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Personal Trainers for Diabetics

Personal Trainers for Diabetics

Get the Basics... As a diabetic, controlling your blood sugar can prevent diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy. Regular exercise can lower blood glucose levels. A personal trainer can help you find the right balance between aerobic exercise and strength training...

6 Tips for Finding a Personal Trainer on a Budget

Get the Basics... Personal training is much more accessible to the masses than you think. Off-peak hours and virtual training can all help to reduce per-session costs. Affordable payment plans can also reduce how much you have to pay at once for personal training. So...
Personal Trainer for Marathon Training

Personal Trainer for Marathon Training

Get the Basics... A personal trainer can help get a marathon runner’s body into great shape. Personal trainers may craft specific workouts designed to support a marathon runner’s unique goals. Working with a trainer who possesses experience with marathons...
Is personal training the right thing for me?

Is personal training the right thing for me?

Get the Basics... Living an active and healthy lifestyle is the first step in becoming a personal trainer. Being a personal trainer involves building long-lasting relationships with clients. Successful personal trainers have a high level of emotional intelligence. If...
Personal Training for Abs

Personal Training for Abs

Get the Basics... Abdominal exercises play a major role in the strengthening of core muscles. Abdominal exercises should be part of an overall fat loss and strength training program. A skilled personal trainer can develop an outstanding well-rounded abdominal exercise...