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How to Train Clients With Hypertension

How to Train Clients With Hypertension

Get the Basics... Hypertension is a common condition that affects a client’s ability to circulate blood normally. Training someone with hypertension requires greater detail when programming for resistance training. Versatile workout software can help promote...
How to Train Clients With Hypertension

How to Train Clients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Get the Basics... Training someone with rheumatoid arthritis requires careful planning and understanding of their limitations and joint pain. Clients with rheumatoid arthritis should avoid exercises with a lot of impact, twisting, or at too high of an intensity....
How to Train Clients With Hypertension

How to Train Pregnant Clients

Get the Basics... Training pregnant clients can have associated concerns regarding body position, range of motion, and exercise intensity. To avoid major mistakes when training pregnant clients, trainers should have different exercises for each trimester. Personal...
How to Train Clients With Knee Injuries

How to Train Clients With Knee Injuries

Get the Basics... Training someone with knee injuries requires a comprehensive assessment to determine the mechanism of injury and contraindicated exercises. Most clients with knee injuries experience pain on the anterior (front) side of their knee and will need to...
What percentage of gym memberships go unused?

What percentage of gym memberships go unused?

Get the Basics... Up to 67 percent of gym memberships go completely unused. Many gyms build their business model on the bet that most people will stay home. To help increase member retention, make your gym a place of community and social engagement. Every January,...
What age group uses the gym the most?

What age group uses the gym the most?

Get the Basics... Millennials have the most gym memberships, but Baby Boomers go to the gym most often. The various generations all have different activity preferences when it comes to exercise. There are pros and cons to focusing on attracting a specific age group....