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How to Prioritize Your Mental Health During COVID-19

How to Prioritize Your Mental Health During COVID-19

Get the Basics... If you want to take care of others, you need to take care of yourself first. Keeping your stress in check may require a trip to the doctor. Focus on you and build a program that you love that benefits your mind, body, and soul. If your schedule is...
Three Ways Exercise Can Help ADD

Three Ways Exercise Can Help ADD

Attention Deficient Disorder, or ADD, is a potentially devastating condition due to the fact that it can severely limit the ability of sufferers to learn basic skills needed in daily life such as reading, arithmetic, and even social skills.

Does Omega 3 Fish Oil Help with Depression?

Does Omega 3 Fish Oil Help with Depression?

Get the Basics... Omega 3 fatty acids are very important for one’s health. Omega 3 fatty acids play a role in the central nervous system. There have been studies in the linkage between omega 3 and depression. Omega 3 fish oils have been known to help with a...
How to Prioritize Your Mental Health During COVID-19

What is the best workout to release tension?

Get the Basics... One of the best ways to successfully deal with stress is by getting in a good workout. Yoga is often seen as an essential stress-relieving workout. Cardiovascular workouts are another way to relieve some stress. Stress is an unfortunate aspect of...
How to Prioritize Your Mental Health During COVID-19

How does exercise improve brain function?

Get the Basics... Exercise does impact specific brain functions. People who use exercise as a form of stress relief seem to have a better ability to focus later in the day. Cardio exercise can result in new cell growth and improved memory. The belief that exercise...