent years is the use of video content in emails.

Including short videos in emails can help engage subscribers and provide them with valuable information about workouts, nutrition, or other topics related to fitness. Another trend is the use of mobile-responsive design for gym email marketing campaigns.

As more people access their emails on mobile devices, it’s important for gym emails to be optimized for different screen sizes and resolutions. This means using responsive design techniques such as fluid layouts, scalable images, and simplified navigation.

Email personalization is also a growing trend in fitness email marketing. Rather than sending generic emails to their entire list, gyms are increasingly segmenting their audience based on interests or behavior and delivering targeted messages that resonate with individual subscribers.

This can include personalized workout recommendations based on past activity or nutrition tips based on dietary preferences. Gyms are also starting to use automated email sequences as part of their lead nurturing efforts.

By automating certain messages throughout the customer journey – such as welcome emails or follow-up messages after a free trial – fitness centers can ensure that leads receive timely, relevant information without requiring manual intervention from staff members. Gyms are recognizing the importance of integrating social media into their email marketing campaigns.

Social media channels can be used to promote gym events or challenges and encourage subscribers to engage with the brand online. Fitness centers can also use social proof – such as user-generated photos or testimonials – in their emails to build trust with subscribers and inspire them to take action.

Overall, staying up-to-date with these trends will help gyms maintain an effective email marketing strategy that engages subscribers and drives conversions over time. By leveraging tools like automated email sequences for gyms alongside best practices like email segmentation and drip campaigns for fitness centers, fitness businesses can remain competitive in an ever-changing market.

Mobile-Friendly Gym Emails

In today’s digital age, more and more people access their emails through their mobile devices rather than desktop computers. In fact, according to a recent study by Litmus, 46% of all email opens occur on mobile devices. This means that it’s important for gyms to ensure that their email campaigns are mobile-friendly.

If your emails are not optimized for mobile viewing, you risk losing potential customers who might find it difficult or frustrating to view your emails on their smartphones. To ensure that your gym emails are mobile-friendly, there are a few best practices you should follow.

Firstly, keep your subject line short and sweet—ideally under 50 characters—to make sure it displays fully on the recipient’s phone screen. When it comes to the email content itself, use a single-column layout with large fonts and images that can be easily viewed on smaller screens.

Avoid using small text or images that take too long to load as they could slow down the page loading time. Another important consideration is ensuring that any links or call-to-action buttons in your gym emails are large enough and easy to click using a finger tap on a touch screen device.

Also, make sure your email copy is concise and gets right to the point so that the reader can quickly understand what you’re trying to communicate without having to scroll around too much. Email segmentation can also help optimize mobile-friendly gym emails by targeting specific subsets of customers based on demographics like age group or location, which will allow you to create personalized content based on customer interests that would show up better during mobile views.

Testing is essential when creating mobile-friendly gym emails since different devices may display your email differently due to varying screen sizes and resolutions. To ensure optimal performance across all types of devices, it would be necessary to run tests with multiple scenarios such as checking for different inbox providers (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.), email apps (Apple Mail, Outlook, etc.), and operating systems (Android, iOS, etc.).

With more and more people using mobile devices to access their emails, creating mobile-friendly gym emails is imperative. Implementing best practices such as a single-column layout with large fonts and images, concise copy, and appropriate calls-to-action can significantly improve the experience of gym customers, which could lead to higher engagement rates for your email marketing campaigns.

Gym Member Retention Emails

One of the most important aspects of gym email marketing is member retention. After all, it is much less expensive to retain an existing member than to acquire a new one. This is where gym member retention emails come in. Gym membership email campaigns should not only focus on acquiring new members but also on keeping existing ones engaged and satisfied.

To start with, you can personalize your emails for individual members to increase engagement. Email personalization for fitness centers can include using their first names in the subject line and body of the email, addressing their fitness goals or past activities, and offering personalized rewards or discounts based on their activity history.

Another way to improve retention rates is by sending targeted emails through email segmentation for gyms. Segmentation can be based on various factors such as age, fitness level, workout preference, location, or membership plan.

This will help you tailor your messages according to what each segment expects from your gym. Email drip campaigns for fitness centers are another effective way to retain members by keeping them engaged with regular communications without overwhelming them with too many emails at once.

Automated email sequences for gyms can include a series of welcome emails that introduce new members to your facility and its features over a period of time rather than bombarding them with too much information at once. It’s also important to include calls-to-action in those emails that encourage members to return regularly and try out different facilities or classes that they may have overlooked previously.

You can use email marketing software for fitness centers that tracks click-through rates (CTR) and conversion metrics, enabling you to optimize future campaigns accordingly. Additionally, including some social proof in your emails such as encouraging testimonials from satisfied customers who’ve had success with their workouts at the gym can be extremely beneficial.

Not only does this show potential customers what they could expect from their membership, but it also reinforces current members’ decision to join the gym. Gym member retention emails are a crucial part of email marketing for gyms.

By personalizing emails, segmenting the audience, and implementing automated email sequences, you can retain more members for a longer period of time. Including calls-to-action and social proof in those emails can further boost engagement by encouraging customers to stay active and try out new features available at your gym.

Email Call-to-Action for Fitness Promotion

Email marketing is all about driving engagement and ultimately, conversions. You can create the most beautiful and engaging email, but if your readers don’t take action, it’s all for nothing. That’s where a strong call-to-action (CTA) comes in. In order to create an effective CTA in your fitness email marketing campaigns, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

Firstly, make sure your CTA stands out visually. Use contrasting colors, bold text, or even buttons to draw the reader’s eye to the action you want them to take. Additionally, make sure your CTA is clear and easy to understand. Don’t leave any room for confusion or uncertainty about what the reader should do next. Next, consider using urgency or scarcity tactics in your CTAs.

For example, you might offer a limited-time discount or promotion that expires soon, encouraging readers to act quickly. Or you could highlight how many spots are left in a popular class or training program.

Another effective strategy is personalization within CTAs. This can be as simple as addressing the reader by name (“Claim Your Spot Today, Jane!”) or more complex segmentation strategies that target specific interests or behaviors of different gym member groups.

Be sure to test different CTAs and track their effectiveness over time using key metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates. This will allow you to continuously improve and optimize your email marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Creating effective CTAs is an essential part of any successful fitness email marketing campaign. By following best practices such as making them visually appealing and easy to understand while also leveraging personalization tactics where appropriate, businesses can drive engagement and boost conversions among their gym members through targeted email drip campaigns for fitness centers and automated email sequences for gyms targeted at specific segments of their audience while keeping in mind gym email marketing best practices.

Get Started with Gym Email Marketing

Gym email marketing is a powerful tool that fitness businesses can use to reach their audience and build long-lasting relationships. By following the best practices outlined in this article, fitness centers can create engaging email campaigns that help them attract new customers, retain existing members, and grow their revenue.

Email drip campaigns for fitness centers are an effective way to keep prospects engaged over time. These campaigns consist of a series of automated emails that are sent at regular intervals to subscribers who have expressed interest in your gym.

By providing valuable information, offers, and incentives through your email sequences, you can keep these prospective members interested until they’re ready to join. Gym membership email campaigns are another effective way to drive engagement and sales.

These campaigns typically consist of targeted messages designed to encourage people to sign up for gym memberships or upgrades. By crafting compelling subject lines, clear calls-to-action (CTAs), and incentivizing offers, you can drive more conversions from your email marketing efforts.

Automated email sequences for gyms allow you to send triggered messages based on user behavior or preferences. For example, if a member hasn’t visited the gym in a while or has recently canceled their membership, you could send them personalized messages aimed at bringing them back into the fold.

Email marketing for gyms also involves personalization and segmentation. By tailoring your messaging and content for different segments of your audience based on their interests or behaviors (e.g., group fitness enthusiasts vs. weightlifters), you can increase engagement rates and improve retention.

Gym email marketing best practices involve ongoing testing and optimization of your campaigns. By tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and revenue generated from each campaign variation or element (e.g., subject line variations), you can refine your approach over time for maximum impact.

Gym email marketing is an essential element in any modern fitness business’s overall marketing strategy. Email drip campaigns, gym membership email campaigns, automated email sequences, personalization and segmentation, and ongoing testing and optimization are all key components of an effective email marketing program.

By following these best practices, fitness centers can build deeper relationships with their members and prospects while driving business growth and revenue. So if you’re not already leveraging the power of email marketing for your gym or fitness center, now is the time to start!

How can email marketing benefit my gym?

Email marketing allows you to engage with your members, promote your services, and increase member retention. Exercise.com provides robust email marketing features specifically designed for fitness centers, ensuring effective communication and improved member engagement.

Can I personalize my gym email campaigns?

Yes! Personalization is key in email marketing. Exercise.com’s software offers advanced personalization options, allowing you to address each member by name, segment your audience based on their fitness goals or preferences, and send tailored messages that resonate with individual members.

How can I automate my gym email marketing efforts?

Exercise.com provides automated email sequences for gyms. These sequences allow you to set up pre-written emails that are automatically sent at specific times or triggered by specific actions, such as new member sign-ups or upcoming membership renewals. Automation saves time and ensures timely communication with your members.

Can I measure the success of my gym email campaigns?

Absolutely! Exercise.com’s email marketing software provides comprehensive metrics and analytics, allowing you to track key performance indicators such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. These insights enable you to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future strategies.

How can I build my gym’s email list?

Building an email list is crucial for effective email marketing. Exercise.com offers tools to help you build your list, such as customizable signup forms on your website and social media channels, lead magnets to incentivize sign-ups, and referral programs to encourage current members to refer their friends. These features make list building a breeze.

Can Exercise.com help me create mobile-friendly gym emails?

Absolutely! Exercise.com’s software ensures that your gym emails are optimized for mobile viewing. With responsive design techniques, your emails will adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions, providing an optimal user experience for members accessing emails on their mobile devices.

Why is Exercise.com the best software choice for gym email marketing?

Exercise.com stands out as the best software choice for gym email marketing due to its comprehensive features and industry-specific focus. With Exercise.com, you get access to a powerful platform designed specifically for fitness centers, including advanced personalization options, automated email sequences, robust analytics, and mobile-friendly design. The software’s dedication to the unique needs of fitness businesses sets it apart from generic email marketing solutions. Exercise.com offers the most comprehensive and tailored solution for gym email marketing, empowering fitness centers to effectively communicate with their members and drive successful email campaigns. Get a demo now!

Do gyms need email marketing?

Yes, gyms need email marketing as it is an effective way to engage with members, promote services, and build a community. It allows for personalized communication, fitness email campaign ideas, and nurturing leads and current members through tailored content.

What is the best email marketing software for gyms and other fitness businesses?

The best email marketing software for gyms, personal trainers, martial arts, yoga, CrossFit, and other fitness businesses include platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Exercise.com’s integrated solutions. These platforms offer gym email automation, fitness newsletter templates, and tools for segmenting and managing a gym email list.

How do you start an email to a gym member?

Starting an email to a gym member can be done with a friendly and personalized greeting. Acknowledge their membership status, perhaps comment on their progress or participation, and introduce the email’s purpose with a positive tone.

How do I attract clients to my gym?

Attract clients to your gym by:

  1. Offering Promotions: Utilize gym invitation email messages and fitness class ideas in your emails.
  2. Social Media Marketing: Share engaging content and promotions.
  3. Community Events: Host and promote events that draw in potential clients.
  4. Referral Programs: Encourage current members to refer friends.

What are the most common types of gym email templates?

Common types of gym email templates include:

  1. Gym Membership Email Template: For membership details and updates.
  2. Gym Sales Email Template: For promotional offers.
  3. Fitness Newsletter Templates: For regular updates and tips.
  4. Win Back Campaign Gym Template: For re-engaging past members.

How often should a gym email gym members?

A gym should email members based on the content type: weekly for fitness club weekly emails, monthly for newsletters, and as needed for special promotions or announcements. Avoid over-emailing to prevent disengagement.

How can email marketing enhance member engagement in gyms?

Email marketing can significantly enhance member engagement in gyms by providing personalized communication, updates on new classes or services, and valuable fitness tips. Regularly reaching out to gym members through well-crafted emails helps keep them informed and connected to the gym community.

What are effective strategies for building a gym email list?

Effective strategies for building a gym email list include offering incentives for sign-ups, like free trial classes or fitness guides, collecting emails during membership registration, and hosting events or challenges where participants can opt into your email communications.

How can gyms use email marketing to improve retention rates?

Gyms can use email marketing to improve retention rates by sending regular fitness tips, success stories, and updates on gym facilities or events. Personalized birthday wishes for gym clients or progress check-ins can also make members feel valued and more likely to stay engaged with the gym. In implementing these strategies, gyms can leverage email marketing tools like gym email automation, fitness email campaign ideas, and fitness newsletter templates to create compelling content that resonates with their members. These efforts contribute to building a strong community around the gym, enhancing member loyalty and retention.

What are some catchy gym email subject lines?

Catchy gym email subject lines include:

  1. “Unlock Your Potential with Our Latest Fitness Classes!”
  2. “Happy Birthday [Name]! A Special Gift Inside!”
  3. “New Year, New Goals: Let’s Crush Them Together!”
  4. “Exclusive Member Offer: Don’t Miss Out!”

What is a gym win back campaign?

A gym win back campaign is a marketing strategy aimed at re-engaging former members. It typically involves sending targeted emails with special offers or updates to entice them back to the gym.

Do personal trainers need email marketing?

Email marketing is beneficial for personal trainers as it helps maintain client relationships, provides updates on services, and shares valuable fitness content, enhancing their personal brand and client engagement.

Read More: Personal Trainer Email Templates

How should a gym send birthday wishes to a gym member?

A gym can send birthday wishes to a member via a personalized email. Use a birthday wishes for gym clients template, include a special offer or gift as an added touch, and ensure the message feels personal and celebratory.

How do you start a catchy email from a gym to a gym member?

Start a catchy email from a gym to a member with an engaging and personalized greeting, followed by exciting news or offers. Use a tone that matches your gym’s brand and appeals to the member’s fitness journey and interests.

What are some good fitness club weekly emails?

Good fitness club weekly emails can include workout tips, success stories, class schedules, and updates on gym facilities or services. Ensure they provide value and keep members informed and engaged.

What are some other good fitness club email nurturing ideas?

Other fitness club email nurturing ideas include:

  1. Health and Wellness Tips: Share advice on nutrition and exercise.
  2. Member Spotlights: Highlight member achievements.
  3. Upcoming Events: Inform about upcoming classes or events.
  4. Feedback Requests: Encourage members to share their experiences and suggestions.

How do I promote my gym on social media?

Promote your gym on social media by:

  1. Posting Regularly: Share engaging and relevant content.
  2. Utilizing User-Generated Content: Showcase members’ posts and testimonials.
  3. Running Contests or Challenges: Engage your audience with interactive content.
  4. Leveraging Influencers: Partner with fitness influencers to broaden your reach.

Read More: Gym Social Media Marketing

Where can I get fitness email newsletter templates?

Fitness email newsletter templates can be found on email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or through Exercise.com’s software, which offers customizable templates suitable for various fitness-related communications.

Read More: Fitness Email Newsletter Template

Do gyms need marketing?

Yes, gyms need marketing to attract new members, retain existing ones, and build their brand presence in a competitive market. Effective marketing strategies include email campaigns, social media marketing, and community engagement.

How do you create a marketing plan for a gym?

To create a marketing plan for a gym:

  1. Define Your Target Audience: Understand who you are trying to reach.
  2. Set Clear Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your marketing efforts.
  3. Choose Marketing Channels: Decide on the best channels, such as email, social media, or local advertising.
  4. Plan Content and Promotions: Develop a content calendar with a mix of promotional and informative material.
  5. Measure and Adjust: Regularly review your marketing performance and make necessary adjustments.

Read More: How to Create a Gym Marketing Plan

How can Exercise.com help my gym or fitness business with email marketing?

Exercise.com can help your gym or fitness business with email marketing by providing a comprehensive platform that integrates email marketing tools. Their software offers features like gym email list management, fitness email marketing list segmentation, automated campaign capabilities, and customizable email templates. This integration allows for targeted, effective email marketing campaigns that align with your overall business goals and member engagement strategies, making it a valuable tool for any fitness business.

Lani Hudgins
Excellent choice for my business! I tried nearly all the “major” platforms and found Exercise.com to be the most intuitive.
Lani Hudgins
Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

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Alisa Martin is a team writer and researcher for Exercise.com. She loves all things biology, fitness, and travel. Following a career in Molecular Pathology, Alisa spent a season as an ISSA personal trainer before moving to North Africa where she served as an English lecturer for a British university. She holds a BS in Clinical Laboratory Science from LSUHSC. In her free time, she enjoys morning jogs and managing social media pages for international ex-pat communities.
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