heart health | Exercise.com Learn: Your Fitness Business Resource
What Does Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Do for You?

What Does Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Do for You?

Get the Basics... Cardiopulmonary exercise tests are administered to diagnose and monitor a variety of health conditions. A cardiopulmonary exercise test is an outpatient procedure that is accessible to the average person. The results of your cardiopulmonary exercise...
What Is a Safe Upper Limit for Heart Rate During Exercise?

What Is a Safe Upper Limit for Heart Rate During Exercise?

Get the Basics... Your safe heart rate depends on your age, as well as the rate of your resting heart rate. If you want a general idea of what your maximum exercise heart rate should be, then take 220 and subtract your age. Studies show that a resting heart rate of...
What Is a Healthy Exercise Heart Rate?

What Is a Healthy Exercise Heart Rate?

Get the Basics... A healthy exercise heart rate is the maximum amount of beats per minute your heart should beat while exercising There are several different ways to calculate your optimal heart rate during exercise Always remember that before you start any new...