Home Best Gym Management Software
6 Best Gym Member Engagement Software in 2024

6 Best Gym Member Engagement Software in 2024

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on April 26, 2023 ā€” Updated on April 27, 2024

Compare the best gym member engagement software from Exercise.com, Mindbody, Zen Planner, and more.

Best Gym Member Engagement Software

Compare the best gym member nurture software and see why your gym has additional revenue opportunities you can capitalize on now. The best gym member engagement software is a tool designed to help gym owners and fitness professionals enhance the experience of their members by facilitating communication, providing personalized fitness content, and promoting an active and engaged community.

Fitness Income Ideas

A comprehensive fitness club member engagement platform helps fitness businesses strengthen their relationships with members, improve client satisfaction, and ultimately, increase gym member retention rates. In the competitive fitness industry, maintaining a strong relationship with your members is crucial for the success of your gym. A key aspect of building that relationship is through member engagement. In this article, we’ll explore the best gym member engagement software available and explain why Exercise.com is the top gym management software choice for gym owners looking to enhance member experience, boost loyalty, and drive retention.

Exercise.com is simply the best. We were using three or four different apps or softwares to do what we can now do all in one with the Exercise.com platform.
Brandon Stroupe
Founder and President, APEC Sports Performance

Get a demo now!

Top Gym Member Engagement Software Solutions

While there are many gym member engagement software solutions out there, here are the top companies offering gym member engagement software. Compare Exercise.com to Mindbody, Zen Planner, Glofox, and others to see why Exercise.com is the best choice for gym member engagement software.

Gym Member Engagement SoftwareCustom Branded AppIn-App MessagingWorkout & Nutrition TrackingChallenges & LeaderboardsOnline Booking & SchedulingPersonalized ContentIntegration with Wearables
Exercise.comYesYesYesYesYesYesComing Soon
Zen PlannerNoNoYesNoYesLimitedNo

#1 Exercise.com Gym Member Engagement Software

Exercise.com offers an all-in-one gym management software platform that excels in member engagement. With a suite of powerful features and seamless integration with other gym management tools, Exercise.com provides gym owners with everything they need to foster meaningful connections with their members, drive loyalty, and improve retention.


  • Custom-branded app for a cohesive user experience
  • In-app messaging to maintain consistent communication with members
  • Comprehensive workout and nutrition tracking to support member goals
  • Challenges and leaderboards for enhanced engagement and competition
  • Comprehensive online booking and scheduling
  • Personalized content to cater to individual member needs
  • Upcoming integration with wearables for a fully immersive fitness experience


  • Wearables integration is still in the pipeline

Exercise.com provides a one-stop solution for all your gym member engagement needs. From a custom-branded app and in-app messaging to workout and nutrition tracking, it offers a broad spectrum of features to keep your members engaged and motivated. With the addition of challenges, leaderboards, and personalized content, Exercise.com is clearly the best software for gym member engagement.

Some of the standout member engagement features of Exercise.com include:

  • Custom branded mobile app and website
  • In-app messaging and communication
  • Workout and nutrition tracking
  • Challenges and leaderboards
  • Online class booking and scheduling
  • Personalized fitness content and resources
  • Integration with popular wearables and fitness devices

By offering a comprehensive member engagement solution, Exercise.com empowers gym owners to create personalized experiences for their members, keeping them engaged and motivated to achieve their fitness goals.

Here’s just some of what you can do with the Exercise.com platform:

Engage with members via automations.

Gym Member Engagement

Manage leads with a gym CRM.

Gym CRM Software

Create and send fitness assessments with ease.


Use fitness habit tracking to inspire and motivate gym members and clients.

Habit Tracking

Use fitness progress photos to engage with members.

Progress Photos

Use fitness leaderboards to track event performance and inspire healthy competition.


Create exercise supersets in a snap.


Program exercise rep max progressions with ease.

Rep Max Progressions

Use the exercise demonstration video library or create your own custom exercise demonstration videos.

Exercise Library

Create workout plans for parents and dependents, teams and more.

Workout Plan Creator

Cast gym TV workouts to in-gym TV screens quickly and efficiently.

TV Workouts

Manage multiple gym locations with ease.


Manage gym members with ease.

Client Management

Book appointments for parents and dependents with ease. (Read More: Best Gym Booking Software)


Gym check-in software that makes your life easy. (Read More: Best Gym Check-In Software)


Create classes and fitness groups.

Online Groups

Manage fitness challenges (Read More: 100+ Fitness Challenge Ideas)


Process payments for open gym, classes, and personal training.

Gym Payments

Communicate with gym members, athletes, team members, personal training clients, class members, parents, and dependents via SMS, email, and in-app push notification.


View performance over time, track personal records, and other fitness stats with performance reporting dashboards.

Performance Reporting

And of course, view all of your gym business reports easily too.

Gym Reports

All from your custom-branded fitness apps (Read More: Best Gym Mobile Fitness Apps Software)

Custom Branded Apps
Mike Boyle - Sled Push
“The Exercise.com team is amazing, and their all-in-one software is more than we ever expected! All of this is made possible by a high-quality team.”
Mike Boyle
Co-Founder, MBSC

Want to learn how your gym can take it to the next level? Get a demo now!

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#2 Mindbody Gym Member Engagement Software

Mindbody Review

Mindbody is a popular gym management software that includes some member engagement features, such as in-app messaging and class booking. However, it lacks the comprehensive suite of engagement tools and seamless integration with other gym management features that Exercise.com provides.


  • In-app messaging allows for continuous communication with members
  • Online booking and scheduling for convenience
  • Some integration capabilities


  • No custom-branded app
  • Limited workout and nutrition tracking features
  • No challenges or leaderboards for engagement

Mindbody offers some basic features like in-app messaging and online booking but lacks a comprehensive set of gym member engagement tools. The absence of a custom-branded app and limited integration options make it less appealing for those who are looking for a robust member engagement solution.

Key Features

  • In-app messaging and communication
  • Online booking and scheduling
  • Limited personalization options

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#3 Zen Planner Gym Member Engagement Software

Zen Planner Review

Zen Planner is a fitness business software with a focus on member management and billing. While it does offer basic member engagement features, such as workout tracking and class scheduling, it is not specifically designed for gym member engagement and falls short in providing the extensive engagement tools offered by Exercise.com.


  • Offers workout and nutrition tracking
  • Online booking and scheduling features
  • Limited integration with other tools


  • No custom-branded app
  • Lacks in-app messaging
  • No challenges or leaderboards

Zen Planner offers some features like workout and nutrition tracking but falls short in areas like in-app messaging and challenges. Without a custom-branded app and limited integration capabilities, it’s not the best choice for complete gym member engagement management.

Key Features

  • Workout tracking
  • Online booking and scheduling
  • Not specifically designed for member engagement

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#4 Glofox Gym Member Engagement Software

GloFox Review

Glofox is a gym and studio management software with some member engagement functionality, such as in-app messaging and class booking. However, it does not offer the same level of comprehensive engagement features and seamless integration with other gym management tools as Exercise.com.


  • In-app messaging for consistent communication
  • Online booking and scheduling
  • Limited integration options


  • No custom-branded app
  • Lacks workout and nutrition tracking
  • No challenges or leaderboards for member engagement

Glofox provides some basic features for member engagement like in-app messaging and online booking, but the absence of a custom-branded app and lack of comprehensive engagement features make it less ideal for gym owners aiming for strong member engagement.

Key Features

  • In-app messaging and communication
  • Booking and class scheduling
  • Limited personalization options

Read More: Best Glofox Alternative

#5 ClubReady Gym Member Engagement Software

ClubReady Review

ClubReady is a fitness club management software that offers basic member engagement capabilities, such as workout tracking and class scheduling. However, it lacks the comprehensive engagement tools and seamless integration with other gym management features provided by Exercise.com.


  • Workout and nutrition tracking available
  • Online booking and scheduling
  • Limited integration options


  • No custom-branded app
  • Lacks in-app messaging
  • No challenges or leaderboards

ClubReady offers features like workout and nutrition tracking but lacks in areas that could significantly improve member engagement like in-app messaging and challenges. Its limitations make it less suitable for those looking for a comprehensive online gym member engagement platform.

Key Features

  • Workout tracking
  • Online booking and scheduling
  • Limited personalization options

Read More: Best ClubReady Alternative

#6 Pike13 Gym Member Engagement Software

Pike13 Review

Pike13 is a gym and studio management software that includes basic member engagement features, such as class scheduling and client management. While it offers some valuable engagement tools, it is not as comprehensive as Exercise.com’s all-in-one gym management solution.


  • Online booking and scheduling
  • Limited integration capabilities


  • No custom-branded app
  • No in-app messaging
  • Lacks workout and nutrition tracking and challenges

Pike13 offers basic online booking and scheduling but falls significantly short in other areas of member engagement. Its limited features make it a less than ideal choice for gym owners looking to fully engage their membership base.

Key Features

  • Online booking and scheduling
  • Client management
  • Limited personalization options

Read More: Best Pike13 Alternative

By choosing Exercise.com as your gym member engagement software, you can benefit from the best gym management software around, and have a partner to drive gym growth for years to come.

Gym Member Engagement Software Reviews

Read some of these reviews of the best gym member engagement software to see why we believe Exercise.com is the best choice.

Exercise.com Review
Exercise.com Review
Exercise.com Review

Read more Exercise.com reviews.

Discover the Best Gym Member Engagement Software for Your Business

Are you struggling to keep your gym members engaged and motivated? Are you finding it hard to manage schedules, payments, and communication efficiently? The answer might lie in integrating member engagement software into your gym management system. In this article, we will explore what gym member engagement software is, why it’s essential for your gym, key features to look for while selecting one, and the top software solutions available in the market.

Understanding Gym Member Engagement Software

Before we delve into more info, let’s first understand what we mean by “gym member engagement software.” Simply put, it’s a tool that helps gym owners and managers promote member involvement and interaction through communication, scheduling, and tracking features.

Key Features to Look for in Gym Member Engagement Software

With so many gym member engagement software options available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Here are the essential features to consider:

Seamless Integration with Existing Systems

A good gym member engagement software should integrate with your current gym management system without causing data loss, confusion, or downtime. This means that your staff and customers can continue using the same platform they know and trust, while enjoying new features and improved functionality.

For example, if your gym uses a specific payment processor, the software should be able to integrate with it seamlessly. This integration will allow you to track member payments, process transactions, and manage refunds with ease. Furthermore, the software should also integrate with your gym’s scheduling system, so members can book classes and appointments without any issues.

Customizable Communication Tools

Good communication is essential in any business, and it’s no different for gyms. A useful member engagement software should offer a range of communication tools such as email, SMS, push notifications, personalized in-app messages, and social media integration.

However, these tools should not be generic. Instead, they should be customizable, allowing the gym to tailor their communication to different member groups and needs. For example, a gym may want to send different messages to members who have just joined, versus members who have been with the gym for a while. The software should allow for this level of customization.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics

Reports and analytics are essential for making data-driven decisions. A gym member engagement software should offer comprehensive data reporting, with customizable metrics and real-time insights. This data can help gyms track member behavior, retention, and revenue growth, and fine-tune their engagement strategies to improve outcomes.

For example, the software should be able to provide data on how often members attend the gym, what classes they prefer, and which staff members they interact with the most. This information can help gym owners and managers make informed decisions about how to improve their offerings and better engage their members.

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Mobile App Functionality

With more and more people using their smartphones to manage their lifestyle, a mobile app is becoming essential for any gym member engagement software. A mobile app should allow members to access their account information, book classes and appointments, receive personalized recommendations, and communicate with staff and other members.

Moreover, the app should be user-friendly, intuitive, and compatible with multiple mobile devices and operating systems. This way, members can easily access the app from their preferred device, and enjoy the full range of features that the software has to offer.

Read More: Best Gym Mobile Apps Software

Booking and Scheduling Capabilities

To keep members engaged, you need to offer a range of class schedules, personal training appointments, and other services. A good gym member engagement software should offer booking and scheduling features that allow members to reserve their spot, set reminders, and receive notifications about changes or cancellations.

Additionally, the software should allow gym owners and managers to set capacity limits for classes and appointments, so they can avoid overbooking and ensure that members receive the best possible experience.

Read More: Best Gym Booking Software

Enhancing Member Experience through Personalized Workouts

A gym owner can use Exercise.com’s member engagement software to offer personalized workout plans tailored to each member’s individual goals, fitness level, and preferences. This customized approach makes members feel valued, keeps them motivated, and fosters long-term loyalty to the gym.

Implementing Nutrition Guidance and Tracking

A personal trainer at a gym can use the software to provide members with customized nutrition guidance, meal plans, and healthy habit tracking options. By tracking members’ food intake and progress, the trainer can offer real-time feedback and adjustments, ensuring clients stay on track and achieve their desired results.

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Creating Virtual Fitness Challenges

A fitness influencer can leverage Exercise.com’s challenges and leaderboards feature to create virtual fitness challenges for their online community. This encourages friendly competition, fosters camaraderie, and keeps followers engaged with the influencer’s brand, leading to higher retention and increased revenue.

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Offering Online and In-Person Hybrid Classes

A boutique fitness studio owner can use Exercise.com’s online booking and scheduling feature to offer both in-person and virtual classes to their clients. This hybrid approach allows members to choose the format that best suits their schedule and preferences, ensuring they stay engaged and committed to their fitness journey.

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Facilitating In-App Communication for a Connected Community

A gym owner can use the in-app messaging feature to communicate with members, share updates, offer tips and advice, and respond to questions or concerns. This direct line of communication fosters a sense of connection and community, making members feel valued and supported in their fitness journey.

Read More: Best Gym Mobile Apps Software

Integrating Wearables for Seamless Fitness Tracking

A personal trainer can use Exercise.com’s integration with popular wearables and fitness devices to monitor clients’ progress, ensuring their workouts align with their goals. By having access to this data, the trainer can provide personalized feedback, make adjustments to clients’ workout plans, and keep them motivated to continue working towards their goals.

Encouraging Group Training and Accountability

A fitness professional can use Exercise.com’s software to create small group training programs, encouraging members to work together towards a common goal. By fostering a sense of accountability and camaraderie, members stay engaged and motivated, leading to higher retention and a thriving fitness community.

AMPD Golf Performance
“Working with Exercise.com and their team has been an amazing experience and a dream come true in terms of accomplishing a vision! Their workout technology has helped us effectively engage our community, and I highly recommend Exercise.com to grow your business!”
Andrew Banner
Co-Founder, AMPD Golf Performance

What is Gym Member Engagement Software?

Gym member engagement software is a management solution that is designed to help gym owners, managers, and trainers keep their members engaged and motivated. It offers a range of tools to manage member interactions, including communication, scheduling, and tracking. With gym member engagement software, you can quickly notify members about schedule changes, automate billing and payment processes, track attendance and engagement, and provide personalized recommendations for workout plans and nutrition.

One of the key features of gym member engagement software is the ability to create personalized workout plans and nutrition recommendations for members. This not only helps members achieve their fitness goals, but it also shows them that your gym cares about their individual needs and is invested in their success.

Gym member engagement software also allows for easy communication between members and staff. Members can ask questions, provide feedback, and receive support from trainers and other staff members. This helps to create a sense of community within the gym and fosters a positive and supportive environment for members.

Why is Member Engagement Important for your gym?

Member engagement goes beyond just keeping your gym running; it’s about creating a community among your members. Engaged members are more likely to stay loyal and stick to their goals, which ultimately leads to better business outcomes for your gym. Engaged members help build a positive culture, create brand ambassadors, and attract new members through positive word-of-mouth marketing.

By using gym member engagement software, you can increase member engagement by providing personalized support and communication. This can lead to increased member satisfaction, retention, and referrals.

In addition, gym member engagement software can help you better understand your members’ needs and preferences. By tracking attendance and engagement, you can identify trends and adjust your offerings accordingly. This can help you improve member satisfaction and retention, as well as attract new members who are looking for a gym that meets their specific needs.

Overall, gym member engagement software is a valuable tool for any gym owner or manager who wants to create a positive and supportive environment for their members. By using this software to promote engagement and interaction, you can increase member satisfaction, retention, and referrals, ultimately leading to better business outcomes for your gym.

What are some gym member engagement ideas?

To boost gym membership engagement, consider hosting themed workout events, member appreciation days, or fitness challenges that encourage participation and camaraderie. Implementing a gym membership engagement software can also facilitate personalized communication, such as workout tips, health advice, or motivational messages, directly enhancing fitness member engagement. Additionally, offering workshops or seminars on nutrition, wellness, and fitness topics can provide value and foster a sense of community among members.

How can I use gym engagement photos to increase gym member engagement?

Using gym engagement photos can significantly increase gym membership engagement by showcasing real members’ experiences, successes, and the gym’s vibrant community. Sharing these photos on social media, in newsletters, or within your gym can inspire current members and attract new ones by highlighting the supportive and energetic atmosphere. This visual strategy enhances fitness center member engagement by making members feel valued and connected to the gym’s community, encouraging their continued participation and loyalty.

Read More: Best Gym Progress Photo Software

What is the best online member engagement platform for gyms?

The best online fitness engagement platform for gyms offers comprehensive tools that enable interactive and personalized member experiences, such as fitness tracking, class bookings, social forums, and personalized fitness content. Platforms that integrate these features with gym membership engagement software can significantly enhance health club member engagement by providing a seamless, engaging, and supportive online environment for members to connect with their fitness journey and the gym community, even when they’re not physically present at the facility.

How can fitness coaches engage their virtual fitness clients online?

Fitness coaches can engage their virtual fitness clients online by utilizing interactive platforms that offer personalized workout plans, live or recorded workout sessions, and real-time feedback. An online fitness engagement platform can facilitate this by providing a space for coaches to share engaging content, such as fitness tips, nutritional advice, and motivational posts, further enhancing fitness member engagement. Regular check-ins and progress tracking through these platforms keep clients accountable and motivated, fostering a strong coach-client relationship.

How do you engage people at the gym without being too pushy or salesy?

Engaging people at the gym without being too pushy involves creating a welcoming and supportive environment that naturally encourages participation. Offering free trials or demo classes, organizing non-intimidating social events, and showcasing gym engagement photos can highlight the community aspect of the gym. Personalized interactions and recognizing members’ achievements can also boost gym membership engagement by making members feel valued and part of a supportive community.

How do I motivate my gym members?

Motivating gym members can be achieved through goal setting, positive reinforcement, and creating a sense of community. Implementing gym membership engagement software that tracks progress and celebrates milestones can provide members with tangible evidence of their achievements. Additionally, group fitness challenges or member spotlight features can foster healthy competition and recognition, boosting fitness center member engagement and motivation.

Read More: Fitness Challenge Ideas

How do I attract new clients to my gym?

Attracting new clients to your gym involves a mix of effective marketing, unique offerings, and engaging community events. Utilizing gym membership engagement software to highlight member success stories, offering referral incentives, and maintaining an active and positive presence on social media can draw in new members. Tailoring services to meet the specific needs and preferences of your target audience, such as specialized classes or flexible membership packages, can also enhance health club member engagement and attract new clients.

How can I improve my group fitness attendance?

Improving group fitness attendance can be achieved by scheduling classes at convenient times, regularly updating the class roster with fresh and exciting options, and engaging members through social media or in-gym promotions highlighting upcoming classes. Employing rec center member engagement strategies like offering rewards for consistent attendance or hosting special event classes can also increase participation. Creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere in each class encourages sports club member engagement and repeat attendance.

How can fitness apps help with gym member engagement?

Fitness apps can significantly enhance gym membership engagement by providing members with tools to track their workouts, set goals, and monitor progress from anywhere. Features like class booking, social challenges, and personalized fitness content within these apps can foster health and fitness club member engagement, making members feel more connected to the gym community and supported in their fitness journey, even outside of the gym premises.

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How do you help your gym members socialize with people at the gym?

Helping gym members socialize involves creating opportunities for interaction and building a community-focused environment. Organizing social events, group challenges, and community boards where members can share experiences and achievements can foster sports center member engagement. Encouraging group workouts or buddy systems, especially for new members, can also facilitate socialization and enhance the overall health club member engagement experience.

How do you build social support and inclusion in a gym?

Building social support and inclusion in a gym involves creating a welcoming environment that celebrates diversity and encourages interaction among members. Offering classes and programs that cater to various interests and fitness levels, highlighting member achievements, and facilitating group activities or social events can promote sports club member engagement. Utilizing gym membership engagement software to create forums or groups where members can connect, share tips, and support each other can also contribute to a strong sense of community and inclusion.

How can I customize the member engagement experience with Exercise.com?

Exercise.com allows you to create a custom-branded app and website, offering a personalized experience for your gym members. You can share tailored fitness content, resources, and workouts, and integrate popular wearables and fitness devices to provide a seamless and engaging experience. This level of customization helps you stand out from competitors and fosters loyalty among your members.

Can Exercise.com integrate with my existing gym management software?

Exercise.com is an all-in-one gym management software solution that excels in member engagement. It is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing gym management tools, allowing you to manage everything from one platform. This comprehensive approach ensures a smooth and efficient workflow for gym owners and staff, enhancing member engagement and satisfaction.

How does Exercise.com’s member engagement features support group fitness classes and online bookings?

Exercise.com offers an online booking and scheduling feature, making it easy for members to sign up for group fitness classes, personal training sessions, or other services. This streamlined process encourages member participation and engagement, leading to higher retention rates. Additionally, the platform supports virtual classes, providing members with more options to stay active and engaged, even when they can’t make it to the gym.

How can Exercise.com’s challenges and leaderboards boost member engagement?

Challenges and leaderboards within Exercise.com’s platform create friendly competition and camaraderie among gym members, keeping them motivated and engaged. These features encourage members to push themselves, track their progress, and stay accountable to their fitness goals. Offering regular challenges can help you build a strong community and promote long-term member engagement.

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How do you keep gym members engaged?

  1. Personalized Programs: Tailor workout and nutrition plans to individual member goals.
  2. Classes and Workshops: Offer a variety of classes and host workshops on topics like nutrition or injury prevention.
  3. Challenges and Competitions: Organize fitness challenges or friendly competitions to foster a sense of community.
  4. Feedback and Communication: Regularly seek feedback and communicate with members about their progress and any updates.
  5. Loyalty Programs: Implement reward systems or loyalty programs for consistent attendance or referrals.

What software do fitness centers use to keep gym members engaged?

Fitness centers use gym management software, CRM platforms, and mobile apps to keep members engaged. Solutions like Exercise.com, Mindbody, and Trainerize provide tools for member management, workout tracking, communication, and more.

What is the best gym CRM software?

The best gym CRM software depends on individual needs, but popular options include Exercise.com, Mindbody, and Zen Planner. These platforms offer tools for member management, marketing automation, and targeted communication.

Read More: Best Gym CRM Software

How would you maximize gym member engagement online and in-person?


  1. Virtual Classes: Offer live-streamed or on-demand workout sessions.
  2. Online Challenges: Organize virtual fitness challenges or marathons.
  3. Engaging Content: Share workout tips, success stories, or health articles on social media or via email.
  4. Member Forums: Create online communities where members can share experiences and advice.


  1. Group Classes: Organize diverse group workout sessions catering to different fitness levels.
  2. Events: Host special events, workshops, or guest speaker sessions.
  3. Personal Training: Offer one-on-one training sessions for personalized guidance.
  4. Feedback Sessions: Regularly meet with members to discuss their progress and address concerns.

How do I motivate my gym members?

  1. Goal Setting: Help members set and track realistic fitness goals.
  2. Progress Tracking: Provide tools or software to track workouts, nutrition, and achievements.
  3. Rewards: Offer incentives for reaching milestones or attending regularly.
  4. Community: Foster a supportive gym community through group classes and events.
  5. Education: Conduct workshops on nutrition, workout techniques, and mental well-being.

How do I automate my fitness business?

  1. Membership Management: Use software to automate sign-ups, renewals, and billing.
  2. Class Bookings: Implement online class scheduling and booking systems.
  3. Email Marketing: Set up automated email campaigns for new members, birthdays, or lapsed memberships.
  4. Feedback: Automate feedback collection post-workout or after classes.
  5. Reporting: Use tools that provide automated reports on attendance, revenue, and member engagement.

Why use gym management software?

Gym management software streamlines operations, reduces manual tasks, enhances member experience, provides data-driven insights, and helps in growing the business efficiently.

Read More: Best Gym Management Software

How much does fitness software cost?

The cost of fitness software varies based on features, the number of members, and the platform itself. Prices can range from free or low-cost basic plans to several hundred dollars per month for comprehensive solutions with all features.

How can Exercise.com software help me keep my gym members engaged?

Exercise.com provides a comprehensive platform tailored for fitness businesses. It offers tools for workout creation, progress tracking, and communicationā€”ensuring members have a personalized and engaging experience. Its app allows members to access workouts, join challenges, and communicate with trainers from anywhere. Additionally, the platform supports virtual classes, enabling online engagement. With customizable features and robust analytics, Exercise.com ensures you have the insights and tools to keep members motivated and engaged, both online and in-person.

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Get the Best Gym Member Engagement Software

Choosing the right gym member engagement software is essential for providing a top-notch experience for your members while also boosting your business. Evaluate your gym’s unique needs, consider the essential features listed above, and explore the top software solutions in the market to make an informed decision. Here’s to building engaged and motivated gym communities!

Jimmy Myers Relentless Sports Performance
If you want to offer an elite service for the end user you need to get with the times and use elite level software that is intuitive, visually appealing, and effective. That is exactly what Exercise.com delivers to its clients.
Jimmy Myers
Owner/Trainer, Relentless Sports Performance

Get a demo now!

Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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