Home Best Personal Training Software
7 Best CRM for Personal Trainers in 2024

7 Best CRM for Personal Trainers in 2024

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on April 17, 2024 ā€” Updated on July 24, 2024

Compare the best CRM for personal trainers from Exercise.com, Trainerize, TrueCoach, and more.

Best CRM for Personal Trainers

Identifying the best CRM for personal trainers is crucial for managing client relationships and optimizing business operations effectively. Personal trainer CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems specifically tailored for personal trainers help streamline client interactions, track progress, and enhance communication, making them indispensable tools in todayā€™s fitness industry. These PT CRM systems typically offer features like client scheduling, progress tracking, communication tools, and marketing automation, which are essential for maintaining and growing a personal training business.

Find the best CRM trainers will love at your gym; the best CRM for fitness trainers is one that works seamlessly for both gym owners, personal trainers, and gym staff. For trainers looking for a CRM that not only manages client data but also helps expand their business, platforms like Exercise.com are ideal. As the best gym software and best personal training software, Exercise.com offers a comprehensive suite of tools that includes advanced fitness CRM capabilities (both live in the platform and soon to be launched – visit the fitness CRM page for more information, and then get a demo for current capabilities). These tools are designed to help trainers maximize client engagement and streamline both the administrative and customer service aspects of their business.

Fitness Income Ideas

Learning how to use a gym CRM system, and learning what is a gym CRM exactly are key first steps to selecting the best gym CRM software, or the best yoga CRM software, just like choosing the best personal trainer CRM software.

Discover the best CRM software for personal trainers who want to do personal training marketing online and in-person, send email, SMS, and in-app marketing messages, create marketing automations, create workouts online for clients, offer workout logging to clients, sell workout plans online, run online workout groups, and moreā€”all from your own custom branded fitness app.

Whether you are just learning how to start a fitness business and just want to learn how to make money from fitness or you are an experienced personal trainer who wants to take your business to the next level, with the most cutting edge personal training CRM solutions, see why the best personal training software and the best fitness influencer software can help personal trainers, fitness influencers, online fitness coaches, and other fitness professionals find the best personal trainer CRM software to get more personal training clients and grow revenue. The best gym management software and the best marketing software for gyms is now the best online CRM software for personal trainers who want a professional grade solution to take their PT business to the next level.

Dean Somerset - Bird Dog
“Developing an easy intake system with my apps and ways to scale the delivery of workouts has been huge. Working with 20-30 individuals who each have specific goals and restrictions can be challenging, but your platform makes it easy to organize everyoneā€™s programs and put a plan together that will get them the best results possible. The simple, effective tools help expand and simplify my coaching process.”
Dean Somerset
Owner, Somerset Fitness

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Best CRM Software for Personal Trainers

SoftwareSales FunnelUpsellsLanding PagesECommerceEmailSMSPush NotificationsAutomationsMobile AppsCustom BrandedBookingPaymentsMessagingReports
My PT HubYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
PT DistinctionYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesYes

#1 Exercise.com

Exercise.com stands out as the leading CRM for personal trainers, offering a versatile and comprehensive platform that supports all aspects of personal training business management.


  • Comprehensive suite of CRM tools including sales funnels, landing pages, and automations.
  • Offers extensive customization options, allowing for a fully branded client experience.
  • Strong support for mobile apps enhances client engagement and retention.


  • The platform’s extensive features might require a learning curve for new users.
  • Pricing might be higher than simpler, less comprehensive systems.

Exercise.com is highly regarded as the best CRM software for personal trainers due to its ability to integrate multiple functionalities into a single platform. This CRM goes beyond simple client management by incorporating powerful tools for marketing automation, payment processing, and online training capabilities. Its robust reporting features provide valuable insights into client habits and preferences, enabling personal trainers to make data-driven decisions that enhance client satisfaction and retention.

The softwareā€™s customization options allow personal trainers to tailor the system to their specific business needs, whether they are operating a small boutique studio or a large training facility. This level of customization ensures that trainers can maintain a consistent brand image across all client interactions. Additionally, Exercise.comā€™s mobile app enhances this experience by providing clients with easy access to fitness plans, communication tools, and payment options, making it convenient for them to stay engaged and motivated.

Exercise.com not only streamlines administrative tasks but also boosts marketing efforts, helping trainers expand their clientele through targeted campaigns and referral programs. This PT CRM solution is ideal for personal trainers who demand excellence and efficiency in every aspect of their business operations, from the best personal training marketing software to the best gym marketing software, and much more.

Here’s just some of what you can do on the Exercise.com platform:


Process payments for open gym, classes, and personal training.

Gym Payments

Landing Pages

Create gym landing pages easily.

Landing Pages

Fitness Challenges

Manage fitness challenges (Read More: 100+ Fitness Challenge Ideas)


On-Demand Fitness Content

Offer on-demand fitness content.


Fitness Classes and Groups

Create classes and fitness groups.

Online Groups

Fitness Livestreaming

Conduct gym livestreaming easily.



Engage with clients via automations.

Gym Member Engagement


Manage leads with a gym CRM.

Gym CRM Software

Fitness Assessments

Create and send fitness assessments with ease (learn more about sending fitness assessments to clients).


Habit Tracking

Use fitness habit tracking to inspire and motivate gym members and clients.

Habit Tracking

Progress Photos

Use fitness progress photos to engage with members.

Progress Photos


Use fitness leaderboards to track event performance and inspire healthy competition.



Create exercise supersets in a snap.


Rep Max Progressions

Program exercise rep max progressions with ease.

Rep Max Progressions

Exercise Library

Use the exercise demonstration video library or create your own custom exercise demonstration videos.

Exercise Library

Workout Plan Creator

Create workout plans for parents and dependents, teams and more.

Workout Plan Creator

TV Workouts

Cast gym TV workouts to in-gym TV screens quickly and efficiently.

TV Workouts

Group and Location Management

Manage multiple groups and locations with ease.


Client Management

Manage clients and gym members with ease. An online training software comparison for personal trainers makes it easy to see why Exercise.com offers the best client management functionality for in-person and online personal training. The best personal fitness trainer software should work for you on the go, just like in the gym.

Client Management

Appointment Booking

Book appointments for parents and dependents with ease. (Read More: Best Gym Booking Software)


Gym Check-In

Gym check-in software that makes your life easy. (Read More: Best Gym Check-In Software)



Communicate with gym members, athletes, team members, personal training clients, class members, parents, and dependents via SMS, email, and in-app push notification.


Performance Tracking

View performance over time, track personal records, and other fitness stats with performance reporting dashboards. The best fitness software for personal trainers offers exercise tracking, habit tracking, workout tracking, and more.

Performance Reporting

Business Dashboards

And of course, view all of your gym business reports easily too.

Gym Reports

Custom Branded Fitness Apps

All from your custom-branded fitness apps (Read More: Best Gym Mobile Fitness Apps Software)

Custom Branded Apps
Our overall experience with Exercise.com is a breeze. We love how easy it is to integrate this app with our current workflow while providing great fitness programs for our customers and save us time in the process.
Julie Ledbetter
Owner, Ledbetter Fitness

Want to learn how your fitness business can grow to the next level with the best online software for personal trainers and fitness businesses?

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#2 Trainerize


Trainerize is widely recognized as a top CRM for personal trainers, focusing on delivering digital fitness solutions that help trainers expand their client base and enhance client engagement through technology.


  • Integrates upsells and eCommerce features to boost revenue opportunities.
  • Robust client communication options including SMS, email, and push notifications.
  • Mobile app enhances accessibility and interaction with clients.


  • Limited CRM features specific to sales funnels and landing page creation.
  • Does not offer extensive customization for personal branding as compared to other platforms.

Trainerize shines in the CRM landscape by providing a streamlined, user-friendly platform that makes it easier for personal trainers to manage their online and in-person client interactions. Itā€™s particularly strong in automations and notifications, ensuring clients receive timely updates and engagements, which is crucial for maintaining motivation and adherence to fitness programs.

This software stands out for its emphasis on integrating fitness and nutrition tracking, which provides a holistic approach to client management. Trainerize allows personal trainers to keep detailed records of their clientsā€™ progress and communicate effectively, making it easier to adjust fitness plans in real-time based on the data collected.

The Trainerize’s eCommerce capabilities allow trainers to sell personalized training packages and fitness merchandise directly through the app, creating an additional revenue stream while providing convenience for clients. This combination of comprehensive tracking, effective communication, and business tools makes Trainerize a valuable asset for personal trainers aiming to streamline their operations and boost client satisfaction by learning how to sell personal training online, though Exercise.com offers a more robust solution.

Read More:

#3 TrueCoach

TrueCoach Review

TrueCoach focuses on minimalistic yet powerful CRM functionalities that cater specifically to the needs of personal trainers who prioritize direct coaching and detailed progress tracking.


  • Strong focus on personalized workout and nutrition programming.
  • Simplistic design makes it easy to use for both trainers and clients.
  • Real-time messaging enhances client-trainer communication.


  • Limited automation and marketing features reduce its utility as a full CRM solution.
  • Lacks integrated payment and scheduling systems.

TrueCoach is an excellent tool for personal trainers who value simplicity and effectiveness in their client management software. It excels in providing a platform where trainers can closely monitor client progress, tailor workouts and nutritional advice, and communicate directly through the app. This focus on individual client attention helps trainers deliver a highly personalized service that can significantly improve client outcomes.

Although TrueCoach may not offer the broad marketing and sales features seen in other CRM systems, its strength lies in its dedicated approach to fitness coaching. The platform allows for detailed feedback and adjustments, fostering a collaborative environment that is highly appreciated by both trainers and clients.

The real-time feedback capability ensures that clients receive immediate guidance and support, which is crucial for maintaining engagement and ensuring adherence to training regimens. This personalized interaction not only helps in achieving better fitness results but also in building strong, lasting relationships between trainers and clients.

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#4 My PT Hub

My PT Hub Review

My PT Hub is a comprehensive CRM for personal trainers, offering a wide array of features that support both the business and coaching aspects of a personal training enterprise.


  • All-in-one platform with extensive features including booking, payments, and client management.
  • Offers a fully customizable platform to align with personal branding needs.
  • Supports a wide range of automations for client communications and marketing.


  • The extensive range of features can be overwhelming for new users.
  • Some users report issues with the interface speed and responsiveness on mobile devices.

My PT Hub stands out in the market as a top-rated CRM for personal trainers due to its robust functionality that covers virtually every aspect of managing a fitness business. It is particularly beneficial for trainers who require a detailed and versatile system to manage large numbers of clients or offer varied services. The software’s capabilities extend beyond simple client management to include advanced features like sales funnels, landing pages, and full eCommerce integration, making it an excellent choice for trainers looking to expand their business online.

Additionally, My PT Hub offers extensive reporting features that provide trainers with insights into business performance and client progress. These analytics are invaluable for making informed decisions that can lead to improved client retention and business growth.

The platformā€™s ability to integrate payment systems and scheduling within the same app also enhances convenience for both trainers and clients, streamlining processes and improving the overall efficiency of business operations. My PT Hubā€™s comprehensive approach makes it a standout choice for personal trainers seeking a powerful and all-encompassing CRM solution.

Read More: Best My PT Hub Alternative

#5 PT Distinction

PT Distinction Review

PT Distinction excels as a CRM solution for personal trainers who need advanced client engagement tools and detailed program customization capabilities.


  • Highly customizable client programming and tracking.
  • Offers detailed automations for client communications and follow-ups.
  • Strong support for custom branded mobile apps to enhance professional appearance.


  • Lacks integrated eCommerce functionality for selling products directly.
  • More complex features require a steeper learning curve.

PT Distinction provides a refined toolset designed for personal trainers who are serious about delivering personalized training experiences. It offers robust customization options that allow trainers to tailor every aspect of the clientā€™s journey, from workouts and nutrition plans to communication methods. This high level of personalization helps trainers create unique and effective fitness programs that meet the specific needs of their clients.

The platform also features powerful automations that save time and ensure consistent communication with clients. These features are essential for maintaining engagement and fostering a sense of community and support among clients. PT Distinctionā€™s ability to provide detailed reports and analytics further enhances its value, offering trainers insights into client progress and the effectiveness of different training programs.

Moreover, PT Distinctionā€™s support for custom-branded apps allows personal trainers to maintain a professional image while offering a seamless and integrated user experience. This capability is particularly valuable for trainers looking to strengthen their brand identity and market presence.

Read More: Best PT Distinction Alternative

#6 Mindbody


Mindbody stands out as a comprehensive CRM for personal trainers, well-known for its extensive features that cater to a broader wellness business, including spas and yoga studios, alongside personal training.


  • Robust booking and scheduling features that streamline client management.
  • Integrated payment processing and eCommerce functionalities enhance revenue options.
  • Advanced marketing tools including email campaigns, promotional offers, and loyalty programs.


  • Its broad focus might be more than what some personal trainers require.
  • The interface can be complex, requiring a learning curve for new users.

Mindbody is particularly effective for personal trainers who operate within larger fitness facilities or wellness centers and need a CRM that can manage multiple aspects of business operations. It offers powerful tools for client engagement, such as automated marketing campaigns that help retain existing clients and attract new ones. This CRM also excels in providing a seamless user experience with its mobile app, which allows clients to easily book sessions, manage their schedules, and make payments.

The platform’s ability to integrate with various business tools and services makes it a versatile option that can grow with a trainer’s business. Mindbody’s comprehensive reporting tools provide valuable insights into client behaviors and business trends, helping trainers make informed decisions to optimize their services and maximize profitability.

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#7 PTminder

PTMinder Review

PTminder is a user-friendly PT CRM designed specifically for personal trainers and small fitness studios, focusing on simplifying day-to-day operations while offering effective client management and engagement tools.


  • Streamlined client scheduling and management functionalities.
  • Includes payment processing and financial reporting.
  • User-friendly interface suitable for trainers who prefer simplicity.


  • Limited marketing automation and advanced CRM features.
  • Customization options are somewhat restricted compared to competitors.

PTminder is ideal for personal trainers looking for a straightforward, effective CRM solution that covers the essentials of client management without overwhelming users with complex features. It offers essential tools like client booking, session management, and payment processing, which are crucial for running a smooth operation. The platform also supports basic email and SMS communication, allowing trainers to maintain regular contact with their clients and ensure they are engaged and motivated.

The simplicity of PTminder makes it particularly appealing to personal trainers who may be less tech-savvy or those who prefer to focus more on training and less on administrative tasks. The CRM’s mobile app enhances accessibility, allowing trainers and clients to interact and manage their fitness journeys from anywhere.

While PTminder may not provide the depth of features found in more extensive CRMs, its focus on core functionalities makes it a reliable choice for personal trainers who need a dependable tool to manage their client relationships effectively.

Read More: Best PT Minder Alternative

Tony Gentilcore
Exercise.com makes my life easier by providing an all-in-one solution and the opportunity to help those who otherwise would never have access to my programming!
Tony Gentilcore
Founder, Core Online

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What software do fitness trainers use?

Fitness trainers use software that helps them manage schedules, track client progress, and handle administrative tasks efficiently. Exercise.com is widely recognized as the best software for fitness trainers because it offers comprehensive features tailored to their specific needs, including workout creation, client management, and performance tracking.

How do personal trainers keep track of clients and leads?

Personal trainers keep track of clients and leads using client relationship management (CRM) tools that organize contact information, appointment schedules, and follow-up tasks. Exercise.com provides an excellent CRM system that allows trainers to maintain detailed records of their interactions with clients and leads, streamlining the management process and enhancing client engagement.

How do personal trainers track their clients’ progress?

Personal trainers track their clients’ progress using software that allows them to monitor workouts, nutrition, and overall performance metrics. Exercise.com offers robust tracking features that help trainers assess client progress through detailed reports and customizable data points, making it easier to adjust training plans and meet client goals effectively. When using a CRM personal trainer sales and marketing processes becomes more streamlined, professional, and repeatable.

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What is CRM in the fitness industry?

CRM in the fitness industry refers to software systems that help fitness businesses manage client relationships, optimize marketing efforts, and improve customer service. These systems track client interactions, manage leads, and facilitate communications, making them essential for maintaining and growing a fitness business. Exercise.com’s CRM capabilities are particularly suited for the fitness industry, offering features that enhance client retention and acquisition.

Read More: What is a gym CRM?

How do personal trainers find clients?

Personal trainers find clients by utilizing a combination of networking, online marketing, and referrals. Tools like Exercise.com support these efforts by providing marketing automation, lead management, and client engagement features that help trainers expand their client base and increase visibility in a competitive market.

Read More: Is it hard to get personal training clients?

What platform do online fitness coaches use?

Online fitness coaches use platforms that support virtual training, client communication, and content management. Exercise.com is highly recommended for online fitness coaches because it offers comprehensive tools for live and on-demand video sessions, workout programming, and client interaction, all within a single platform.

Read More: Best Online Fitness Coaching Software

What is the best online platform for personal trainers?

The best online platform for personal trainers is Exercise.com, which provides a versatile suite of tools designed to handle workout programming, client management, and business operations. Its ability to integrate multiple functionalities into one platform makes it the top choice for trainers seeking an efficient and effective online solution.

What app do personal trainers use for clients?

Personal trainers use apps like Exercise.com that offer client management, workout tracking, and communication tools. This app helps trainers deliver a personalized training experience, enhancing client satisfaction and retention through its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set.

Read More: Best Personal Trainer Apps for Tracking Clients

How do I start a personal training business?

To start a personal training business, focus on defining your niche, obtaining the necessary certifications, and choosing the right software to manage your operations. Exercise.com is ideal for new business owners due to its ease of use, scalability, and extensive support for marketing, scheduling, and client management.

Read More: How to Start a Personal Training Business

Do gyms use CRM?

Yes, gyms use CRM systems to manage member relationships, track sales opportunities, and enhance customer service. CRM software is crucial for gyms to maintain organized data on members and to execute effective marketing strategies that drive retention and membership growth.

What is a gym CRM system?

A gym CRM system is a software tool that helps gym owners and managers track interactions with current and potential members, manage marketing campaigns, and improve customer service. It focuses on optimizing the member lifecycle from initial contact to long-term retention.

Read More: What is a gym CRM?

What is the best gym CRM?

The best gym CRM is one that offers comprehensive features tailored to the unique needs of fitness facilities, such as membership management, lead tracking, and communication tools. Exercise.com provides an excellent CRM solution for gyms, enhancing operational efficiency and member satisfaction.

Read More: Best Gym CRM

What is the best gym sales software?

The best gym sales software facilitates the tracking of sales leads, manages membership sign-ups, and analyzes sales data to maximize revenue. Exercise.com excels in this area with its integrated sales dashboard and automation features that streamline the sales process and improve conversion rates.

Read More: Best Gym Sales Software

What is the best gym management software?

The best gym management software is Exercise.com, known for its versatility in handling multiple aspects of gym operations including scheduling, member management, and financial reporting. It provides gym owners with the tools necessary to run a smooth operation and focus on growth and member engagement.

Read More: Best Gym Management Software

What is the best software for personal trainers to manage their business?

The best software for personal trainers to manage their business is Exercise.com. It offers a comprehensive range of features including client scheduling, workout programming, and business analytics. Its all-in-one solution makes it the preferred choice for personal trainers looking to streamline operations and enhance client results.

Jimmy Myers Relentless Sports Performance
If you want to offer an elite service for the end user you need to get with the times and use elite level software that is intuitive, visually appealing, and effective. That is exactly what Exercise.com delivers to its clients.
Jimmy Myers
Owner/Trainer, Relentless Sports Performance

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
We make fitness businesses happy and successful. We are a next-generation software platform dedicated to making it easy for fitness professionals to manage their entire fitness business in one place.
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