Archives | Learn: Your Fitness Business Resource

Personal Trainer Certification Age Requirement

Get the Basics... Each company that certifies personal trainers decides their own requirements to become a personal trainer. Most organizations set their minimum age at 18 years old. There’s no maximum age to become a trainer. Not all organizations have a...
I Want a Personal Trainer Online

I Want a Personal Trainer Online

Get the Basics... Online personal training is an economical alternative to in-person sessions. Many online training programs focus on bodyweight exercises. You are able to track your progress through your online portal. After you decide to hire a personal trainer,...
What are the current legal limitations of a personal trainer?

What are the current legal limitations of a personal trainer?

Get the Basics... You should always have a proper physical with your physician before starting an exercise program. Your personal trainer is not qualified to give medical advice. Personal trainers can neither order nor perform diagnostic medical testing. When you...
I Want a Personal Trainer Online

What equipment do personal trainers need?

Get the Basics... Some personal trainers swear by bodyweight exercises for achieving fitness goals. As an independent trainer, it’s important that you spend your money wisely. Flooring is one of the most important pieces of equipment you can buy. Personal...
The Blue Ocean Strategy in Action

The Blue Ocean Strategy in Action

Get the Basics... The Blue Ocean Strategy isn’t just for small businesses. Bestselling author James Patterson has used this technique! What market segment in the fitness industry is being ignored? Now think of ways your experise can service them. In our most...