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12 Signs of Unhealthy Work-Life Balance

12 Signs of Unhealthy Work-Life Balance

Get the Basics... Work-life balance is something you prioritize. Why not try out a journal to keep yourself accountable? Exercise is critical for any holistic work-life balance Work-life balance is like the search for El Dorado. We love to talk about it, research it,...
How to Receive Criticism

How to Receive Criticism

Get the Basics... Prepare for criticism so you can receive it well. Instead of reacting defensively to criticism, ask for time to process what you’ve heard. Don’t interpret a mistake as a failure. Last time we discussed how to best give criticism. Now...
How to Receive Criticism

5 Holistic Health Goals for the New Year

Get the Basics... This blog post offers ideas and insight on how to address your health more holistically during the new year. Health is about more than being physically fit; it’s about our entire well-being. Our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical selves...
9 Tips for Staying Healthy on a Road Trip

9 Tips for Staying Healthy on a Road Trip

Get the Basics... When you’re away from home and your usual routine, you can still find ways to stay healthy on a road trip. There is no excuse to avoid working out; it’s just a matter of priorities. Pre-plan any meals you’ll eat out by ensuring...
10 Office-Friendly Workouts for Your Lunch Break

10 Office-Friendly Workouts for Your Lunch Break

Get the Basics... If you have a desk job, there are several benefits to using spare time to work out. An active body means a sharper mind, which means better productivity in the workplace. Work your whole body at the office with ten exercises that require little to no...