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Will Health Insurance Cover a Personal Trainer?

Will Health Insurance Cover a Personal Trainer?

Get the Basics... Health insurance benefits vary by company and policy, but typically, to have sessions covered, you’ll need to prove that a personal trainer is medically necessary. Some insurance companies will provide reimbursement for personal training...
Will Health Insurance Cover a Personal Trainer?

Do Personal Trainers Get Health Insurance?

Get the Basics... Some personal trainers get health insurance through their employers, while some do not. Whether or not you get health insurance from your gym likely depends on whether you work full-time, part-time, are an employee, or an independent contractor. If...
What are the benefits of having a personal trainer?

What are the benefits of having a personal trainer?

Get the Basics... Working out with a personal trainer delivers better results than when clients work out on their own. Personal trainers also help keep injury risks low. Personal trainers provide knowledge and insights clients find valuable. Seeing a business card or...
What does a master personal trainer mean?

What does a master personal trainer mean?

Get the Basics... A master trainer has extensive knowledge and experience in various specializations. Most master trainers are equipped to create meal plans and personalized fitness plans. You need to consider your specific needs and goals before hiring a personal...
What are the current legal limitations of a personal trainer?

What are the current legal limitations of a personal trainer?

Get the Basics... You should always have a proper physical with your physician before starting an exercise program. Your personal trainer is not qualified to give medical advice. Personal trainers can neither order nor perform diagnostic medical testing. When you...
What can a personal trainer claim on taxes?

What can a personal trainer claim on taxes?

Get the Basics... As an independent personal trainer, you are responsible for filing your taxes. It’s a good idea to keep your business and personal expenses separate. Keep a hard copy of all receipts in a safe place. Being your own boss is liberating. You set...