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5 Best Gym Software with Digital Waivers and Contracts in 2024

5 Best Gym Software with Digital Waivers and Contracts in 2024

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on April 8, 2023 ā€” Updated on April 27, 2024

Compare the best gym software with digital waivers and contracts from Exercise.com, Mindbody, Zen Planner, and more.

Best Gym Software with Digital Waivers and Contracts

Find the best gym waiver software with fitness digital waivers and fitness contract software to speed up your gym intake system. Make your gym staff more efficient and delight your gym members with the best online gym waiver software and the best gym contract software. See why Exercise.com is the best gym management software platformā€”compare Exercise.com to Mindbody, Zen Planner, Glofox, and all the rest. Read on to compare the best digital contract software for gyms and fitness centers.

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Best Gym Management Software with Digital Waiver and Contract Management

Gym Software ProvidersDigital Waivers and ContractsMembership ManagementPayment ProcessingCustomization Options
Zen PlannerYesYesYesYes

With the rise of digital solutions in the fitness industry, gym owners now have access to gym management software that streamlines various processes, including digital waivers and contracts. By using software that includes these features, gym owners can save time and resources while ensuring that their members’ data is safe and secure. Easy, quick e-signature solutions work like a snap with fitness waivers, fitness contracts, and fitness assessments. Here are some of the best gym software providers that offer digital waivers and contracts.

#1 Exercise.com Gym Waiver and Contract Software


Exercise.com is a versatile gym software provider that offers digital waivers and e-sign contracts features. With Exercise.com, gym owners can easily create, sign, and manage digital waivers and contracts from any device. The platform also allows for the integration of customized waiver forms to ensure compliance with any gym regulations. With easy parent/guardian and dependent management for waivers, your facility can make managing waivers for youth athletes as easy as clicking a button.

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#2 Mindbody Gym Waiver and Contract Software

Mindbody Review

Mindbody is a comprehensive gym software provider that offers digital waivers and contracts features. With Mindbody, gym owners can easily create and manage digital waivers and contracts. The platform also includes the option to store signed waivers and contracts securely in the cloud.

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#3 Zen Planner Gym Waiver and Contract Software

Zen Planner Review

Zen Planner is another popular gym software provider that offers digital waivers and contracts features. With Zen Planner, gym owners can easily create and sign digital waivers and contracts. The platform also includes the option to store signed waivers and contracts securely in the cloud.

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#4 Wodify Gym Waiver and Contract Software

Wodify Review

Wodify is a popular gym software provider that offers digital waivers and contracts features. With Wodify, gym owners can easily create and sign digital waivers and contracts. The platform also includes the option to store signed waivers and contracts securely in the cloud.

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#5 Glofox Gym Waiver and Contract Software

GloFox Review

Glofox is a gym software provider that specializes in digital waivers and contracts. With Glofox, gym owners can easily create and sign digital waivers and contracts. The platform also includes the option to store signed waivers and contracts securely in the cloud.

Read More: Best Glofox Alternative

Benefits of Digital Waivers and Contracts for Gyms

Digital waivers and contracts offer a host of benefits for gym owners. First and foremost, they save time and resources by automating the signing and storing of legal documents. Additionally, they provide a more secure and efficient way to store member data, as opposed to paper-based systems that can be easily lost or damaged. Finally, digital waivers and contracts can be customized to fit the unique needs of any gym, providing peace of mind for gym owners and members alike.

Key Features to Look for in Gym Digital Waiver and Contract Software

When selecting gym software with digital waivers and contracts features, there are a few key features to consider. Look for software that allows for customization of waiver and contract forms, secure cloud-based storage, and the ability to sign and manage documents from any device. Additionally, look for software that provides compliance with relevant laws and regulations to ensure that your gym is protected.

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What is digital waiver and contract software for gyms?

Digital waiver and contract software for gyms is a type of software that enables gym owners to create, manage, and store digital waivers and contracts. This software allows gym owners to streamline their waiver and contract processes, and reduce the time and effort required to create and manage physical waivers and contracts.

What is a waiver to use gym equipment?

A waiver to use gym equipment is a legal document that gym members sign to acknowledge the risks associated with using gym facilities and equipment. This waiver typically outlines the potential hazards of exercise and absolves the gym of liability for injuries that may occur as a result of using the equipment. Gym waivers and fitness digital waivers are common practices within the industry to protect gym owners from legal claims related to equipment use.

What is an example of a gym liability waiver?

An example of a gym liability waiver is a document that clearly states the risks involved in participating in physical activities within the gym premises. It would include clauses that release the gym from liability for any injuries or damages sustained while using the gym’s facilities or equipment. Such waivers often form part of health club software digital form solutions, ensuring members are fully informed about their responsibilities and the gym’s policies regarding safety and liability.

What is the use of gym waiver form?

The use of a gym waiver form is to legally protect gym owners and operators from liability claims that may arise from accidents or injuries sustained by members while using the gym facilities. By signing the waiver, members acknowledge the inherent risks involved in physical activities and agree not to hold the gym responsible for any related injuries. Fitness center waiver software and electronic waiver software for gyms streamline this process, making it easier for gyms to manage and store signed waiver forms efficiently.

How does online gym waiver software work?

Online gym waiver software simplifies the process of managing liability waivers by allowing gym members to read and sign waivers digitally. This type of software, such as digital waiver software for gyms and electronic waiver software for gyms, typically provides a secure platform where waivers can be customized, distributed, and stored. Members can sign the waivers using a computer, tablet, or smartphone, making the process convenient and environmentally friendly. Fitness center waiver software and health club online waiver software are examples of solutions that streamline this necessary legal process for both gym owners and members.

Can you write your own gym liability waiver?

Yes, you can write your own gym liability waiver, but it’s crucial to ensure that it covers all necessary legal bases to be effective. While gym waiver software can provide templates and customization options, it’s advisable to consult with legal counsel to tailor the waiver specifically to your gym’s needs and to comply with local laws. Fitness digital waivers and health club software digital form tools can assist in creating and managing these documents, but professional legal review is essential for enforceability.

Are gym waivers binding?

Gym waivers are generally binding if they are well-written, clear, and comply with applicable laws. To enhance their enforceability, digital fitness waiver software ensures that waivers are signed and stored securely, providing a verifiable agreement between the gym and the member. However, the binding nature of fitness center waiver software-generated waivers can vary based on jurisdiction and specific legal challenges, so it’s important to ensure that waivers are legally sound and reflect the services and risks associated with gym activities.

What is a fitness waiver?

A fitness waiver is a legal document in which a gym member acknowledges the inherent risks involved in participating in fitness activities and agrees not to hold the gym liable for injuries that may occur. This document, facilitated by gym waiver software or fitness studio waiver software, is an essential tool for gym owners to mitigate legal risks and inform members about their responsibilities regarding their own health and safety during workouts.

Are electronic fitness waivers legal?

Electronic fitness waivers, facilitated by digital fitness waiver software or online gym waiver software, are legal in many jurisdictions and hold the same validity as paper waivers, provided they comply with electronic signature laws. Solutions like fitness digital waivers and electronic waiver software for gyms ensure that waivers are signed in a secure, verifiable manner, making them enforceable and legally binding, similar to traditional paper forms.

What do gym waivers protect gym owners from?

Gym waivers protect gym owners from legal liabilities and claims associated with potential injuries or accidents that may occur within the facility. By signing a waiver, members agree to assume the risks involved in gym activities, which can shield owners from being held responsible for incidents that are a normal part of physical exercise. Utilizing gym waiver software or fitness center waiver software ensures these agreements are properly managed and accessible.

How do I create an online gym waiver?

Creating an online gym waiver involves drafting a comprehensive liability waiver that outlines the risks associated with gym activities and then digitizing this document using online gym waiver software. This software, such as digital waiver software for gyms or health club online waiver software, allows members to review and sign the waiver electronically, streamlining the process. It’s advisable to consult legal expertise to ensure the waiver covers all necessary aspects and complies with local laws.

Do gym liability waivers prevent suing?

While gym liability waivers can significantly reduce the risk of legal action by clearly stating the risks involved and obtaining an agreement from members, they do not entirely prevent the possibility of lawsuits. However, they can be a strong defense if a lawsuit arises, especially if the waiver is well-crafted and specific to the gym’s activities. Implementing best waiver software for gyms can help ensure waivers are comprehensive and legally sound.

Are gym contracts enforceable?

Gym contracts are enforceable as long as they are fair, transparent, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. It’s essential that these contracts clearly outline the terms of membership, including fees, duration, and cancellation policies. Utilizing fitness center waiver software or gym waiver software can also ensure that membership agreements and waivers are securely managed and easily accessible.

What is an example of a gym disclaimer?

An example of a gym disclaimer might include statements informing members of the inherent risks associated with physical exercise and explicitly stating that the gym is not liable for any injuries that may occur as a result of these activities. This disclaimer should be part of the gym’s waiver or membership agreement and can be efficiently managed using gym waiver software or fitness digital waivers to ensure members acknowledge and agree to these terms.

What do gym waivers protect gym owners from?

Gym waivers protect gym owners from legal liability associated with accidents and injuries that may occur on the premises, provided those incidents are not a result of the owner’s negligence. By using gym waiver software, owners can ensure members are aware of and acknowledge the risks involved in gym activities, thereby limiting legal exposure.

How do I create an online gym waiver?

Creating an online gym waiver involves using online gym waiver software or health club online waiver software, which allows you to customize, distribute, and collect waivers digitally. This best waiver software for gyms often comes with templates and legal guidelines to help you draft a comprehensive waiver that meets your gym’s specific needs.

Do gym liability waivers prevent suing?

While gym liability waivers significantly reduce the risk of legal action, they do not completely prevent someone from suing. However, they do provide a strong defense in such cases, especially when facilitated through digital waiver software for gyms or fitness center waiver software, which ensures waivers are properly signed and stored.

Are gym contracts enforceable?

Gym contracts are enforceable when they are clear, fair, and comply with local consumer protection laws. Fitness digital waivers and contracts created through electronic waiver software for gyms need to be transparent about terms and conditions, cancellation policies, and member obligations to be legally binding.

What is an example of a gym disclaimer?

An example of a gym disclaimer might include statements in a waiver or contract where the member acknowledges the inherent risks of gym activities and agrees not to hold the gym liable for injuries resulting from those activities. Gym waivers and disclaimers can be customized using gym waiver software to fit the specific services and risks associated with your gym.

What type of liability insurance is recommended for all fitness instructors?

All fitness instructors are recommended to have professional liability insurance to protect against claims related to negligence or harm caused by their instruction. This coverage is crucial, in addition to having fitness digital waivers, to provide a comprehensive risk management strategy.

What type of insurance do gyms need?

Gyms need a combination of general liability insurance, professional liability insurance, and property insurance to cover potential claims arising from injuries, equipment damage, and other risks. Implementing health club software digital form solutions for waivers and disclaimers complements this insurance coverage by managing legal risks associated with gym operations.

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What type of insurance do personal trainers need?

Personal trainers should have professional liability insurance to protect against claims of negligence or injury caused by their training programs. Using personal trainer software that includes digital fitness waiver software can also help manage liability by ensuring clients acknowledge and accept the risks associated with personal training.

Read More: Personal Trainer Insurance

What are the most important gym legal requirements?

The most important gym legal requirements include adhering to health and safety regulations, maintaining proper insurance coverage, and ensuring all contracts and waivers, facilitated by gym waiver software or fitness center waiver software, are legally compliant. Additionally, gyms must respect privacy laws regarding member information.

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How do I get free gym waiver templates?

Free gym waiver templates can sometimes be found online or provided as part of gym waiver software packages. While free exercise library for personal trainers and open source exercise database tools might offer basic templates, it’s crucial to ensure that any waiver template you use complies with local laws and adequately covers the specific risks associated with your gym’s activities.

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Why should I use gym waiver software?

Using gym waiver software streamlines the process of creating, distributing, and storing waivers, ensuring they are legally compliant and easily accessible. This software, which includes fitness studio waiver software, CrossFit waiver software, and Yoga waiver software, helps protect your business by clearly communicating risks to members and obtaining their informed consent, forming a critical part of your gym’s risk management strategy.

How can Exercise.com help my gym with waivers and contracts?

Exercise.com’s platform offers best waiver software for gyms, including digital waiver software for gyms and fitness center waiver software, making it easier to create, customize, and manage waivers and contracts. With features like health club software digital form and online gym waiver software, Exercise.com provides a comprehensive solution for handling legal documents, ensuring they are secure, compliant, and integrated with your gym’s management system.

What are the benefits of using digital waiver and contract software for gyms?

Using digital waiver and contract software for gyms offers a number of benefits. It can help reduce administrative tasks and overhead costs, streamline processes, and increase efficiency. It also makes it easier for gym owners to manage and store digital waivers and contracts securely, and can help improve the customer experience by reducing wait times and making the sign-up process faster and more convenient.

Can gym owners customize digital waivers and contracts with their own branding and language?

Yes, most digital waiver and contract software providers allow gym owners to customize their waivers and contracts with their own branding and language. This can help create a consistent brand experience and ensure compliance with local regulations.

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Is digital waiver and contract software secure?

Yes, most digital waiver and contract software providers use secure cloud-based storage to store signed waivers and contracts. They also use encryption and other security measures to protect the data from unauthorized access or tampering. Learn more about Exercise.com security.

How do gym members sign digital waivers and contracts?

Gym members can sign digital waivers and contracts in a variety of ways. Most digital waiver and contract software providers offer online signing through a secure link or mobile app. Some providers also offer kiosks or tablets in the gym for members to sign waivers and contracts in person.

Read More: Gym E-Signature Software

Finding the Best Gym Electronic Waiver and Contract Software

Gym management software with digital waivers and contracts features can provide numerous benefits for gym owners, including saving time, providing secure data storage, and customized waiver forms. When selecting software with these features, consider the key features listed above and find a provider that meets the unique needs of your gym.

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If you want to offer an elite service for the end user you need to get with the times and use elite level software that is intuitive, visually appealing, and effective. That is exactly what Exercise.com delivers to its clients.
Jimmy Myers
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To learn more about Exercise.com’s gym software with digital waivers and contracts features, get a demo now.

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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