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How to Make Money as an Online Fitness Coach (25 Ways) in 2024

How to Make Money as an Online Fitness Coach (25 Ways) in 2024

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on January 27, 2024 ā€” Updated on May 13, 2024

Learn how to make money as an online fitness coach with personalized 1:1 online fitness coaching, selling workout plans, creating a fitness app, running online fitness challenges, and more.

How to Make Money as an Online Fitness Coach

There are many ways to make money with fitness, so learn how to become an online fitness coach and maximize your earning potential in the fitness industry with this list of ways to make money as an online fitness coach, as well as concrete steps on how you can start making money coaching fitness online without spending a lot of money on set-up or using complicated business models.

Online fitness coaching can be one of the highest paying fitness careers, especially if you can learn how to get high-paying fitness clients that will pay a premium price for your fitness coaching. For fitness professionals aiming to tap into this market, understanding how to effectively monetize your fitness expertise is crucial. From leveraging various online fitness coaching revenue streams to optimizing your online fitness coach income, the steps to financial success require strategic planning and the right tools.

Fitness Income Ideas

Using a platform like Exercise.com can significantly enhance your ability to run a profitable online fitness coaching business, thanks to its comprehensive suite of features tailored specifically for fitness professionals. Learn how to make money online as a personal trainer by learning how to start an online personal training business and how to sell personal training online. See why using the best online fitness coaching software and the best apps for online fitness coaches can add rocket fuel to your online fitness coaching income.

From running online fitness challenges, to creating one of the best fitness influencer apps (check out the best white label fitness app software), to selling workout of the day memberships, to much more, there are many ways to make money with fitness, and with the Exercise.com platform you have the best online fitness coaching software and the best software for fitness influencers all in one! (Not to mention the best gym software and the best personal training software).

Sell workout plans online.

Sell Workout Plans

Run online fitness challenges.


Create and sell fitness memberships, products, and digital offers.

Gym Payments

Manage, message, and market to your leads and followers.

Gym Marketing Automations

All from your very own custom branded fitness apps.

Custom Branded Apps
Our overall experience with Exercise.com is a breeze. We love how easy it is to integrate this app with our current workflow while providing great fitness programs for our customers and save us time in the process.
Julie Ledbetter
Owner, Ledbetter Fitness

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25 Ways to Make Money as an Online Fitness Coach

There are many fitness income ideas online, and opportunities for fitness professionals to monetize their expertise online. As an online fitness coach, diversifying your income streams can significantly enhance your earning potential. From one-on-one fitness coaching to leveraging technology like Exercise.com to create a custom-branded fitness app, there are numerous strategies to explore. Exercise.com, in particular, offers a comprehensive platform that supports various revenue-generating activities, making it easier for coaches to expand their online business.

  1. One-on-One Coaching: Offer personalized training sessions via video calls.
  2. Group Coaching Sessions: Host live group workouts for a specific fitness goal or level.
  3. Custom Branded Fitness App: Use Exercise.com to create a fitness app, providing exclusive content to your clients.
  4. Online Fitness Challenges: Run engaging online fitness challenges that encourage participation and offer rewards.
  5. Subscription-Based Workout Plans: Offer monthly access to workout libraries and plans.
  6. Nutrition and Meal Planning: Provide personalized meal plans alongside fitness coaching.
  7. Sell Workout Plans: Create and sell individual workout plans for various goals.
  8. Fitness Memberships: Offer tiered memberships with varying levels of access to content and services.
  9. Affiliate Marketing: Partner with fitness brands and earn commissions on products you recommend.
  10. E-Books and Guides: Write and sell e-books on fitness, nutrition, and wellness topics.
  11. Webinars and Online Workshops: Host educational sessions on fitness and health.
  12. Corporate Wellness Programs: Offer tailored fitness programs for businesses and their employees.
  13. Fitness Blogging: Make money as a fitness blogger and monetize a fitness blog through ads, sponsored content, and affiliate links.
  14. Merchandise Sales: Sell branded fitness apparel and accessories.
  15. Yoga and Mindfulness Sessions: Offer online yoga classes and mindfulness coaching.
  16. Virtual Fitness Retreats: Host multi-day online events with a mix of workouts, workshops, and wellness activities.
  17. Online Fitness Coaching Certification Courses: Create and sell certification courses for aspiring fitness coaches.
  18. Exercise Video Library: Build a library of exercise videos accessible via subscription.
  19. Fitness Podcast: Start a podcast and monetize through sponsorships and ads.
  20. Online Personal Trainer Consultations: Offer consultation services for personalized fitness advice.
  21. Fitness App Development Consulting: Leverage your expertise to consult on fitness app development projects.
  22. Social Media Fitness Influencer: Make money as a fitness influencer and monetize your social media presence through sponsored posts, brand partnerships, and of course, creating your own fitness brand and fitness offers like online fitness coaching.
  23. Online Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation: Provide guided sessions for injury recovery and prevention.
  24. Virtual Race and Event Coaching: Train clients for virtual races and events.
  25. Fitness Equipment and Gear Rentals: Rent out fitness equipment for home use.

Exercise.com’s platform stands out by offering the tools necessary to implement many of these strategies effectively. Whether it’s through running online workout groups, managing subscription-based workout plans, or creating a fully customized and branded fitness app, Exercise.com provides the infrastructure to support your online fitness coaching business’s growth and diversification. This comprehensive approach not only enhances your ability to generate income but also elevates the overall client experience, setting you apart in the competitive online fitness market.

Dean Somerset - Bird Dog
“Developing an easy intake system with my apps and ways to scale the delivery of workouts has been huge. Working with 20-30 individuals who each have specific goals and restrictions can be challenging, but your platform makes it easy to organize everyoneā€™s programs and put a plan together that will get them the best results possible. The simple, effective tools help expand and simplify my coaching process.”
Dean Somerset
Owner, Somerset Fitness

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Step #1 – Establish a Strong Online Presence

To make money as an online fitness coach, establishing a robust online presence is paramount. This involves creating a professional website, active social media profiles, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

  • Professional Website: Your website should showcase your services, qualifications, and success stories. It acts as your digital storefront, attracting potential clients.
  • Social Media Engagement: Platforms like Instagram and YouTube are perfect for sharing workout tips, nutritional advice, and motivational content, helping you connect with a broader audience.
  • Quality Content: Regularly post valuable content that demonstrates your expertise and provides free value to your audience. This can include blog posts, instructional videos, and fitness challenges.

Using Exercise.com, you can easily integrate your website and social media platforms, streamlining your content distribution and ensuring your online presence is cohesive and compelling. The platform also provides tools for creating and sharing high-quality fitness content, from workout plans to instructional videos, enhancing your visibility and attractiveness to potential clients.

Step #2 – Develop Diverse Fitness Revenue Streams

Diversifying your income sources is crucial for maximizing your online fitness coaching revenue. Consider various monetization strategies beyond one-on-one coaching sessions.

  • Subscription Models: Offer monthly or yearly access to exclusive content, workout plans, and live sessions.
  • Online Courses and Workshops: Create and sell comprehensive fitness programs or conduct workshops on specialized topics.
  • Product Sales: Sell branded merchandise, fitness equipment, or nutritional supplements.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Partner with fitness brands to earn commissions on products recommended to your clients.

Exercise.com supports diverse revenue streams, from managing subscription models to facilitating online course sales and product transactions. The platform’s e-commerce capabilities allow you to seamlessly sell your services and products, ensuring a smooth transaction experience for your clients and steady revenue flow for your business.

Step #3 – Offer Personalized Fitness Coaching Services

Yes, you can absolutely make money selling workout plans online that are “generic” and more “productized”ā€”and this can help you scale, because you can create a workout plan once and sell it many timesā€”but if you market yourself as an online fitness coach then personalization can significantly increase your online fitness coach earnings, because that is what most clients will expect. Tailored workout and nutrition plans cater to individual client needs, making your services more valuable.

  • Custom Workout Plans: Design workout programs based on each client’s fitness level, goals, and preferences.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Offer personalized nutrition plans and consulting to complement fitness regimens.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular video calls or chats to discuss progress, address concerns, and adjust plans as needed.

With Exercise.com, you can efficiently manage personalized coaching services, from creating custom workout and nutrition plans to scheduling regular check-ins, and in an efficient way. The platform’s client management tools ensure you can deliver personalized attention at scale, enhancing client satisfaction and retention.

Step #4 – Utilize Advanced Software Solutions

Leveraging advanced online fitness coaching software solutions like Exercise.com can significantly enhance your efficiency and profitability. A comprehensive platform that caters specifically to the needs of online fitness coaches can streamline operations and improve client experiences.

  • Client Management: Keep track of client progress, manage schedules, and maintain communication, all in one place.
  • Payment Processing: Secure and efficient payment systems simplify transactions for both you and your clients.
  • Marketing Tools: Integrated marketing tools help you expand your reach and attract new clients.

Exercise.com is designed with the specific needs of online fitness coaches in mind, offering a suite of features that streamline business operations and enhance client engagement. From managing client interactions to processing payments and executing marketing campaigns, Exercise.com provides everything you need to run a successful online fitness coaching business.

Maximizing Success as an Online Fitness Coach

Becoming a successful online fitness coach requires more than just fitness expertise; it demands strategic business acumen and the right technological tools. By establishing a strong online presence, diversifying revenue streams, offering personalized services, and utilizing platforms like Exercise.com, you can significantly boost your online fitness coaching income and achieve financial success in the digital fitness market. Remember, the key to online fitness coaching profitability lies in combining your unique online fitness coaching skills with effective business strategies and advanced software solutions tailored to the online fitness coaching market.

Erica Nangle Fitness
Exercise.com is amazing! Positively surprised by the efficiency at responding and helping out!
Erica Nangle
Owner, Erica Nangle Fitness

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Is online fitness coaching profitable?

Online fitness coaching can be highly profitable, especially with the increasing demand for personalized, convenient fitness solutions. By leveraging digital platforms and offering tailored programs, coaches can reach a broad audience and generate significant income with lower overhead costs than traditional in-person coaching.

Read More: Is online fitness coaching profitable?

How much should you charge as an online fitness coach?

Charging as an online fitness coach depends on your experience, niche, and the services offered. Rates can range from $50 to $200 per hour for one-on-one sessions, while monthly packages for personalized plans and support can range from $100 to $500 or more.

Read More: How much should you charge as an online fitness coach?

What do I need to put in an online fitness coaching contract?

An online fitness coaching contract should include parties involved, services offered, program duration, payment terms, client obligations, confidentiality terms, disclaimer and liability, intellectual property rights, termination clause, legal and dispute resolution, an amendment clause, and signature lines. Exercise.com not only provides a free online fitness coaching contract template but also offers software for sending out contracts, waivers, invoices, assessments, and more to online fitness clients, facilitating easy e-signature and online payment, streamlining the administrative process for coaches.

Read More:

How to make money in the fitness industry online?

Making money in the online fitness industry involves diversifying revenue streams through personalized coaching, selling digital products like workout plans or e-books, hosting webinars or workshops, affiliate marketing, and leveraging social media platforms to reach a wider audience and promote your services.

Read More: Ways to Make Money from Fitness

Can you make good money as an online personal trainer?

Yes, you can make good money as an online personal trainer by building a strong brand, offering high-quality, personalized training programs, and utilizing various marketing strategies to attract and retain clients. Successful online trainers often combine multiple revenue streams to maximize their earnings.

Read More:

Who is the richest online fitness coach?

The richest online fitness coaches often have large followings and diverse income streams. While specific names can fluctuate, top earners usually have successful online platforms, sell various fitness products, and engage in partnerships or sponsorships.

Read More: Richest and Most Successful Fitness Influencers

Do I need to be certified to be an online fitness coach?

While certification is not legally required to become an online fitness coach, obtaining a recognized certification in personal training or a related field can enhance your credibility, improve your ability to provide effective coaching, and increase client trust and satisfaction.

Why is online fitness coaching so expensive?

Online fitness coaching can be expensive due to the personalized attention, customized workout and nutrition plans, and ongoing support and accountability coaches provide. The value comes from the tailored experience and potential results clients can achieve.

What should I offer as an online fitness coach?

As an online fitness coach, you should offer personalized workout programs, nutritional guidance, regular check-ins and progress tracking, motivational support, and access to educational resources to help clients achieve their fitness goals.

How do I create an online fitness coaching app?

Creating an online fitness coaching app involves defining your app’s features and target audience, designing the user interface, developing the app (or hiring developers), testing it, and launching it on app stores. Platforms like Exercise.com can simplify this process by providing customizable app solutions tailored to fitness professionals.

What are the best apps for online fitness coaches?

The best apps for online fitness coaches include Exercise.com, Trainerize, My PT Hub, TrueCoach, and others, offering features like workout creation, client management, progress tracking, and communication tools to effectively manage and grow an online coaching business.

Read More: Best Apps for Online Fitness Coaches

What is the best online fitness coaching software?

Exercise.com is among the best online fitness coaching software due to its comprehensive features, including customizable workout programming, client and group management, e-commerce capabilities, and a fully branded app, making it an ideal platform for online fitness coaches.

Read More: Best Online Fitness Coaching Software

How to start a virtual fitness business?

To start a virtual fitness business, identify your niche, obtain any necessary certifications, create a business plan, develop your online presence through a website and social media, and utilize digital tools like Exercise.com to manage your services and clients effectively.

Read More: Online Fitness Business Ideas

How do I make money as an online fitness coach on Instagram?

Making money as an online fitness coach on Instagram involves building a strong following, engaging with your audience through valuable content, offering online coaching services, promoting digital products, and partnering with fitness brands for sponsorships.

Read More: How to Get Fitness Clients on Instagram

How do I make money as an online fitness coach on TikTok?

On TikTok, you can make money by creating engaging fitness content to build a following, promoting your online coaching services, directing followers to your other platforms or products, and leveraging TikTok’s Creator Fund or brand partnerships.

Read More: How to Get Fitness Clients on TikTok

How do I make money as an online fitness coach on YouTube?

Making money on YouTube as an online fitness coach involves creating valuable fitness content to attract subscribers, monetizing your channel through ads, offering paid online coaching or fitness programs, and partnering with brands for sponsorships.

Read More: How to Get Fitness Clients on YouTube

How do I make money as an online fitness coach on Facebook?

On Facebook, you can make money by creating a business page to promote your services, engaging with your community through groups, offering online coaching, selling fitness programs or products, and utilizing Facebook ads to reach a broader audience.

Read More: How to Get Fitness Clients on Facebook

Is it hard to be an online personal trainer?

Being an online personal trainer can be challenging due to the competitive market and the need for strong online marketing skills. However, with dedication, the right strategies, and leveraging platforms like Exercise.com, it can be a rewarding and profitable career.

How many clients do online fitness coaches have?

The number of clients an online fitness coach can manage varies, ranging from a few dozen to several hundred, depending on the level of personalization and the systems used for client management. Efficient online fitness coaching software like Exercise.com can help coaches manage more clients effectively.

Read More: How many clients do online fitness coaches have?

How much do people pay for online fitness coaching?

People typically pay anywhere from $100 to $500 per month for online fitness coaching, depending on the level of personalization, the coach’s experience, and the included services, such as customized workout and nutrition plans, regular check-ins, and progress tracking.

Read More: How much do people pay for online fitness coaching?

Do fitness coaches make money?

Yes, fitness coaches can make money by providing personalized coaching services, selling digital fitness products, hosting workshops or events, and through online content creation and brand partnerships. Successful coaches often diversify their income streams to maximize earnings.

How can Exercise.com help me make money as an online fitness coach?

Exercise.com can help you make money as an online fitness coach by providing a comprehensive platform for managing clients, creating and delivering personalized workout plans, tracking progress, processing payments, and selling fitness products or memberships, all of which can contribute to increased revenue and business growth.

Jimmy Myers Relentless Sports Performance
If you want to offer an elite service for the end user you need to get with the times and use elite level software that is intuitive, visually appealing, and effective. That is exactly what Exercise.com delivers to its clients.
Jimmy Myers
Owner/Trainer, Relentless Sports Performance

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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